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Rush Transcripts..Nov. 7th
« on: November 07, 2019, 07:40:17 pm »

Whistleblower’s Lawyer Admits It’s a Coup!

Nov 7, 2019

RUSH: Man, oh, man, the surreal nature of all this is mind-boggling. We got this leaker, this whistleblower’s attorney giving up the game! He even used the word “coup” back in 2017. He even said that CNN was gonna be utilized to run this coup to get rid of Donald Trump.

Now, it seems to me that since we know that, that all the rest of this should kind of just be canceled out. We know this whole thing is manufactured. We’ve known it for a long time. Don’t misunderstand. I don’t mean to sound like I’m learning something I don’t know. It’s just we now can actually, rather than have you rely on my credibility, which is not in question, we’ve got it in their own words.

Mark Zaid has been a Never Trumper, a Trump hating guy since 2016, the lawyer for the so-called whistleblower. Now, the way to look at this, imagine if we would have known this at the beginning. If at the very beginning of this we would have known what Mark Zaid said about this being a coup, that he was starting it, that it was going to involve CNN.

He has described exactly what is happening and what has happened in the House of Representatives. Imagine if this had leaked and we had become aware of it two years ago, where would we be today? We certainly wouldn’t be where we are. And the fact that it has come out, I’m looking at the headline here on drudge: “Bolton to Defy White House, Testify.” Why? None of this is real!

You know, I was talking the past couple days to somebody saying — I don’t know who it is. It doesn’t matter — the president needs to have a substantive response to the charge. There is no substantive charge. That’s the whole point. There is no substantive charge.

Another friend of mine, when Zaid’s tweets were revealed last night, the whistleblower’s attorney, Mark Zaid, Z-a-i-d, when his tweets were revealed, a friend of mine sent me a note, “You know, Rush, when I write about this stuff, I do everything I can to stay behind the evidence. I try not to get ahead of the evidence. And these guys continue to fool me.” What he meant was he knows what’s going on, but until he sees evidence of it, he’s not gonna write about it.

I wrote back, “What do you mean you don’t have the evidence? Radical liberalism is the evidence! How do you think I know this stuff before it happens?” He said, “Well, yes, but radical liberalism would not be allowed to be used as the evidence in a court.” We’re not in a court! We’re in a kangaroo court. We’re in a so-called House of Representatives grand jury for crying out loud. And why do they call it grand jury? So Trump didn’t get to have his lawyers in there.

To me liberalism, radical liberalism, what we’re dealing with is the evidence. But here’s “Bolton to Defy White House, Testify.” So what? About what? We know that this is all a manufactured scam. Wait ’til we go through the actual transcripts of Bill Taylor, Mr. Unassailable, he’s right up there with Robert J. Mueller the 19th. We can’t criticize. We can’t question Mr. Integrity, Mr. Honorable.

Do you know this guy admitted in his testimony that the only way he knew something was that he read it in the New York Times? He read it in the New York Times! Just like the FBI submitted stories from New York Times to the FISA judges and it said, “Look, Judge, this is further evidence of what we found.” Well, the problem was the only reason the New York Times had anything was FBI gave it to ’em.

So the FBI gives them evidence of Carter Page and all this stuff going on with the Russia collusion, then the New York Times prints what the FBI gave ’em. Then the FBI takes the New York Times story, puts it in the application packet, goes to the FISA court, says, “Look, Judge. Why, even the New York Times knows what we know.”

So Bill Taylor said that some of the things he knew he only know ’cause he read the New York Times. Well, we know the New York Times is making things up. This thing ought to be shut down is what ought to happen. It ought to be for the sake of preventing embarrassment on the part of all these people, this needs to be shut down. And I’m gonna tell you, folks, if things break right over the next week or so, then Pencil Neck is gonna melt away.

As we talked about yesterday, the quid pro quo is disappearing. There never was a quid pro quo. Oh! Something else that we’re learning. Three of the star witnesses, Tim Morrison, Bill Taylor, and Ivana Yovanovitch or Michelle Yovanovitch, whatever the first name is, I don’t know. You know what all three have admitted?

That Ukraine is in much better shape now than we were under Obama. That the aid Obama did not give them has been provided and Ukraine is in much better shape. They are much better prepared to defend themselves, their economy is much better after three years of Trump than after eight years of Obama. That hasn’t been released of course. Schiff didn’t release that stuff in his leaks of excerpted testimony to the New York Times.

