Author Topic: Watch: Trump Supporters Clash with Police, Attempt to Breach U.S. Capitol Building  (Read 51025 times)

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Online Bigun

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Find myself on the rare side of agreeing with Jazzhead on this one.... this was an shameful event.

My only drawback to this event is why the feds only shoot conservatives? There was hundreds of times lethal force should of been used to stop marxist mobs destroying federal buildings and tearing down statues. Just because the tide turned, suddenly it is ok to prevent anarchy.

And, with that, you and I part ways. Absolutely a clear case of murder as @jafo2010 said above.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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This is a first-person account from a conservative who ran an independent write-in campaign for governor in my state. I'll post in its entirety:
S Marshall Wilson
10h  ·
Restore the Republic
S. Marshall Wilson
Former Independent West Virginia State Legislator and Gubernatorial Candidate
January 7, 2021

On January 6, 2021, some of my friends and I left the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia to attend a rally in our national capital in support of free and fair elections and, specifically, of transparency and integrity of the election process. We drove to the Shady Grove Metro Station and found hundreds of Americans from across the nation who expressed similar intent and a half-dozen very gracious employees of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority who assisted with the purchase of trip cards and the operation of turnstiles then wished the visitors a nice day. We walked out to the platform and onto the waiting train.

 Upon arrival at Metro Center Station, we walked to the Washington Monument amongst hundreds of other visitors along police-lined streets. The police responded graciously as visitors thanked them for their service, and street vendors hawked “Trump” souvenirs. We arrived at the Washington Monument and walked through the crowd looking for friends we knew were onsite but failed to locate them. The people we inconvenienced as we made our way through the crowd packed between the monument and the stage merely stepped aside and allowed us to pass. We were directed by members of a mounted police unit to the nearest available restrooms and waited in a long line of friendly and respectful visitors until our turn came around.

After the President’s speech, we found a few of our friends then walked the length of the mall to the Capitol Building with the intent of standing outside to demonstrate to our elected employees inside the building that We, the People, were watching while they determined whether our Republic would, in fact, ensure the conduct of free and fair elections characterized by transparency and integrity or instead, further ensure the precipitous decline of our Republic and of the institutions established to safeguard our Liberties.

 Upon our arrival at the Capitol Building, we walked surrounded by hundreds of other visitors unimpeded onto the Capitol lawn and up to a point twenty yards from the reviewing stands.  From my perspective I saw a densely packed crowd filling the mall between the Capitol and the Washington Monument. We stood and talked with people from around the country who expressed concerns similar to ours. Some people prayed the “Lord’s Prayer;” others sang hymns; some sang the National Anthem; one man occasionally blew a shofar.

 In the towers in front of the stands, a handful of people yelled for the crowd to “pack it in.” They were, as far as I could tell, generally ignored by the crowd. Behind me, to my right, a man with a bullhorn repeatedly admonished, “Tip of the spear, move forward.” Then occasionally shouted, “Men forward. We don’t want the women tear gassed.” I noted that a few people seemed to follow his directives, but he was generally ignored by the crowd.

A teen girl stood atop the low wall in front of the Capitol and shouted vile epithets at those who ignored her repeated demands that we push forward. During this time, a few protestors climbed into the stands and were pursued by police. Occasionally, we encountered a whiff of tear gas of which I was unable to identify the source. Ultimately, the police ceded both the stands and the upper face of the Capitol Building to the protestors and merely kept an eye on them as they hung banners and led chants.

 It was very difficult to connect to cell service, so, we were surprised to hear that some protestors had entered the Capitol Building and that the session we had come to observe had been halted to ensure the security of the Congressmembers and staff inside. At this point, much of the crowd near us outside the Capitol expressed their disappointment and began to disperse.

 Some of my friends walked back to the Metro and headed home. Most of the remaining people in our immediate area expressed their assumptions that the violent protestors inside the Capitol as well as those outside who attempted to agitate the crowd were, as one lady stated it, “not our people.”

The general consensus seemed to be that the agitators were bad actors from Antifa intent on inciting others into destructive acts. I heard from a friend at home that a sixteen-year-old girl had been shot inside the Capitol. (Later that night after we had returned home, I discovered that Ashli Babbitt was an adult.)

 A family with a boy and a girl aged approximately twelve and ten pushed through the crowd ahead, approached us, and knelt to our right where their parents repeatedly poured bottled water into their children’s eyes all while apparently suffering the effects of tear gas themselves. The parents seemed to be taking appropriate measures and rejected help from others; so, I merely watched for the opportunity to assist. When it seemed that they were recovering, I took a couple of pictures with my cell phone. After the family had moved on, a tear gas cannister landed about fifty feet to our front, and a stiff breeze blew most of the cloud away to our right.

