Author Topic: Immigration Politics Went Away During COVID-19. It's Coming Back.  (Read 258 times)

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Immigration Politics Went Away During COVID-19. It's Coming Back.
Josh Hammer
Posted: Dec 18, 2020 12:01 AM
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Immigration Politics Went Away During COVID-19. It's Coming Back.

Donald Trump famously sought the presidency in 2016 on a platform that elevated the immigration issue to the singular political forefront. He was right to do so. There is a very strong case that immigration, both legal and illegal, represents the indispensable issue facing the United States. No other political issue so broadly affects virtually every other -- whether it is economics, national security, foreign policy, culture and religion, crime and law and order, or congressional apportionment -- as that most foundational issue of any legitimate self-governing politics: who we quite literally are, as a polity and a citizenry.

For the first three years of his presidency, Trump attempted intermittently to implement the broad contours of his immigration agenda. While he wasted precious political capital on other legislative pursuits, such as a milquetoast tax cut and a misbegotten jailbreak initiative, Trump galvanized executive branch authority to slowly build the border wall, reform visa abuses, rescind President Barack Obama's unconstitutional Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals amnesty, end the destructive Obama-era illegal immigration magnet of interior "catch and release," and more generally seek a robust enforcement of extant immigration law.