Author Topic: The Hollowness of Virtue Signaling  (Read 153 times)

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The Hollowness of Virtue Signaling
« on: June 25, 2020, 04:05:17 pm »

Posted on June 24, 2020 by Steven Hayward i
The Hollowness of Virtue Signaling

There’s an interesting line in Tim Alberta’s Politico story linked in our “Picks” section today about the attitudes of black voters: “Biden choosing a woman of color might actually irritate, not appease, Black voters.”

I’ve been wondering if this kind of sentiment might be much deeper and more widespread than this comment indicates. Talk is cheap. Action is another matter.

It is not news that virtually every institution of higher education has turned up their rhetorical anti-racist bona fides to 11 in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death. The University of California is no exception. But the labor union that represents many UC employees issued this notice yesterday:

    Oakland, CA —  University of California employees will mount pickets in front of UC Hospitals across the state Wednesday in response to recent notifications that at least two hundred of the institution’s lowest paid workers—almost entirely workers of color— will be laid off for at least 10 weeks into the fall.