 We received emergency alerts on our cell phones that Mayor Bowser had established a curfew beginning at 6:00 PM. Later, we received another which stated that the DC National Guard had been mobilized. My friends and I left the Capitol grounds and headed toward the Metro along with the majority of the people surrounding us.

 Since returning home the night of January 6, I have intentionally avoided media accounts of the events at the US Capitol so I may provide my unadulterated observations. I have, however read and considered statements by various members of the West Virginia government and the West Virginia Congressional delegation. Based upon my personal observations from the event noted above and those statements as well as my education, experience as a state legislator, military officer, missionary and father, I offer the following considerations.

 The only valid reason for any government to exist is to uphold and defend the individual Natural Rights of each of its citizens. A government formed to accomplish this purpose, as was the government of the United States of America under the US Constitution, does so by maintaining the institutions that allow the citizens to freely exercise their Natural Rights. “Maintaining” an institution is a function of protecting that institution both from assault without as well as from corruption within. Protection against internal corruption without protection from external assault leaves good intentions scattered amongst the rubble of an ineffectual agency. Protection against external assault with no protection from internal corruption results in oppression. This oppression is born of the hubris of the elected employees hired by the citizens specifically for the purpose of upholding their individual Natural Rights as stated in the Oath of Office that each of the employees swears to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;” and to “bear true faith and allegiance to the same…” Because as James Madison stated, "(a)ll power is originally vested in, and consequently derived from, the people,” when our elected employees, whose sole sworn duty is to uphold and defend our Natural Rights, instead employ the power they derive from us to deprive us of those Rights, they corrupt their purpose and deny their responsibility thereby abdicating their authority and the protection afforded them as servants of the institutions that serve us all.

Any elected employee whether serving in local, state, or national government who demands the protection of corrupt institutions while making no demands to re-form the government to serve the purpose for which We, the People, originally formed it – to uphold and defend our individual Natural Rights – clearly demonstrates a commitment to continue to employ the powers of our institutions to deprive citizens of their Rights while denying citizens the opportunity to hold their employees and institutions accountable. The violence and destruction that we witnessed yesterday is, of course, the responsibility of those who executed those deeds, and some people will always be willing to commit such actions. On January 6, however, we witnessed average members of our communities join those radicals and divert from a lifelong course of running businesses, paying taxes, and building communities to attack the institution formed to serve them.

 We have not been brought to the verge of this tipping point by the rants of a demagogue, nor by radicals who infiltrated the vast crowd of Americans who stood outside the Capitol hoping their elected employees would take profound action to restore their lost faith in our institutions. We are here because our employees have failed us and they have corrupted, dismantled, and broken the institutions we hired them to maintain, the institutions which were constructed to safeguard our Liberties, and they have used them to deprive us of those self-same Liberties.
Before us are three potential courses of action. Either our elected employees humbly submit to the Constitution and to the principles upon which it is founded; or, most likely, the damage done to our institutions coupled with the oppression resulting from that damage will provoke an American reiteration of the French Revolution with its attendant Terror; or perhaps, the People will remember the words that founded America:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
It is my sincere and profound hope that we may pursue the first course of action and remedy our ills by re-forming our institutions and so restore the Republic. It is my awful and abiding fear that we will pursue the second course of action and not only destroy utterly our free and noble nation but also defile the memory of it until the word “America” will elicit a curse and a sneer.

Because the statements of my elected employees clearly demand severe punishment for those who assaulted the physical integrity of our institutions from without with no word for those who have perpetrated unmitigated, perpetual assaults on the moral integrity of those same institutions from within, I assume that my elected employees will continue to pursue the path of destruction, and my darkest fears will be realized. It could be that the time for “a new birth of Freedom” has arrived and that there might be a new dawn for America after the coming night, but I have no evidence to support that supposition.
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Online Bigun

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Fun fact from Washington D.C. The mayor of our country's largest cesspool was asked numerous times before Wednesday's rally to provide police support to the Capitol Police. SHE REFUSED EVERY REQUEST.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Online catfish1957

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Fun fact from Washington D.C. The mayor of our country's largest cesspool was asked numerous times before Wednesday's rally to provide police support to the Capitol Police. SHE REFUSED EVERY REQUEST.

Bitch couldn't hide her agenda.  Probability of getting outrage in this MSM brainwashed environment?  Zero.
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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Bitch couldn't hide her agenda.  Probability of getting outrage in this MSM brainwashed environment?  Zero.
Mo Brooks was quoted as saying he was warned days in advance Antifa would be in the area. Yet Bowowzer added no security.

