Author Topic: Surprising Fox News voices tell Tucker it may cause too much unrest if Trump replaces RBG: ‘We’re be  (Read 970 times)

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Offline DCPatriot

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I wonder if it would make sense to put forth a nominee,  but offer not to ask the Senate to confirm until after the election if Biden puts up a nominee too.    The trick may be get each to put up a nominee so folks can make a fair choice..   If Trump sticks his neck out and nominates someone,  the whole focus of the rest of the campaign becomes trashing that name.   Meanwhile the Dems sail because they offer just a  nameless alternative,  that everyone can project their wishes on.   

Get both Biden and Trump to name names,  I say.    Might be useful to know.

If we were all characters in The Walking, my friend @Jazzhead , now have a gaping wound on your neck.

And, you 'd better show us the pane of glass you jumped through, otherwise you'd know...the Thing.    :laugh:
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Online libertybele

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I wonder if it would make sense to put forth a nominee,  but offer not to ask the Senate to confirm until after the election if Biden puts up a nominee too.    The trick may be get each to put up a nominee so folks can make a fair choice..   If Trump sticks his neck out and nominates someone,  the whole focus of the rest of the campaign becomes trashing that name.   Meanwhile the Dems sail because they offer just a  nameless alternative,  that everyone can project their wishes on.   

Get both Biden and Trump to name names,  I say.    Might be useful to know.

That doesn't make a whole lot of sense as Biden is not President, Trump is and he has every right and in fact absolutely should put forth a nomination.  We need a conservative justice to replace Ginsburg, NOW!
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Online Fishrrman

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Victor wrote:
"I say put the nominee out there and hold senate hearings.  Let the Democrats do what they do best: impugn character, cry like stuck pigs, delay and distract, etc.  If the evil party wins back the presidency and senate after that, then the American people will have the government they deserve."

I agree.
Posted elsewhere, but I'll repeat:
If Mr. Trump picks Amy Coney Barrett, she is already "vetted" by the Senate as recently as 2017. It should be quick to update her over the past three years.

In view of that, Mr. McConnell ought to schedule her in for 2-3 days of hearings by the second week of October. Keep the question-and-answer periods SHORT. NO DELAYS for ANY reason.

Then, schedule the vote for the last week of October.
Pointedly, BEFORE the election.

This should put MAXIMUM PRESSURE on Susan Collins to change her mind. If she doesn't vote for Barrett, she'll likely go down in her re-election bid. If she votes for Barrett, she might have a chance to pull it off (she crept up from being 10pts behind her challenger to just 5pts in the last week or so).

The most important thing is for the Republicans -- and for us -- to IGNORE the democrat-communists and the ComInform media as they scream and try to create fake allegations against the nominee.

Just "close your ears" to the leftist/media howls and screams, and press onward.

Hopefully, Mr. McConnell understands this and will hold his people's feet to the fire. Winning this one will become the crowning event of his Senate career.

Again -- IGNORE the leftists/communists, and press on...!