Author Topic: Where are the fact checkers? Rep. Jerry Nadler claims Antifa violence in Portland is a MYTH (VIDEO)  (Read 231 times)

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 Where are the fact checkers? Rep. Jerry Nadler claims Antifa violence in Portland is a MYTH (VIDEO)
27 Jul, 2020 13:04 
Congressman Jerry Nadler has been raked across the coals by social media after insisting that there is no protester-instigated violence in Portland. The lawmaker has spearheaded efforts to discredit federal police in the city.

The New York Democrat was approached by pundit and internet personality Austen Fletcher, who asked the House member if he “disavows the violence from Antifa happening in Portland right now.”

“That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, DC,” Nadler responded.

Clearly amused by the lawmaker’s answer, Fletched clarified: “About Antifa in Portland?”

“Yes,” the NY representative shot back as he walked away.