By the way, I've seen video of DC cops locking Trump supporters inside hotels, presumably to enforce the curfew. Not sure how constitutional that is.

Those able to process facts and exercise critical thinking have a clear picture of what happened Wednesday, as well as on 11/3.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 03:37:06 pm by skeeter »

Offline mountaineer

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The governor of Maryland is claiming no one in the federal government responded to him when he offered the National Guard.
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Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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This is a first-person account from a conservative who ran an independent write-in campaign for governor in my state. I'll post in its entirety:It is my sincere and profound hope that we may pursue the first course of action and remedy our ills by re-forming our institutions and so restore the Republic. It is my awful and abiding fear that we will pursue the second course of action and not only destroy utterly our free and noble nation but also defile the memory of it until the word “America” will elicit a curse and a sneer.

Because the statements of my elected employees clearly demand severe punishment for those who assaulted the physical integrity of our institutions from without with no word for those who have perpetrated unmitigated, perpetual assaults on the moral integrity of those same institutions from within, I assume that my elected employees will continue to pursue the path of destruction, and my darkest fears will be realized. It could be that the time for “a new birth of Freedom” has arrived and that there might be a new dawn for America after the coming night, but I have no evidence to support that supposition.

He said it was difficult to connect to cell service... probably too many people. That is an excellent use case for 2 way radios.

Online Cyber Liberty

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No, it definitely does not.
POTUS has condemned that corrosive rabble, that demonstrative detritus that defiled our great Capitol Building.

POTUS used some of his best words in doing so.

I forgot this:  :sarc:
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Find myself on the rare side of agreeing with Jazzhead on this one.... this was an shameful event.

My only drawback to this event is why the feds only shoot conservatives? There was hundreds of times lethal force should of been used to stop marxist mobs destroying federal buildings and tearing down statues. Just because the tide turned, suddenly it is ok to prevent anarchy.


Ashli Babbitt (SAY HER NAME) wasn't breaking or destroying anything.  She was standing on the same side of the door with several armed police officers in uniform - none of whom had weapons drawn ready to shoot.  On the other side of that door, off to the side and out of view of the opening stood a plain-clothes police officer (allegedly) with weapon already drawn and ready to shoot.  Babbitt, not seeing this alleged officer and with no sign or warning of any lethal threat decided to attempt entry through that opening.  As her head and shoulders crossed the plain, the alleged officer took a step closer, raised his weapon higher, and shot directly at her head.  The bullet hit her neck, and she fell right where she was never having passed through the opening.  The officer then stepped back with weapon still drawn waiting for the next target.

Babbitt had no warning or indication of any danger.  There were people standing beyond in the distance further down the hallway - none of whom gave any indication of distress.

This was murder.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

Online catfish1957

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This was murder.

Here are the facts at +48 hours....

1. We still do not know the name of the cop who killed Ashli Babbit
2. Another cop has mysteriously died, though there is no photographic,  film evidence, twitter traffic, or police band chatter  of the event.  His name was easily shared, and within the past 3 hours a federal investigation announced to look at the event.
3. Investigation of Ashli's killing? (crickets).  Even mention in the media of her murder?  (crickets again)
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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1+1 still makes 2 you blind and clueless.  The Police ushered and escorted the antifi in and the crowds as well.  In a political psy-op, you don't want a lot of cops messing it up, but you do want a lot of cameras to record the show you are putting on.  The democrats and news already had the responses ready to go,and maximized to political advantages they could get out of this.  The democrats are not done milking this crisis yet, nor the Chinese flu, and may not for quite some time.
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Watch The Capitol Police Open The Doors And Invite Protesters In
January 8, 2021 By Tristan Justice

Capitol police appeared to let a mass of Trump demonstrators right into the Capitol building at one entry point Wednesday after the crowd breached the perimeter surrounding the complex.  ...
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Because that's bullshit:
No way the two events are equivalent. From your link:
Four officers fired more than 30 rounds at an anti-fascist activist who had been on the run after being named in the killing of a man during a pro-Trump rally in Portland, Oregon, an official said on Tuesday.

Law enforcement officials killed Michael Reinoehl on 3 September after they cornered him in his car outside an apartment complex in Lacey, Washington. Reinoehl was the suspect in the fatal shooting of Aaron “Jay” Danielson, who was killed at a pro-Trump car caravan in Portland on 29 August.

