Adultery, fornication and promiscuity represent intolerable behavior. Homosexuality practiced within the bounds of a monogamous, covenant relationship? Just how is that intolerable?
@Jazzhead Because it is defined as such
by the Bible. Both in Torah, and by Yeshua (and apostles).
It is definitely covered by Grace, but with repentance, teshuva (turning back around to face YHWH). That requires ceasing the practice, just like every other sin.
That is what it says, no matter how one might care to wing it.
In apologetics, I would argue that sin of any kind is confusion and distraction from true purpose - As an example, 'anti-Christ' as it were, is not 'against Christ', but rather, an alternate...
Marriage and family are a functional picture, just like 'father' is a functional picture, depicting or symbolizing that which is greater in heaven - Your father is designed to be an image of our Father... Marriage is designed to be an image of Yeshua and his Bride... and the greater aspect of Family in the House of YHWH. Those pictures are there for our understanding.
That which does not prove that image distracts from it. and that distracts from the message, which is the whole purpose.
So while you may wiggle with the ethics, there is no doubt about the image. The true imprimatur.
Anything else is confusion, and distracts from (is alternate to, anti...) the message...