Author Topic: US should seize on China’s big weaknesses to curb its global ambitions, Washington strategy report  (Read 142 times)

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US should seize on China’s big weaknesses to curb its global ambitions, Washington strategy report advises

    China’s geography and conflicts on different fronts can be used against it, forcing resources to be thinned, think tank reports to US and its allies
    Military analyst says a miscalculation overlooks Beijing’s willingness to negotiate, therefore limiting the number of disputes in its sphere

Topic | 
South China Sea
Liu Zhen in Beijing

Published: 6:00am, 6 Feb, 2021

Updated: 11:05pm, 6 Feb, 2021
The United States

and its allies should seize on China’s three main military weaknesses and divert the PLA to spread its resources to immediate land, near-sea and offshore disputes to stop it from going global, a US think tank suggested.
Given that strategic competition with China was set to continue and to be comprehensive, Washington and its foreign partners should force up the cost for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
of having overseas bases and deployment to put pressure on Beijing’s calculation, according to the Centre for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, a Washington-based think tank.