Author Topic: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger  (Read 11742 times)

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #200 on: February 10, 2020, 12:27:22 am »
Let's talk about "the times," shall we??

Are we, as Conservatives, supposed to buckle to the changing times?  Are we not, indeed, if we are true to our values, supposed to make an effort to return to a time when there was more genuine patriotism, when there was a more civil society, when God was still permitted inside schools, when only men and women could marry each other, when babies weren't being slaughtered until and after the day they were born, when 4 year old children didn't use as foul a language as longshoremen???  And a whole slew of other things that have changed with "the times," but have harmed this culture and this country??

My answer to these are different times so our behavior has to be different is a resounding NO IT DOESN'T!!

When we buckle as we have done with Trump, we are saying that the times rule us rather than that we have power to turn the ship around and make things right again.

What Reagan stood for is still what works.  It works against rampant socialism, and it works against cultural rot.

Giving in by saying "the times are different" is just that........ giving in.

And I, for one, don't believe that is ever the right thing to do........ and I have been shocked to realize how many who claim to be Conservative are so quick to give in and have "us" become no different that "them."

@Cyber Liberty


There are three things we must always keep in mind: 

1)  Where we want to be.  Keeping conservative values is the goal, always as envisioned by the Founders and Christ.

2)  Where we are.  We don't live in a conservative world.

3)  How do we get from here to there?  That is 100% of the differences of opinion on this Forum.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #201 on: February 10, 2020, 02:18:42 am »
The problem with your analysis is that Trump IS a politician.

Thinking he is anything else is denial of reality.
Trump is now a politician, but only learned to become one since first running for office.

I agree there are almost zero non-politicians one would ever see on a ticket.  People like Ralph Nader and Ross Perot, both independents, are a few most would not consider to be politicians.

What we really need to see is less lawyers voted into office, especially in Congress.  Congress should reflect the people they represent, and having over 50% of Congress lawyers does not reflect constituencies.
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #202 on: February 10, 2020, 03:03:27 am »
Let's talk about "the times," shall we??

Are we, as Conservatives, supposed to buckle to the changing times?  Are we not, indeed, if we are true to our values, supposed to make an effort to return to a time when there was more genuine patriotism, when there was a more civil society, when God was still permitted inside schools, when only men and women could marry each other, when babies weren't being slaughtered until and after the day they were born, when 4 year old children didn't use as foul a language as longshoremen???  And a whole slew of other things that have changed with "the times," but have harmed this culture and this country??

My answer to these are different times so our behavior has to be different is a resounding NO IT DOESN'T!!

When we buckle as we have done with Trump, we are saying that the times rule us rather than that we have power to turn the ship around and make things right again.

What Reagan stood for is still what works.  It works against rampant socialism, and it works against cultural rot.

Giving in by saying "the times are different" is just that........ giving in.

And I, for one, don't believe that is ever the right thing to do........ and I have been shocked to realize how many who claim to be Conservative are so quick to give in and have "us" become no different that "them."

@musiclady , I cannot even begin to tell you how brilliantly that was stated. Absolutely excellent! Three beers for you!

 :beer: :beer: :beer:

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #203 on: February 10, 2020, 03:04:12 am »

There are three things we must always keep in mind: 

1)  Where we want to be.  Keeping conservative values is the goal, always as envisioned by the Founders and Christ.

2)  Where we are.  We don't live in a conservative world.

3)  How do we get from here to there?  That is 100% of the differences of opinion on this Forum.
1.  The struggle is, we don't all want to be in the same place which requires compromise to keep from eating each other.
2.  We don't even agree on where we are....
3.  If we cannot agree on where we are and where we are going then there is no how to get there.
The reason we did so well up until obama was we were willing to accept the no one is the expert but now every one knows everything about everything.There was a real transformation after 911 and thru the obama administration and that is what we need to come to grips with.What happened?

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #204 on: February 10, 2020, 03:12:04 am »

There are three things we must always keep in mind: 

1)  Where we want to be.  Keeping conservative values is the goal, always as envisioned by the Founders and Christ.

2)  Where we are.  We don't live in a conservative world.

3)  How do we get from here to there?  That is 100% of the differences of opinion on this Forum.

I’ve come to grips, as difficult as it was, with the fact that we each see reality differently and we waste each other’s time trying to make them see what we see. Leftists, NTers, Trump supporters.

