Author Topic: Nuances in the Policy Debate: Real Meaning of Temporary Protected Status  (Read 72 times)

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Nuances in the Policy Debate: Real Meaning of Temporary Protected Status
By David North on February 18, 2021

Just as the Open Borders advocates have twisted the real meaning of "family reunification", they have done the same with the concept of Temporary Protected Status. TPS is a short-term legalization of an alien population, a status that is routinely renewed year after year by executive, not congressional, action.

In each case the modification of the meaning is seemingly minor, but is not; and in each case it is meant to produce an emotional tug on behalf of the aliens involved.

Let's take an article on the new administration's immigration policy that started on the front page of the February 18 print edition of the New York Times. It says, in part: "The activists are mobilizing on behalf of separate bills that would legalize ... immigrants granted temporary status after fleeing war and natural disasters."