Author Topic: Navy Will Make All Sailors Reaffirm Oath to the Constitution in Extremism Stand-Down  (Read 1423 times)

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Navy Will Make All Sailors Reaffirm Oath to the Constitution in Extremism Stand-Down
22 Feb 2021 | By Gina Harkins

When the Navy holds its daylong stand-downs to address the extremist ideologies that leaders say have infiltrated the military ranks, sailors across the fleet will be required to reaffirm the oath they took to the U.S. Constitution.

All Navy personnel -- uniformed and civilian -- will have to repeat the oath of enlistment or office and discuss what actions betray that promise during the virtual or in-person learning sessions that must be held by April 6. The stand-downs will focus on the "damaging effects of extremism" and how to eliminate it, Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell wrote in a service-wide message.

"As public servants, we took an oath to the Constitution and we will not tolerate those who participate in actions that go against the fundamental principles of the oath we share, particularly actions associated with extremist or dissident ideologies," Nowell wrote.


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It seems the congress and judiciary need it more! :castro:

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Adherence to the Constitution I know of makes you an ‘extremist’ these days.

Offline sneakypete

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Navy Will Make All Sailors Reaffirm Oath to the Constitution in Extremism Stand-Down
22 Feb 2021 | By Gina Harkins

When the Navy holds its daylong stand-downs to address the extremist ideologies that leaders say have infiltrated the military ranks, sailors across the fleet will be required to reaffirm the oath they took to the U.S. Constitution.

All Navy personnel -- uniformed and civilian -- will have to repeat the oath of enlistment or office and discuss what actions betray that promise during the virtual or in-person learning sessions that must be held by April 6. The stand-downs will focus on the "damaging effects of extremism" and how to eliminate it, Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell wrote in a service-wide message.

"As public servants, we took an oath to the Constitution and we will not tolerate those who participate in actions that go against the fundamental principles of the oath we share, particularly actions associated with extremist or dissident ideologies," Nowell wrote.


Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell should be court-martialed and then shot for the GALL of calling ALL of the sailors in the US Navy liars and potential traitors.

It is a good thing I am not serving in the US Navy these days,or I would be in a HEAP of freaking trouble over this. I would flat out REFUSE to take the oath again,because taking it again would imply I had lied the first time,and had been lying every day since.

I have never played well with people who have called me a liar,regardless of who they are or the positions they held. You call me a liar to my face after I have taken an oath,and you are going to be wearing me,and let the cards fall where they may.

Hell,I am not even serving and haven't served since 1970,and I am STILL pissed about this. I took that oath when I enlisted,and I renewed it when I re-enlisted. As far as I know I have NEVER been released from that oath,so yeah,I'm pissed even though he is not talking to ME directly.

I sure do wish he would get within grabbing distance and question my loyalty to my face. I may be old,but I bet I could teach that SOB a few lessons about loyalty,and about how it runs from top to bottom as well as from bottom to top.

Someone OBVIOUSLY needs to teach that careerist SOB that VERY valuable lesson. IF HE had been true to HIS oath,he would have refused to accept that brain fart of an order,that OBVIOUSLY came from some Dim shithead that has never served,and told them WHY he was refusing it. It push came to shove,he could always put in his retirement papers,and retire with honor. As it is,he is puke in a public restroom floor now,NOT an honorable man.

I  am guessing I am not the only one taking this personally,either. I can only imagine the rage in the NCO and  junior officers clubs.

Probably not in the senior officers clubs,though. The only ones left on active duty by now are the ones comfortable bending over and grabbing their ankles for their Dim masters,and probably carry lube with them everywhere they go. If it is ANYBODY that should be required to resign it is the senior officers that go along with this crap without public protest. Their loyalty is obviously only to themselves and their careers,not the military or the nation.

Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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Adherence to the Constitution I know of makes you an ‘extremist’ these days.


Of course it is. It marks you as an enemy of World Wide Government,Inc.

We iz da wurld......

We iz da peep-pulls.......
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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It seems the congress and judiciary need it more! :castro:


And they should be hooked to a lie detector that sends lethal doses of electricity to the wearer if he or she lies.

The sheer GALL of people who lie for a freaking living demanding someone ELSE be forced to take lie detector tests to continue serving?

How about political candidates being required to take lie detector tests after each speech and before each election?
« Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 05:16:27 pm by sneakypete »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline 240B

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we will not tolerate ... extremist or dissident ideologies

Very very very dangerous stuff. Every dictatorial totalitarian State currently and historically has said this exact quote.
Obviously, 'dissident ideologies' is directly referring to Trump and indirectly to being a Republican/Libertarian in general.
This is going to destroy the already struggling American Military. All branches are going see a mass exodus of their best people.
This will/must result in unnecessary casualties, as the most competent and committed exit and the less competent/experienced take over.
The American Military is evolving into a Leftist Political Party instead of a 'fighting force'.
This is simply an oath not to "the Constitution" (which Leftists hate) rather to Government Control and the Democrat Party.
This cannot end well. The American Military is going to disintegrate.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Offline mikezpen

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The powers-that-be better get rid of that oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC because they mite live to regret it.

Offline Sled Dog

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Voting Democrat violates the Oath of Enlistment.    That's aiding domestic enemies.
The GOP is not the party leadership.  The GOP is the party MEMBERSHIP.   The members need to kick the leaders out if they leaders are going the wrong way.  No coddling allowed.

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"All Navy personnel -- uniformed and civilian -- will have to repeat the oath of enlistment or office and discuss what actions betray that promise during the virtual or in-person learning sessions that must be held by April 6."

"Discuss what actions betray that promise"... reeks of forced self-criticism and an invitation to "denounce" others.

This sounds like something out of Mao's Chinese communists. Heck, forget the "sounds like"... it is.

Yet I sense that this remains "only the beginning" as the communists who are now in control seek to completely politicize and remake the military...

Offline sneakypete

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"All Navy personnel -- uniformed and civilian -- will have to repeat the oath of enlistment or office and discuss what actions betray that promise during the virtual or in-person learning sessions that must be held by April 6."

"Discuss what actions betray that promise"... reeks of forced self-criticism and an invitation to "denounce" others.

This sounds like something out of Mao's Chinese communists. Heck, forget the "sounds like"... it is.

Yet I sense that this remains "only the beginning" as the communists who are now in control seek to completely politicize and remake the military...


And now that they are out of the closet/out of hiding about their fascist/communist beliefs,they are going to be pushing hard because they KNOW they only have 3 years to nail it down before the next Presidential election. They either seize total power prior to 2014,or they risk total political destruction. They know this because their plan to totally destroy Trump failed,he is gaining more supporters with each day that passes,and they understand the truism that states,"If you go after the King,you had better destroy him because if you don't,he WILL destroy you."

If Trump gets back into office,there will be no more "kissy-face" with his political foes. They are no longer pretending to be moderate in any respect,and they have outed themselves as the fascists/communists that they really are,and he WILL be going after them if he gets back in the WH.

Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline 240B

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The most serious part of all this is that the Communists are obviously 'purging' the military in preparation to use American Armed Forces against the American people. Otherwise, why is this suddenly necessary? What else could they be preparing them for?

The Hitler Oath (Führereid)
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.


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Everyone here should at least scan this document.  It is P.L. 87-297, passed by congress and approved by JFK. The ever "patriotic" JFK.  Basically it means we unilaterally give up our arms and military to a group like the United Nitwits.  It became law in 1961 and has been approved every new congress since,60 years.  That means republicans are not overly fond of freedom either. 9999hair out0000