Up until just recently opinions fell into two or three basic categories. And it was still possible to get a ‘I dont agree but I know where you’re coming from’ from the opposition. That seems no longer possible. Some attribute beliefs to others they do not have. No one is listening everyone talking. Everyone is dogmatic and unyielding.

I don’t know why or how we got here, but here we are.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 03:18:06 am by skeeter »

Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #205 on: February 10, 2020, 03:16:57 am »
1.  The struggle is, we don't all want to be in the same place which requires compromise to keep from eating each other.
2.  We don't even agree on where we are....
3.  If we cannot agree on where we are and where we are going then there is no how to get there.
The reason we did so well up until obama was we were willing to accept the no one is the expert but now every one knows everything about everything.There was a real transformation after 911 and thru the obama administration and that is what we need to come to grips with.What happened?
Both Parties used 9/11, caused primarily by holdover institutionalized incompetence from the Clinton Administration, to advance totalitarian measures ostensibly for our protection.
Many of those measures lie dormant, even though codified (such as parts of the Patriot Act, which allow summary confiscation of virtually anything).
Unfortunately that momentum has carried into sectors beyond national security, with the useless gestures with the full weight and gravity of law, to searching little old ladies in airports, a 3 oz. maximum on personal care products, empty your pockets, disarm completely, etc. Even the police shows on TV have the air of "you are going to be searched, whether you like it or not"--something intolerable just 20 years ago, as would have been being summarily handcuffed on a traffic stop.
Now, we aren't as free as we should be, I think we all agree on that. Some just don't want to be as free as others, but I think we can agree on a general direction we'd like to take things, Smaller (more Constitutional) Government, less regulation, and less infringement of our Civil Rights. We might not agree on how far that needs to go, but I think once people have a taste of Liberty, their thirst will not be quenched until they have more.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 03:19:29 am by Smokin Joe »
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Offline EdinVA

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #206 on: February 10, 2020, 03:29:26 am »
Now, we aren't as free as we should be, I think we all agree on that. Some just don't want to be as free as others, but I think we can agree on a general direction we'd like to take things, Smaller (more Constitutional) Government, less regulation, and less infringement of our Civil Rights. We might not agree on how far that needs to go, but I think once people have a taste of Liberty, their thirst will not be quenched until they have more.
But the first thing out of a "conservatives" mouth is BAN ABORTION... and that kills the entire conversation... The next thing you hear is BAN GUNS and that destroys the conversation....

Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #207 on: February 10, 2020, 03:40:12 am »
But the first thing out of a "conservatives" mouth is BAN ABORTION... and that kills the entire conversation... The next thing you hear is BAN GUNS and that destroys the conversation....
We ban murder anywhere but death row for those convicted of heinous crimes, and in a mother's womb. One group are innocent, yet have neither due process nor conviction.
This despite nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law (Amendment 14).
It is incongruous at best that anyone claiming to be conservative can claim to reconcile the slaughter of innocents with being conservative.
I have never heard a Conservative advocate banning guns. Banning firearms (or even a class thereof) and Conservatism are mutually exclusive.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #208 on: February 10, 2020, 03:48:15 am »
Both Parties used 9/11, caused primarily by holdover institutionalized incompetence from the Clinton Administration, to advance totalitarian measures ostensibly for our protection.
Many of those measures lie dormant, even though codified (such as parts of the Patriot Act, which allow summary confiscation of virtually anything).
Unfortunately that momentum has carried into sectors beyond national security, with the useless gestures with the full weight and gravity of law, to searching little old ladies in airports, a 3 oz. maximum on personal care products, empty your pockets, disarm completely, etc. Even the police shows on TV have the air of "you are going to be searched, whether you like it or not"--something intolerable just 20 years ago, as would have been being summarily handcuffed on a traffic stop.
Now, we aren't as free as we should be, I think we all agree on that. Some just don't want to be as free as others, but I think we can agree on a general direction we'd like to take things, Smaller (more Constitutional) Government, less regulation, and less infringement of our Civil Rights. We might not agree on how far that needs to go, but I think once people have a taste of Liberty, their thirst will not be quenched until they have more.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin

Ol Ben was not prescient. It is ever thus, and why voting in fear - The lesser evil thing - Is always the wrong mindset. It is fear that licks the hand of the master.

