Author Topic: Sick Joke: NY Times Hails Communist Angela Davis as Criminal Justice Reformer  (Read 66 times)

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Sick Joke: NY Times Hails Communist Angela Davis as Criminal Justice Reformer
Clay Waters
October 25th, 2020 10:42 PM

Every year or so the New York Times offers a nauseatingly hagiographic profile of communist Angela Davis. This time it appeared in the paper’s Sunday insert T Magazine, as part of “The Greats” issue, and was blurbed on the front of the paper's website.

Contributor Nelson George opened his long profile with a history of a Brooklyn mural featuring Davis, the Communist Party’s nominee for U.S. vice president in 1980 and 1984, and a polite, blandished history of Davis’s history of violent radicalism and Communist Party activism. The Times went so far as to commission a series of cultish iconic paintings of Davis for the issue.

    ….She had recently become close to a trio of Black inmates nicknamed the Soledad Brothers (after the California prison in which they were held) who had been charged with the murder of a white prison guard in January 1970. One, George Jackson, was an activist and writer whom Davis befriended upon joining a committee challenging the charges. In August 1970 -- after Jackson’s younger brother, Jonathan, used firearms registered to Davis in a takeover of a Marin County courthouse that left four people dead -- Davis immediately came under suspicion. In the aftermath of that bloody event, she was charged with three capital offenses, including murder.