Author Topic: How a Police State is Born  (Read 194 times)

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How a Police State is Born
« on: April 01, 2020, 12:56:10 pm »
April 1, 2020
How a Police State is Born
By Steve McCann

The United States and much of the western world, by utilizing the most draconian of tactics, is plunging many nations into potential economic and societal chaos as they attempt to stem the tide of the Chinese Coronavirus.  Relying on dubious and error-prone projections, politicians and bureaucrats constitutionally or statutorily limited in their power, are now exercising near-dictatorial authority in their edicts, which are effectively suspending or terminating numerous freedoms under the guise of protecting their respective nations.

All Americans, not be just those with first-hand experience dealing with World War II and its aftermath or living in Eastern Europe under iron boot of the Soviet Union or escaping the Communist/socialist hellholes of Cuba, Southeast Asia or Venezuela, should view these actions with considerable trepidation.

Offline GrouchoTex

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Re: How a Police State is Born
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2020, 01:00:53 pm »
For the sake ok safety, we have now seen:

One state go door-to-door and round up citizens of another state.
(RI, NY)
Guns sales prohibited.
(CA, and others)
Pastors being arrested for holding service.

What were Ben Franklin's famous words about Liberty and Security?

Those that give up Freedom for Security deserve neither?