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #209 on: February 10, 2020, 03:59:23 am »
But the first thing out of a "conservatives" mouth is BAN ABORTION... and that kills the entire conversation... The next thing you hear is BAN GUNS and that destroys the conversation....

The dichotomy between Conservative and liberal positions is not the problem.

The problem is the argument between supposed conservatives. Too many have fallen prey to moderate slogans and fail to think it through to the end. Conservatism has always been factional. Thus the old saying that herding conservatives is like herding cats.

But now that big moderate tent has so confused many that they have forgotten Reagan altogether.

The only way we win is together.
The only way we are together is when no one gets thrown under the bus.
That is no longer happening.

Speak truth to Conservatives and they will hear you. when every Conservative principle is held high, that is the raised banner. That is the clarion call. That is what causes the Conservative juggernaut to rise up, unstoppable.

That is not what is happening.

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #210 on: February 10, 2020, 08:10:32 am »
The dichotomy between Conservative and liberal positions is not the problem.

The problem is the argument between supposed conservatives. Too many have fallen prey to moderate slogans and fail to think it through to the end. Conservatism has always been factional. Thus the old saying that herding conservatives is like herding cats.

But now that big moderate tent has so confused many that they have forgotten Reagan altogether.

The only way we win is together.
The only way we are together is when no one gets thrown under the bus.
That is no longer happening.

Speak truth to Conservatives and they will hear you. when every Conservative principle is held high, that is the raised banner. That is the clarion call. That is what causes the Conservative juggernaut to rise up, unstoppable.

That is not what is happening.


Do you have a Burning Bush up there, Mountain Man?

We deal in the actual world everyday.  Try it.
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #211 on: February 10, 2020, 10:30:12 am »

Do you have a Burning Bush up there, Mountain Man?

We deal in the actual world everyday.  Try it.

A full third more Conservative votes for fiscal conservatism and civil libertarians for pulling em out of under the bus. Another full half of Christian conservatives. Importng the Libertarian vote because conservative civil libertarianism is something they can settle for.

But yall'd rather bow to big gov and pilfer votes from the democrats, rather than toe the line for what you supposedly stand for... There's your 'actual world everyday', @DCPatriot  *****rollingeyes*****

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #212 on: February 10, 2020, 11:21:31 am »
We ban murder anywhere but death row for those convicted of heinous crimes, and in a mother's womb. One group are innocent, yet have neither due process nor conviction.
This despite nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law (Amendment 14).
It is incongruous at best that anyone claiming to be conservative can claim to reconcile the slaughter of innocents with being conservative.
I have never heard a Conservative advocate banning guns. Banning firearms (or even a class thereof) and Conservatism are mutually exclusive.

My point was that banning something does not eliminate the activity, it merely drives it into the uncontrolled, unsafe shadows.
Murder is already "banned"...
Drug abuse is already "banned"...
Speeding is already "banned"...
Prohibition anyone?

We fall into this false security that when we ban something then it disappears... not true, it merely gives society the legal tools to prosecute someone who violates the ban..

Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #213 on: February 10, 2020, 12:18:23 pm »
My point was that banning something does not eliminate the activity, it merely drives it into the uncontrolled, unsafe shadows.
Murder is already "banned"...
Drug abuse is already "banned"...
Speeding is already "banned"...
Prohibition anyone?

We fall into this false security that when we ban something then it disappears... not true, it merely gives society the legal tools to prosecute someone who violates the ban..
It won't eliminate it, but I seriously believe (especially in today's morally bankrupt society) that the onus of criminality does deter at least some of those undesired activities.

Just imagine if there were no laws against stealing or murder. How many more thefts, how many more murders would occur? The only disincentive would be fear of God or reprisal, and far too many don't know Him.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #214 on: February 10, 2020, 01:45:55 pm »
Let's talk about "the times," shall we??

Are we, as Conservatives, supposed to buckle to the changing times?  Are we not, indeed, if we are true to our values, supposed to make an effort to return to a time when there was more genuine patriotism, when there was a more civil society, when God was still permitted inside schools, when only men and women could marry each other, when babies weren't being slaughtered until and after the day they were born, when 4 year old children didn't use as foul a language as longshoremen???  And a whole slew of other things that have changed with "the times," but have harmed this culture and this country??

My answer to these are different times so our behavior has to be different is a resounding NO IT DOESN'T!!

When we buckle as we have done with Trump, we are saying that the times rule us rather than that we have power to turn the ship around and make things right again.

What Reagan stood for is still what works.  It works against rampant socialism, and it works against cultural rot.

Giving in by saying "the times are different" is just that........ giving in.

And I, for one, don't believe that is ever the right thing to do........ and I have been shocked to realize how many who claim to be Conservative are so quick to give in and have "us" become no different that "them."

Well said, @musiclady .    In his SOTU I have seen a glimpse of what Donald Trump could achieve if he absorbed the lessons of Ronald Reagan.   This can be a pivot point,  away from the ditch.   I'm dismayed that so many seem to have normalized/rationalized the boorish behavior and want him to keep it up just to match the Dems.   

Why not aspire to that shining city?   
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #215 on: February 10, 2020, 01:52:21 pm »

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin

Ol Ben was not prescient. It is ever thus, and why voting in fear - The lesser evil thing - Is always the wrong mindset. It is fear that licks the hand of the master.

Franklin's quote is definitely something to think long and hard about.  :patriot:
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #216 on: February 10, 2020, 02:39:31 pm »
@musiclady , I cannot even begin to tell you how brilliantly that was stated. Absolutely excellent! Three beers for you!

 :beer: :beer: :beer:

That is high praise coming from you, sir!

THANK you!!

I only wish that there were more of us and fewer who have thrown up their hands and given up.

Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #217 on: February 10, 2020, 02:40:51 pm »
Well said, @musiclady .    In his SOTU I have seen a glimpse of what Donald Trump could achieve if he absorbed the lessons of Ronald Reagan.   This can be a pivot point,  away from the ditch.   I'm dismayed that so many seem to have normalized/rationalized the boorish behavior and want him to keep it up just to match the Dems.   

Why not aspire to that shining city?   

Because it's easier to seek revenge than to seek a shining city, I guess.

The problem with revenge is that it accomplishes absolutely nothing.  It doesn't destroy the enemy.  It destroys us.
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #218 on: February 10, 2020, 02:46:48 pm »
Because it's easier to seek revenge than to seek a shining city, I guess.

The problem with revenge is that it accomplishes absolutely nothing.  It doesn't destroy the enemy.  It destroys us.

There's "revenge," and then there's "retribution."  And if there are still Obama holdovers stymieing Trump they need to be out of there.  Removing insubordinate employees isn't revenge, nor retribution, it's called staffing with like-minded people.

Whether Trump is a "moral man" is not the issue.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #219 on: February 10, 2020, 03:23:58 pm »
That is high praise coming from you, sir!

THANK you!!

I only wish that there were more of us and fewer who have thrown up their hands and given up.


Jesus H. Christ!

The only ones giving up are the ones hiding behind their 'principles'.   

$1.79, plus all of those principles will get you a 16oz. coffee at your local 7-11.
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #220 on: February 10, 2020, 03:28:09 pm »
Jesus H. Christ!

The only ones giving up are the ones hiding behind their 'principles'.   

$1.79, plus all of those principles will get you a 16oz. coffee at your local 7-11.

Thank you. You've made her point.

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #221 on: February 10, 2020, 03:33:16 pm »
Because it's easier to seek revenge than to seek a shining city, I guess.

The problem with revenge is that it accomplishes absolutely nothing.  It doesn't destroy the enemy.  It destroys us.
You may call it revenge if you wish, I call it enforcing the law.

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #222 on: February 10, 2020, 03:35:17 pm »
You may call it revenge if you wish, I call it enforcing the law.

Another example of looking at the same thing and drawing two diametrically opposite conclusions.

Debating is a waste of time.

I agree with you, BTW. Why would Trump leave someone hostile to his presidency in such a sensitive post.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 03:40:21 pm by skeeter »

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #223 on: February 10, 2020, 04:07:07 pm »
Because it's easier to seek revenge than to seek a shining city, I guess.

Oh, for cripes sake @musiclady @Jazzhead @Cyber Liberty  this isn't about "revenge" or "retribution" ... it's draining the swamp. 

Bigger than Vindman: Trump scrubs 70 Obama holdovers from NSC
Washington Examiner, Feb 10, 2020

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Re: The Real Reason For Nancy's Anger
« Reply #224 on: February 10, 2020, 04:09:09 pm »
Thank you. You've made her point.

De nada!   You make mine.   :beer:
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald