Author Topic: “Movement for Black Lives” will unite the country by holding virtual convention… for their own agend  (Read 449 times)

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“Movement for Black Lives” will unite the country by holding virtual convention… for their own agenda

Karen Townsend Posted at 11:01 am on July 2, 2020

A virtual convention is being organized for thousands of black activists in support of Black Lives Matter. The goal is to produce a list of demands for the new administration. The new political agenda will piggyback off of the mass protests following the death of George Floyd. The 2020 Black National Convention on August 28 will be held virtually with a live broadcast.

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The Electoral Justice Project of the Movement for Black Lives is in charge of organizing the virtual convention with a coalition of more than 150 organizations. This follows the 2016 “Vision for Black Lives” platform created to improve lives in Black America with a focus then on mass incarceration, among other policies.

    The convention is being organized by the Electoral Justice Project of the Movement for Black Lives, a coalition of more than 150 organizations. In 2016, the coalition released its “Vision for Black Lives” platform, which called for public divestment from mass incarceration and for adoption of policies that can improve conditions in Black America.

    “What this convention will do is create a Black liberation agenda that is not a duplication of the Vision for Black Lives, but really is rooted as a set of demands for progress,” said Jessica Byrd, who leads the Electoral Justice Project.

    At the end of the convention, participants will ratify a revised platform that will serve as a set of demands for the first 100 days of a new presidential administration, Byrd said. Participants also will have access to model state and local legislation.

    “What we have the opportunity to do now, as this 50-state rebellion has provided the conditions for change, is to say, ‘You need to take action right this minute,’” Byrd said. “We’re going to set the benchmarks for what we believe progress is and make those known locally and federally.”

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What is the over /under on the number of shootings and deaths?
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“Movement for Black Lives” will unite the country by holding virtual convention… for their own agenda

Here's the only movement that comes to mind thinking about this terrorist organization

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Offline Applewood

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"Black liberation"  What the H is that?  I thought black slaves were freed with the Emancipation Proclamation centuries ago.

Today, no one needs to be liberated because no one is enslaved by anyone -- unless they want to be.  There are opportunities for education and careers out there for everyone. 

But these people don't want education or careers.  They want what certain people have, that they worked for.  But these people want to take away these things by force.  They don't want to have to work for anything.  They want to be slaves of the government and they want the government to take away money and property from those who worked for them and give them to these people.

Socialism, anyone?

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We had this already

We called it The Great Society.
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Offline sneakypete

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EXCELLENT news,because if there is ONE single thing blacks are best known for,it is uniting 'murika! </S>
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Online Fishrrman

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From the source article:
"...with a focus then on mass incarceration"

"Mass incarceration"?
What the heck is that?

Are they talking about the disproportionately large number of blacks in prison?
Well then...
Will they also discuss the reality that a wildly disproportionate number of blacks commit crimes, vis-a-vis whites and Asians...?

Ain't holdin' my breath.

Offline LegalAmerican

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EXCELLENT news,because if there is ONE single thing blacks are best known for,it is uniting 'murika! </S>

 :facepalm:  Still gas lighting....we the people. lol.