Author Topic: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests  (Read 6846 times)

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #50 on: June 04, 2020, 04:38:37 am »
”Speak to the whole nation” means bend over for the radical fringe.

Trump was speaking for the rest of us when he stood in front of the church. We know how those imploring him to “speak to the nation” felt about that.

It was entertaining.  He looked like a complete idiot trying to show the Bible in different positions.  And I might say that old Bible doesn't look very well used.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #51 on: June 04, 2020, 04:45:38 am »
We interupt the regularly scheduled CD anti Trump rant with a special report......

I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #52 on: June 04, 2020, 10:34:07 am »
Chosen daughter’s knee must hurt from kneeling before blm.

Offline Victoria33

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #53 on: June 04, 2020, 11:40:11 am »
I think she got hold of some bad info that wasn't vetted before she posted it.  I would hope she wasn't intentionally trying to deceive anyone.
@Weird Tolkienish

I watched the 6-8 troop carriers bringing in the soldiers to Washington and the anchor said they were our military.  Later, I saw the info. the soldiers were staying in Washington.  This was at the time Trump was saying he was going to use our military to go to the states.  He later said the military did a good job of removing the protestors so he could go to the church.  Military to me means our US Military - maybe he meant the National Guard but the announcers were also calling them our military forces.  If I made a mistake, it is the first time in my life to be wrong.   :rolling: :silly:

The TVs at this house are on all the time; one in the kitchen and one in the library room where I work.  Both Fox and CNN are on.  Between the two, I can figure out what the truth is.  Right now CNN is talking about our military and the Defense Secretary and Mattis.

Don't say I "Love" CNN and should not listen to them.  I know from working in politics, you have to get info. from the opposition to know what they are thinking and doing.  It is the same for Fox, get their info. and maybe it is the truth, maybe it isn't.  If I hear the same info. three times on a news channel, it is usually correct.

Right now, CNN commercial is about men's razors. Now it is about Sesame St. (sp).  If you men need a good razor, check out CNN commercials.  Hopefully, at your ages, you don't need Sesame St. in your life, but I could be wrong again.  66minnie

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #54 on: June 04, 2020, 11:44:43 am »
It was entertaining.  He looked like a complete idiot trying to show the Bible in different positions.  And I might say that old Bible doesn't look very well used.
@Chosen Daughter

One of the news people said the Bible was upside down when he stopped moving it for the picture.

Offline sneakypete

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #55 on: June 04, 2020, 12:20:37 pm »

But they don't want equal justice under the law.


And THERE it is. They want to be "pampered pets" with special rights and privileges no one else has.
Mattis just proved himself an idiot.

 No,but he did prove himself to be a whore for sale. He is trolling for a cabinet position in the next cabinet if a Dim wins.
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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #56 on: June 04, 2020, 12:24:59 pm »
Is this one of those things that happen when you put a microphone in front of an azzhole?


Yes. Especially if that butt-hole is a whore for sale who misses being an important public official.

You know what a retired General is?

Someone drawing a retirement check,nothing more,and nothing that impresses anyone.

Not that I am saying flag officers have egos,you understand........
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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #57 on: June 04, 2020, 12:33:46 pm »
:shrug: It seems like there's a helluva lot of overlap to me. In the meantime a shit ton of innocent lives were ruined or even lost.


@Weird Tolkienish Figure

HEY! Those people are already broke,so why would they care about their stores or the stores they work in getting looted and set on fire? After all,what is important here is that a psycho cop KILLED (NOT "murdered") a criminal that just got caught trying to commit another crime,who fought back.

OOOOPS! A BLACK criminal. We ALL know they are the very bestest kind because the laws aren't supposed to apply to them. Blacks are "SPECIAL".

There are several generations of mostly black people who have never even HAD a freaking job,so why should anybody care about white people losing their stores and jobs?

Let's focus here,people! We need to officially declare that black criminals are National Pets,and not to be disturbed under the "Protected Species Act".

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #58 on: June 04, 2020, 12:36:19 pm »
Hmmm, lets review shall we....

It is already illegal to harm another person, police or otherwise,
It is already illegal to seal, loot or burn buildings,
Trump does NOT run the police departments around the country,
Trump is not the mayor of every city in the country,
Trump is not the governor of every state,
Trump has offered federal support to every governor, mayor and police department in the country and they have, for the most part refused.
So please enlighten me, how is Trump responsible for any of this again?


"Orange Man Bad",as opposed to "Black Man Always Good".
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Offline Victoria33

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #59 on: June 04, 2020, 12:37:04 pm »

The Pentagon ordered active-duty military police from the XVIII Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to the D.C. area to await a request to assist with the Guard response, but so far U.S. Army officials have remained tight-lipped about the deployment.

@Hoodat thanks for your posts.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 12:47:01 pm by Victoria33 »

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #60 on: June 04, 2020, 12:37:37 pm »
”Speak to the whole nation” means bend over for the radical fringe.