If they 'cornered' him, and this is the guy who was suspected of bushwhacking someone, they had a 'suspect considered armed and dangerous' and acted on that information.

No one at the Capitol was supposed to be armed, per DC Laws, unless they were police or Federal Agents. Ashli Babbit was gunned down for the crime of being there.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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  • I was a "conspiracy theorist". Now I'm just right.
...  The Police ushered and escorted the antifi in and the crowds as well.  In a political psy-op, you don't want a lot of cops messing it up, but you do want a lot of cameras to record the show you are putting on.  The democrats and news already had the responses ready to go,and maximized to political advantages they could get out of this.  The democrats are not done milking this crisis yet, nor the Chinese flu, and may not for quite some time.
Yep. Already pushing for Gun Control, and the only one shooting was a cop.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Yep. Already pushing for Gun Control, and the only one shooting was a cop.
Yknow speaking only for myself I’m not really gonna be in the mood to listen to the caterwauling and teeth gnashing the next time some arrest-resisting denizen of the inner city gets gunned down by the cops. Clearly all lives do not matter equally to everyone.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 08:37:32 pm by skeeter »

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@Cyber Liberty

Would you please "pin' this thread?    :laugh:
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 Rosanne Boyland, woman killed in DC riots, was trampled by crowd

By Lia Eustachewich

January 8, 2021 | 11:17am

One of the five people killed in the DC riots was a pro-Trump protester who was trampled to death, according to her friend.

Rosanne Boyland, of Kennesaw, Ga., died as the mob stormed the Capitol building, squaring off with police Wednesday.

The friend she was with, Justin Winchell, recalled her final moments as protesters began falling over one another.

“I put my arm underneath her and was pulling her out and then another guy fell on top of her, and another guy was just walking [on top of her],” Winchell told CBS46. “There were people stacked two, three deep … people just crushed.”

He said the clash “basically created a panic, and the police in turn push[ed] back on them, so people started falling.”

Paramedics tried to revive Boyland, 34, but she died.

“I lost a dear, dear friend, an amazing friend,” said Winchell, who drove with Boyland to DC to hear the president speak.

Winchell said he didn’t believe President Trump bore responsibility for his pal’s death.

“She was killed by an incited event and it was not incited by Trump supporters,” he said.

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Horrible scenes   :crying: So much for blue lives matter. I’m glad the vast majority of republicans have condemned this behaviour.

Minute 20 in that video is disgusting, hope they all get 20+ years in jail. Trump even condemns what those traitors  did. Hope they start to crack down on all such violence, especially BLM as well.

We shouldn’t be hypocrites in these situations and conservatives still need to be the people of law and order.

It’s sad a few people on here seem to have abandoned  that notion as well.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 09:32:58 pm by Stevensr123 »

Online catfish1957

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Horrible scenes   :crying: So much for blue lives matter. I’m glad the vast majority of republicans have condemned this behaviour.

Minute 20 in that video is disgusting, hope they all get 20+ years in jail. Trump even condemns what those traitors  did. Hope they start to crack down on all such violence, especially BLM as well.

We shouldn’t be hypocrites in these situations and conservatives still need to be the people of law and order.

It’s sad a few people on here seem to have abandoned  that notion as well.

Example of the .00000001% of most radical of Politcal Right ruining it for the other 99.9999999% who support conservatism.
If these f'ers would have stopped at the steps, the whole thing would have been a statement....   not a disaster.
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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Example of the .00000001% of most radical of Politcal Right ruining it for the other 99.9999999% who support conservatism.
If these f'ers would have stopped at the steps, the whole thing would have been a statement....   not a disaster.
Yep! And people who are defending it are just making the conservative movement look worse. They are like the MSM and the left defending the BLM rioters, two sides of the same coin really. What happened did for more damage to the republicans and conservatives than any democrat could have done.

Frustrates me, because If the trump team just went about business in a professional manner, even if he lost the law suits, he could have still ran in 2024.

This I feel has screwed that possibility. A complete own goal and all it’s hurt is the majority of hard working, law abiding supporters of trump and the republicans.

I blame trump partially for this, but I think he has surrounded himself with idiots like giuliani who has been giving him bad advice. Telling Trump that pence can actually overturn an election.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 09:49:53 pm by Stevensr123 »

Online catfish1957

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Yep! And people who are defending it are just making the conservative movement look worse. They are like the MSM and the left defending the BLM rioters, two sides of the same coin really. What happened did for more damage to the republicans and conservatives than any democrat could have done.

Frustrates me, because If the trump team just went about business in a professional manner, even if he lost the law suits, he could have still ran in 2024.

