Author Topic: Disarming Amid an Arms Race  (Read 157 times)

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Disarming Amid an Arms Race
« on: March 06, 2021, 12:26:52 pm »

Disarming Amid an Arms Race
By Mike Turner & Tim Morrison
March 03, 2021

In a recent issue of the U.S. Naval Institute’s Proceedings, our military's senior commander for nuclear forces, U.S. Navy Admiral Charles "Chas" Richards, wrote, "[m]ore than a decade ago, Russia began aggressively modernizing its nuclear forces … Russia is building new and novel systems, such as hypersonic glide vehicles, nuclear-armed and nuclear-powered torpedoes and cruise missiles, and other capabilities." China, too is in the midst of a significant nuclear build-up behind what has been called a "Great Wall of Secrecy." And yet, some argue that the U.S. should abandon the bipartisan Obama-Trump consensus to modernize the nuclear deterrent that protects the American people and over 30 allies.

Russia is in the midst of a massive nuclear modernization program; for the first time since the end of the Cold War, it is growing its stockpile, and the bulk of this growth is in so-called “non-strategic” or “unconstrained” nuclear weapons of the type the not included by the Obama Administration in the New START treaty.