No it doesn't.  It means speaking to the majority who both warring political tribes ignore.    According to a Reuters/Ispos poll released on Tuesday,  73% support "the peaceful protests and demonstrations that have taken place"  and 79% believe looting and vandalism "undermine the original protests' case for justice".   

The protests want an end to systemic racism,  but looting does nothing but stoke racist tropes and fears.    The latter undermine the former, because systemic racism is undergirded by the undeniable fact that a lot of white folks are scared of black people.   It has taken 50 years to calm those fears since the last round of riots,  and rebuild the communities shattered.   Here in Philly,  a guy named Jeff Brown did something no had done, ever, in black Philadelphia communities -  build new, modern supermarkets that employed hundreds of folks in the community with good-paying, union jobs.   Three of those supermarkets have been looted and destroyed.  Brown complained that one store was looted for 15 hours straight with no help from the cops (the mayor's more concerned about taking down the Frank Rizzo statue).   

These are thousands of minority voters who want both justice, and the return of sanity and safety.   They are indeed, with so many of us,  the core of a new silent majority.   
« Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 12:38:50 pm by Jazzhead »
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #61 on: June 04, 2020, 12:38:57 pm »

Some people, in their haste to trash the president, seem to have forgotten all about innocent people being ruined both financially and physically in all this ‘protesting’.


No,they didn't. They just don't care as long as they can score points against "Bad Orange Man".
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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #62 on: June 04, 2020, 12:41:20 pm »

This hasn't happened since 1957.


You must have slept through the 60's.

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Offline EdinVA

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #63 on: June 04, 2020, 12:43:55 pm »
No it doesn't.  It means speaking to the majority who both warring political tribes ignore.    According to a Reuters/Ispos poll released on Tuesday,  73% support "the peaceful protests and demonstrations that have taken place"  and 79% believe looting and vandalism "undermine the original protests' case for justice".   

The protests want an end to systemic racism,  but looting does nothing but stoke racist tropes and fears.    The latter undermine the former, because systemic racism is undergirded by the undeniable fact that a lot of white folks are scared of black people.   It has taken 50 years to calm those fears since the last round of riots,  and rebuild the communities shattered.   Here in Philly,  a guy named Jeff Brown did something no had done, ever, in black Philadelphia communities -  build new, modern supermarkets that employed hundreds of folks in the community with good-paying, union jobs.   Three of those supermarkets have been looted and destroyed.  Brown complained that one store was looted for 15 hours straight with no help from the cops (the mayor's more concerned about taking down the Frank Rizzo statue).   

These are thousands of minority voters who want both justice, and the return of sanity and safety.   They are indeed, with so many of us,  the core of a new silent majority.
So, it has been illegal for centuries to burn and pillage property and beat, stab and shoot people and these folks have decided that they are going to ignore the rule of law.
What makes you think that a 10 minute lecture from ANYONE is going to change that?
How are the rioters any different than the cops that "killed" Floyd?

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #64 on: June 04, 2020, 12:44:05 pm »
Mattis is just another version of Bolton.
Both Mattis and Bolton had very strong opinions on the way the military should be run and what should be done in the Middle East. Both were in favor of continuation and possible expansion of military forces while Trump was ordering a draw down. They could not accept this policy. And both were fired by Trump.

This is nothing more than another butthurt rant by an exemployee of Trump.


Well,that AND a desperate plea to be hired again if the Dims win.

If he can't get any promises,it wouldn't surprise me to see him running for public office come the elections.
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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #65 on: June 04, 2020, 12:45:07 pm »
Its disconcerting to me how easy it apparently was for the rat press to seduce these rock ribbed statesmen and generals.


Another way of saying "attention whores".
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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #66 on: June 04, 2020, 12:46:35 pm »
Yes, he is.   Trump would be well advised to at least try and make the effort to speak to the whole nation.   


"We iz da wurld........

We iz da peep-pulls........
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Offline EdinVA

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #67 on: June 04, 2020, 12:46:43 pm »
Its disconcerting to me how easy it apparently was for the rat press to seduce these rock ribbed statesmen and generals.
Field grade officers are just politicians in uniform.... Follow the money!

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #68 on: June 04, 2020, 12:49:44 pm »
No it doesn't.  It means speaking to the majority who both warring political tribes ignore.    According to a Reuters/Ispos poll released on Tuesday,  73% support "the peaceful protests and demonstrations that have taken place"  and 79% believe looting and vandalism "undermine the original protests' case for justice".   