This I feel has screwed that possibility. A complete own goal for the tiny minority of hard working, law abiding supporters of trump and the republicans.

There is dissension here around Trump's future, but  I think probably 75% of Briefers think this is the end of DJT's  political endeavors, and I am in that likely majority.

OTOH, Limp Wick GOP congresscritters are not our future.  There has to be a new voice who can sucessfully merge the elements of conservatism and nationalism.  Many elements of MAGA were magnificent. (minus the deficit spending)   It just seems that the messenger was flawed.  Our biggest challenge is that the schism between the 2 may be too much to overcome.  The next few years will tell.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 09:55:17 pm by catfish1957 »
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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Yep! And people who are defending it are just making the conservative movement look worse. They are like the MSM and the left defending the BLM rioters, two sides of the same coin really. What happened did for more damage to the republicans and conservatives than any democrat could have done.

Frustrates me, because If the trump team just went about business in a professional manner, even if he lost the law suits, he could have still ran in 2024.

This I feel has screwed that possibility. A complete own goal and all it’s hurt is the majority of hard working, law abiding supporters of trump and the republicans.

I blame trump partially for this, but I think he has surrounded himself with idiots like giuliani who has been giving him bad advice. Telling Trump that pence can actually overturn an election.

While I completely understand the idea, exercising our first amendment rights of assembly and redress of grievance & all (what other recourse did we have?), in hindsight a rally in DC at this time wasn't a good idea.

The left has robbed half the country of its voice, people are pissed and trouble to some degree was inevitable. Trump should have known that.

But blaming Trump or Giuliani or anyone else for the violence he did not call for is just unfair and plays right into the ruling elite's hand.

Ultimately it is the totalitarian left and their enablers in the GOP who have brought this state of affairs down upon us. You cannot rob half of the nation of its birthright as a free people and expect them to quietly acquiesce. Eventually there will be MORE violence. Further, you shouldn't expect the rat media to characterize such violence fairly.

And I hope everyone eventually can see where the blame truly does lie. It was not Trump who blew up the republic.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 10:03:05 pm by skeeter »

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Example of the .00000001% of most radical of Politcal Right ruining it for the other 99.9999999% who support conservatism.
If these f'ers would have stopped at the steps, the whole thing would have been a statement....   not a disaster.

That's the truth @catfish1957 . If this had stopped at the steps it would have been a beautiful and powerful statement. As it is...

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There is dissension here around Trump's future, but  I think probably 75% of Briefers think this is the end of DJT's  political endeavors, and I am in that likely majority.

OTOH, Limp Wick GOP congresscritters are not our future.  There has to be a new voice who can sucessfully merge the elements of conservatism and nationalism.  Many elements of MAGA were magnificent. (minus the deficit spending)   It just seems that the messenger was flawed.  Our biggest challenge is that the schism between the 2 may be too much to overcome.  The next few years will tell.

I am one that believe that Trump will leave office and be glad to be rid of the headaches. What the left doesn't understand is this Trump movement wasn't truly something new, but rather he was able to connect with the people and how they felt about this country; patriotism, the border wall, illegal immigration, gun rights, etc., etc.  That's not going to change.   

The left is NEVER going to allow anyone or any party to override them at the ballot box.  They've got that under control.

Therefore, We the People need to override them period.  Peacefully.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline Stevensr123

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While I completely understand the idea, exercising our first amendment rights of assembly and redress of grievance & all (what other recourse did we have?), in hindsight a rally in DC at this time wasn't a good idea.

The left has robbed half the country of its voice, people are pissed and trouble to some degree was inevitable. Trump should have known that.

But blaming Trump for the violence he did not call for is just unfair and plays right into the ruling elite's hand.

Ultimately it is the totalitarian left who has brought this state of affairs down upon us. You cannot rob half of the nation of its birthright as a free people and expect them to quietly acquiesce. Eventually there will be MORE violence. Further, you shouldn't expect the rat media to characterize such violence fairly.

And I hope everyone eventually can see where the blame truly does lie.
I think politicians on both sides and also the MSM on both sides have created this situation.

Language matters, and for the past 20 years both sides of the elite have used language and actions to create divisions with normal every day Americans.

There was a time when you could disagree with policy and it wouldn’t be such a hateful way of disagreement, that has sadly all but gone. They have stroked the flames of hatred to get themselves into power.

It tipped over with obama and it’s become worse with trump. The question is, is it too late to reign that back in?

Doesn’t help that the majority of the western world whored itself out to the CCP and now there is a lack of well paying, manufacturing jobs for the every day person.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 10:05:30 pm by Stevensr123 »