Author Topic: Senator Lindsey Graham Lays Down the Law to Democrats Regarding Witnesses, It's Either All or None  (Read 155 times)

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Senator Lindsey Graham Lays Down the Law to Democrats Regarding Witnesses, It's Either All or None
Steve Straub By Steve Straub
Published January 19, 2020 at 10:10am

Today, on Fox News Sunday, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, just laid down the law to Democrats when it comes to witnesses during President Trump’s impeachment trial.

“If we call one witness, we’re gonna call all the witnesses. There’s not gonna be a process where the Democrats get their witnesses and the president gets shut out. I’m gonna be consistent. I’m going against calling the four witnesses requested by Senator Schumer, all covered by executive privilege, they’re part of the national security team of the president,” Graham said.

He added “They [the witnesses] could have been called in the house. They chose not to. Apparently they don’t need them to make the case. Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and the whistle blower, we can look at those allegation of misconduct outside of impeachment.”