The protests want an end to systemic racism,  but looting does nothing but stoke racist tropes and fears.    The latter undermine the former, because systemic racism is undergirded by the undeniable fact that a lot of white folks are scared of black people.   It has taken 50 years to calm those fears since the last round of riots,  and rebuild the communities shattered.   Here in Philly,  a guy named Jeff Brown did something no had done, ever, in black Philadelphia communities -  build new, modern supermarkets that employed hundreds of folks in the community with good-paying, union jobs.   Three of those supermarkets have been looted and destroyed.  Brown complained that one store was looted for 15 hours straight with no help from the cops (the mayor's more concerned about taking down the Frank Rizzo statue).   

These are thousands of minority voters who want both justice, and the return of sanity and safety.   They are indeed, with so many of us,  the core of a new silent majority.

Thanks for your post.  It is the truth.

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #69 on: June 04, 2020, 01:17:06 pm »
No it doesn't.  It means speaking to the majority who both warring political tribes ignore.    According to a Reuters/Ispos poll released on Tuesday,  73% support "the peaceful protests and demonstrations that have taken place"  and 79% believe looting and vandalism "undermine the original protests' case for justice".   

The protests want an end to systemic racism,  but looting does nothing but stoke racist tropes and fears.    The latter undermine the former, because systemic racism is undergirded by the undeniable fact that a lot of white folks are scared of black people.   It has taken 50 years to calm those fears since the last round of riots,  and rebuild the communities shattered.   Here in Philly,  a guy named Jeff Brown did something no had done, ever, in black Philadelphia communities -  build new, modern supermarkets that employed hundreds of folks in the community with good-paying, union jobs.   Three of those supermarkets have been looted and destroyed.  Brown complained that one store was looted for 15 hours straight with no help from the cops (the mayor's more concerned about taking down the Frank Rizzo statue).   

These are thousands of minority voters who want both justice, and the return of sanity and safety.   They are indeed, with so many of us,  the core of a new silent majority.
Sure it does. Its obvious you've already surrendered to the marxist mob.

The 'systemic racism' trope lasts only up until one asks for examples of it and specific ways to end it.

There are none because it doesn't exist. There are individual racists - of all stripes - but there is no 'systemic racism'. That is the language of the mob. A means of ascribing guilt by association.

All blacks aren't out in the streets agitating for reform. MOST already have the reform they need - jobs and a opportunity to live free and improve one's own lot. As do all Americans. If 'systemic racism' exists how can this be  possible?

Accepting the premise of the looters and rioters simply guarantees endless looting and rioting.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 01:30:16 pm by skeeter »

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #70 on: June 04, 2020, 01:17:50 pm »
Chosen daughter’s knee must hurt from kneeling before blm.

America is in political peril. Radical marxism is on the march. There’s turmoil on the streets of our cities. The fabric of our country is tearing apart.

Our police are under attack, capitalism under attack, race relations in tatters, the traditional family structure disparaged and discarded. The time for being polite to the enemies of liberty and freedom in the name of comity, is over.

I’m usually first to dismiss the idea that of one of our members might be a leftist pretending to be a conservative, who’s just offering up a different point of view. But not so with this one. She is a dishonest provocateur, a liar, stirring up shit, spreading disinformation and discord. She deserves only to be snubbed.

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #71 on: June 04, 2020, 02:19:04 pm »
@Weird Tolkienish
He later said the military did a good job of removing the protestors so he could go to the church.

I would have to see the actual quote.  I don't recall Trump thanking the military for clearing the street.  Nor did I see any military members removing protesters.  Park Police?  Yes.  Military?  No.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #72 on: June 04, 2020, 02:22:47 pm »
These are thousands of minority voters who want both justice, and the return of sanity and safety.   


Yes,and they get NO attention at all because they don't have a bunch of Rev-Runds pimping them out.

"If it bleeds,it leads" is the mantra of the media and the professional fools and crooks we call politicians,and that DEFINITELY applies to protest rallies. No actual blood is even necessary,just the visual image of hundreds to thousands of "people who must NOT be criticized" chanting threats in the streets.
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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #73 on: June 04, 2020, 02:27:20 pm »

I’m usually first to dismiss the idea that of one of our members might be a leftist pretending to be a conservative, .......


I KNOW I am going to get flamed for this,but Jesus was the original communist. That's why the cult of Marxism hated and feared Christianity so much. They couldn't stand the competition or the comparison between Marx and Jesus.
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Re: Mattis denounces Trump in blistering statement on protests
« Reply #74 on: June 04, 2020, 02:32:03 pm »
America is in political peril. Radical marxism is on the march. There’s turmoil on the streets of our cities. The fabric of our country is tearing apart.

Our police are under attack, capitalism under attack, race relations in tatters, the traditional family structure disparaged and discarded. The time for being polite to the enemies of liberty and freedom in the name of comity, is over.

I’m usually first to dismiss the idea that of one of our members might be a leftist pretending to be a conservative, who’s just offering up a different point of view. But not so with this one. She is a dishonest provocateur, a liar, stirring up shit, spreading disinformation and discord. She deserves only to be snubbed.

Well said @aligncare    :beer: