Author Topic: Rush: Ohio Governor DeWine Pushes Back Against Hydroxychloroquine Ban  (Read 401 times)

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Ohio Governor DeWine Pushes Back Against Hydroxychloroquine Ban

Jul 30, 2020

RUSH: Well, now, look at this, folks. Somebody is getting some pushback out there. Somebody got some pushback out there, and this is kind of a — I don’t know — kind of a big deal. I’ll share the details here just a second.

Rush Limbaugh and the EIB Network. Great to have you with us for yet another three-hour excursion into broadcast excellence. Our telephone number is 800-282-2882, and the email address,

Here it is. And I had it in two stages. When I first got it I wasn’t quite sure, you know, it could have been anecdotal email to me. And I had to be able to verify this and back it up. And I’ve since been able to do that. “Ohio Governor Mike DeWine just announced that he is reversing the decision to block hydroxychloroquine prescriptions for treatment of COVID-19 in Ohio.”

You know what this means? It means that he is reversing his ban and now it can be prescribed. The health department banned it, and he is reversing the ban in Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine. This is pushback. I mean, this is the kind of thing that we haven’t been seeing, and here it is. So good for Governor DeWine. He just announced that he is reversing the decision to block hydroxychloroquine prescriptions for treatment of COVID-19 in Ohio.

Here are his tweets. “I agree with the statement from Dr. Steven Hahn, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, that the decision about prescribing hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 should be between a doctor and a patient.” Hell, yes. It shouldn’t be between Twitter and whoever it is at Twitter is acting like the doctor.

By the way, you know, I made that point for two days. Well, I’m getting ahead of myself. Hang on. Here’s the second tweet from governor DeWine. “Therefore, I am asking the Ohio Board of Pharmacy to halt -” the RX board “– their new rule prohibiting the selling or dispensing of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.” It’s up to a doctor. It’s up to the patient. It ain’t up to us.

Now, as you recall, the last couple of days have been highly contentious because here we’ve had the doctors, led by Stella Immanuel, the Nigerian black immigrant female who the left is out there summarily trying to destroy, claiming she has yet to lose a patient, she has been prescribing hydroxychloroquine for a number of cases and causes, including COVID-19 as well as malaria, and she believes that it is a home run.

She believes that we could open the schools, you know the drill. We could open businesses. We could open the economy. We could do whatever because it’s highly effective if used with zinc or azithromycin or the Z-Pak and if it’s used at the right time. And of course everybody, the left came out and destroyed her, Trump retweeted, Donald Trump Jr. retweeted and Twitter took down their tweets and put them in Twitter prison. Leading me to ask a very important question.

So Twitter can ban and bury anybody who retweets something that Twitter thinks is medically wrong or incorrect. Well, who is it at Twitter that is the medical expert here? Who is it at Twitter and at Facebook who are the people at those two social media outlets who know better than a patient and his or her doctor? It’s a very relevant question because this is proving that all of this is politics. All of this is. It’s not about health. It’s not about medicine. It is about making sure that whatever hydroxychloroquine’s positive characteristics are, that nobody hears about them.

There are a lot of people scared to death of hydroxychloroquine, so scared that they are attempting to tell you you will die if you take it. If you have COVID-19 and you take hydroxychloroquine, if you take it as it is recommended to be taken, you will die. Well, there aren’t any supporting case histories that accompany that. Just the claim. Just the allegation. Just the charge.

But, folks, it is a really, really important question because who at Twitter can decide on the spot that Donald Trump Jr. or Donald Trump — they even took down a Madonna tweet. Do you believe this? Madonna tweeted positively about hydroxychloroquine, and they took her tweet down. So who is it? Who are the medical experts at Twitter who know this? There aren’t any medical experts at Twitter. That’s the whole point. It’s a rhetorical question.

So yesterday while feverishly preparing show prep — well, that’s redundant. While feverishly prepping the program for today, I came across a story at American Greatness by Adam Mill. And the headline: “If Social Media Wants to Play Doctor, They Should Prepare To Be Sued for Malpractice – Most people understand that the constitutional guarantee of free speech does not include falsely yelling ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater. A panicked mob can crush or trample weak and vulnerable people as the instinct to survive overtakes common decency. This maxim came to mind when Breitbart announced that Twitter and Facebook censored a press conference by actual doctors describing their life-saving lessons learned from treating actual COVID-19 patients.”

This is the Dr. Stella Immanuel press conference on the steps of the Supreme Court, and Twitter banned it. They censored it.

“Among the lessons discussed was the prophylactic use of a combination of hydroxychloroquine and other inexpensive therapies that seem to stop the dreaded disease from advancing to its deadly second phase. One doctor said she treated over 300 COVID-19 patients using the therapy. These patients included vulnerable patients with diabetes, heart conditions, and advanced age. She proudly announced she had not lost a single patient with the early intervention of this therapy. Additionally, COVID-19 failed to infect any member of her staff taking the therapy as a prophylactic measure. She warned that the misinformation about these therapies was causing people to die needlessly.” Well, of course this is Stella Immanuel.

“Another doctor spoke to the opening of schools. Young people, he said, are able to tolerate the virus very well. Opening schools poses little or no risk to children when compared to leaving them at home. Children are very unlikely to spread the disease to each other. And, astonishingly, a contract trace study revealed no example of a student infecting a teacher in the entire world.”

Did you know that, by the way? Astonishingly, a contract trace study involved no example of a student infecting a teacher in the entire world. So what Mr. Mill here is getting at, it’s my question, who the hell at Twitter is the medical expert that can contradict an entire gaggle of doctors wearing their official white lab coats on the steps of the Supreme Court, who is it?

“Social media censorship of medical opinions is far more dangerous than the usual censorship of conservative political opinion. By censoring doctors, they’re offering their own medical opinion to the public–that these cures won’t work–and suggesting that it’s ‘dangerous’ to let patients (or other doctors!) hear the advice.”

Censorship of doctors, censorship of medical news, censorship of medical opinion. That’s exactly what this was. But it wasn’t. It was political censorship. Twitter, I think they’ve been caught out. And we’re trying to alert as many people as possible to how this is happening. They censored a medical opinion of a bunch of doctors because they are censoring conservatism, and they figured that this was part of conservatism. Of course, anything that they disagree with is hate speech. Anything they think is hate speech, that’s how they’re able to censor it or suppress it.

Here’s another pull quote. “So not only is Twitter, which is not a medical provider,” by the way. If you contract any kind of disease, you don’t go to Twitter to go to the doctor. You don’t go to Twitter for a medical opinion. Some lunatics might, actually, to stop to think about it. But you shouldn’t. “So not only is Twitter, which is not a medical provider, claiming that these [real] doctors are wrong, Twitter is saying that patients following this advice could be at greater health risk.

“This is medical advice Twitter is offering to the general public.” It is medical advice they are censoring. It is medical advice they are denying the American people a right to see. “And if anyone dies as a result of this censorship, these social media giants will be responsible.” In other words, if Dr. Stella Immanuel and Dr. Risch from Yale (the epidemiologist) and all of the others who believe in hydroxychloroquine…

If Twitter succeeds in burying their medical opinion — and people die because a proper medical opinion was denied them because Twitter censored it — well, that’s big time responsibility. “Social media should not be restricting legitimate medical policy debate on its platforms. It should not be permitting fearmongering while censoring advice from licensed doctors who actually have some demonstrated experience and claim success in fighting the disease.”

Twitter is essentially accusing them of lying, accusing them of being wrong, accusing them of malpractice, because you’re not allowed to see what these particular doctors have to say. Twitter will not permit it. Twitter will censor them — and you, if you attempt to spread it. “A doctor who did this could be sued for malpractice. Why should [Twitter and Facebook] be immune from the same consequences?”

Damn right. Hell, yes. A profoundly important question. Yeah, Madonna was censored by big tech for a post touting pro-hydroxychloroquine doctors. This would be, of course, Dr. Stella Immanuel. I have never seen… I have never seen an African-American immigrant female doctor so mistreated by the American left. I’m sure there are… I mean, Condi Rice, before she got her mind right, she was called an Aunt Jemima and all kinds of stuff.

