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Obama Chief Instigator of Hating America
« on: December 01, 2019, 10:21:17 pm »
Obama Chief Instigator of Hating America
By Judi McLeod --November 15, 2019

 Lest we forget: It was former President Barack Obama who turned loving America into a crime—an impeachable one.
Obama successor President Donald Trump sincerely loves America—and that is his most unforgivable crime.
The Soviet-style Live Impeachment Inquiry, getting saturation coverage by all television networks—including Fox News—is a farce, proven by the fact that even with wall-to-wall coverage, only 13 million people tuned in on its Opening Day.
Impeaching Trump has nothing to do with an “overheard” telephone call with the President of Ukraine, just as it had nothing to do with the Russians swiping the election from the embittered Hillary Clinton; Russian collusion, the debunked filthy charge of prostitutes performing “golden showers” in the same bed that Barack and Michelle once slept in.
The core of impeaching Trump is all about his love of America and the love of America by his millions of supporters.
Obama made good on his promise made five days before his 2008 election to “fundamentally transform America”.

That a malcontent with a huge anti-American chip on his shoulder, who operated as a community organizer with unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers got himself elected to the Oval Office doesn’t have as much shock value that he left the White House eight years later as a multi-millionaire—still hating America as a self-appointed leader of the largely hidden—but still active—Deep State “Resistance”.
Seeing pride in America falling by the wayside as a malcontent with ambition, he decided to exploit it right after his first election.
Obama ‘woke’ the ‘Yankee Go Home’ crowds among America’s enemies and made a fine art out of it—starting with his speech in Berlin.
These days Obama’s legacy of corrosive hatred has been picked up and carried by the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff et al, who rate the growing number of Trump supporters as the Hillary Clinton-defined “deplorables”.
Senator John Kennedy told cheering throngs at Trump’s packed rally in Bossier City, La last night that he’s a “proud deplorable”. (Fox News, Nov. 15, 2019)

“Kennedy, who received raucous cheers from the crowd, called out the Washington D.C. establishment and claimed they do not care for the average American as Trump or Rispone do.
“I stand before you tonight a proud Deplorable,” said Kennedy, referring to the moniker Hillary Clinton bestowed on Trump supporters during the 2016 campaign.
“And, unlike some of the folks in Washington, D.C.—I’m talking about the ‘cultured’, cosmopolitan, goat’s milk latte-drinking, avocado toast-eating insider elite—as a Deplorable, I believe that everybody counts.”
“And I care about you, and so does the president of the United States of America.”
“Turning his attention to Saturday’s runoff election between businessman Rispone and incumbent Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards, Kennedy urged attendees to get out the vote.
“Unless you’re happy with ‘crappy’, vote Eddie Rispone for governor,” he remarked.
Kennedy, who holds degrees from Vanderbilt University, the University of Virginia and Oxford University, created controversy last week when he made critical comments about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. at another Louisiana Trump rally.
At that event in Monroe, Kennedy discussed the Trump impeachment inquiry and said of Pelosi: “It must suck to be that dumb.”
At the Bossier City rally, Trump introduced a new political attack line against House Democrats amid their ongoing impeachment inquiry, forcefully declaring, “We did nothing wrong—and they’re doing nothing.”
Hours earlier, Pelosi accused the president of “bribery” by allegedly “threatening to withhold military aid and (sic) a White House meeting in exchange for an investigation into his political rival”—signaling that House Democrats are preparing to go all-in on impeachment even as the Trump administration touts its successes on unemployment and energy independence.”

For the first time in more than three years, President Trump admitted how hard the Democrat hatefest has been on his family.
“It’s been very,  very hard on my family,” he told rally attendees.

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