She was called a Stepin Fetchit for George W. Bush. She was accused of doing all kinds of horrible sexual stuff to get the job from George W. Bush by the American left. But Dr. Stella Immanuel (Immigrant. Checks that box. African-American. Checks that box. Nigerian! Checks that box. Female! Checks that box. Overweight! Checks that box) somehow is a persona non grata. “Yale epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci running ‘misinformation campaign’ against hydroxychloroquine.”

This is Dr. Harvey Risch who we have quoted earlier in the week. “[N]oted Yale epidemiologist has accused White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci of waging a ‘misinformation campaign’ against the drug hydroxychloroquine, claiming the medication has shown consistently encouraging results…”

By the way, speaking of Dr. Fauci, have you heard the latest? Dr. Fauci is now saying (summarized), “Wearing a mask isn’t enough. You gotta wear goggles! You gotta protect your eyes. This virus has an uncanny ability to get in there right through your retina, right through your pupils. You gotta wear goggles now.” I haven’t seen Dr. Fauci wearing goggles.


RUSH: We’ll start with Patricia in Weimar, Texas. Welcome. It’s great to have you here. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thanks for taking my opinion. I’m a retired RN, and when I was in nursing school, they taught us that we were not to diagnose or prescribe medicine or talk about medicine, because we could be charged with practicing medicine. That’s what Facebook is doing when they’re censoring doctors with years of experience. You know, to me, that’s practicing medicine, you know, both Twitter and Facebook —

RUSH: Yeah, they’re not only doing that. They’re causing the websites that host these doctors to drop them!

CALLER: Yes. Yes.

RUSH: But, no, you’re exactly right. An RN, for example, cannot tell a patient, “I think the doctor’s screwing up. I think what you need is this drug. The doctor’s got you on such and such.” That is expressly forbidden. A nurse is not permitted to even go there. A nurse cannot even answer questions about that. The doctor does the prescribing. The nurse does whatever the nurse duties are.

But Twitter is moving in and doing exactly that. They are giving medical advice by denying it, by suppressing it, and I’m still gonna keep asking the question: Who is the medical expert at Twitter? I’m telling you, there isn’t one. Because as far as Twitter’s concerned, it’s a political process they’re engaged in. Same thing at Facebook.


RUSH: Robert in Boulder, Colorado. It’s great to have you with us, sir. You’re next on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: (garbled cell) Hello, Rush. First-time caller. I’ve listened since before Dan’s Bake Sale back in 1988.

RUSH: Yeah, that was a great day, was it not?

CALLER: It was. I want to let you know we pray for you and Kathryn every day.

RUSH: I appreciate that, sir. We both do. Thank you so much.

CALLER: My point with respect to hydroxychloroquine was that it’s not about if people die; people are dying because of the media and Democrats’ prohibition of using this drug — and it’s not just them. It’s doctors and pharmacists and the organizations that we’ve been led to trust like the WHO, the CDC, the FDA.

They’ve all been in on this, and because of that, there’s a lot of people whose moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas have died this horrible death that was so unnecessary because of the prohibition on this drug. And it’s just like the doctors said, and I’ve been following this since about December.

And out of the 35 or 40 doctors that I follow that treat hundreds and thousands of patients in the United States, Spain, France, the average cure rate for starting at the first 48 hours is about 92%, with a death rate of 0.4% for all ages. That’s a lot of people that didn’t die, that didn’t have to go through this horrible process with the ventilators and —

RUSH: Yeah, but look… (sigh) I don’t know how… I’m not a doctor. I don’t know how you could make the case that if these people who have died had been given hydroxychloroquine, they might not have died. I don’t know how you make that case. That’s your point, if I heard you correct, that a number of people have died unnecessarily. (sigh) It may be true. But, man, that’s really hard to prove.

Take people who have passed away and then say, “If they had been given anything — hydroxychloroquine or whatever — that they would be alive today.” I don’t know how you make that case. No matter how many doctors you’re following and no matter how many doctors are claiming to be able to treat people successfully with this, that’s still a big leap to make because you’re dealing with dead patients.

You can’t go back and recreate the circumstances.
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