So, yeah, the quid pro quo is disappearing, replaced now by obstruction, I pointed out yesterday. And when they go there, that means things are falling apart. Obstruction they went to after Mueller’s collusion failed. Now bribery? (laughing) The quid pro quo has been replaced by bribery, which is following the Mueller meltdown script as collusion is evaporating.

You know, folks, I made an observation yesterday, and that observation is when these people can control this by having it all done in private like for two and a half years, two years, whatever, the Mueller investigation. There wasn’t one leak.

Oh, folks. Pardon my interrupting myself here, but I gotta tell you this. You know, ABC News had a whistleblower. Somebody working at ABC revealed that Amy Robach had the goods on Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign, and they spiked the story because it would have been damaging to Hillary. They refused to run it. Amy Robach is saying, “Well, my bosses are fine people and I’m not the whistleblower and I had nothing to do with it.

“I was very surprised they spiked it but that’s their business, they can do what they want to do.” Anyway, the whistleblower at ABC who told everybody, went over and is now working at CBS, except he’s not. They’ve already identified him and fired him! CBS has fired the ABC whistleblower, while at the same time they’re defending this Pajama Boy clown so-called whistleblower trying to nail Trump!

I just was emailed a bunch of pictures of the whistleblower — the leaker — and the pictures… I guess they’re on… Let’s see. It just hit Twitter. Here’s the guy with Elizabeth Warren. Here he is with Pelosi. Here he is with Chuck You Schumer. There he is with Hillary. The guy is the Pajama Boy! He looks just like it. I don’t have time to copy, paste, and send you these pictures right now, but I will as the program unfolds, because there nobody else to do it, ’cause I’m the tech wizard here.

If I ask somebody else to do it, it’ll take two hours. I can do it in a two-minute break if I apply myself. There whistleblower with Fauxcahontas, whistleblower with Pelosi, whistleblower with Chuck You Schumer, whistleblower with Hillary Rodham Clinton. This stinks to high hell — low hell — and there’s none of it that is legitimate. But is it not hilarious that ABC’s whistleblower gets canned and then gets hired at CBS? What ABC did, is they investigated. It took ’em all of a week to find out what the whistleblower was.

They found out he was at CBS, they called CBS, and they said, “You’ve got a guy that really just stuck it to us,” and CBS said, “No, we don’t. He’s gone. We’ve fired your whistleblower.” So the Drive-Bys are sticking together. In one week’s time, ABC and CBS identified a whistleblower and then canned the guy. Meanwhile (impression), “We don’t know that we should identify the whistleblower identifying Donald Trump and Ukraine. We have to be very, very careful — and certainly whistleblowers can’t be fired.”

Have you heard that? The primary whistleblower protection is they can’t be fired. (Well, not unless they happen to work at CBS or ABC.) Anyway, it’s just… (chuckles) I marvel at the people still taking this seriously as though it is a legitimate political or legal or what have you inquiry when it isn’t. It’s nothing more than a stunt. It’s nothing more than oppo research, and I’m gonna tell you this: If our guys in the media and in the Senate had been more united and tougher, this thing would have imploded much sooner than it’s going to.

But these tweets from Mark Zaid, they’re smoking guns. The guy, the lawyer lays it all out what we’ve been saying for three years. This means that the whistleblower (whose name is Ciaramella) and Lieutenant Colonel Vindman are no longer useful. They went from bombshells to now they are embarrassments, and they will not testify. They have been dropped. I doubt we will ever see or hear about them again except from hopeful media people. Now what we have, is we have State Department functionaries.

We got mid-level, upper-tier career State Department diplomats playing their careerist angles to try to save themselves with the establishment, to establish their own reputations within the establishment. They’re all adjusting their stories. Another friend of mine thinks that we’re gonna see this blow up even before Barr and Durham issue whatever they’re gonna issue, their report or what have you. Now, Mark Zaid has issued a statement. You may not have heard his tweets. I’ve made an assumption that everybody knows what I’m talking about here, and maybe I should inform you.

This is Mark Zaid, the attorney for the whistleblower — the leaker. “He stated just days after President Donald Trump was inaugurated in January 2017 that the ‘coup has started’ and that ‘impeachment will follow.'” Here are the tweets from the whistleblower’s lawyer: “‘#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately.’ … In another tweet, Zaid responded to President Trump’s government account after Trump announced that he was appointing Dana Boente as acting attorney general.

“Zaid wrote, ‘#coup has started. As one falls, two more will take their place. #rebellion #impeachment.’ In a statement provided to Fox News, Trump campaign communication director Tim Murtaugh said, ‘The whistleblower’s lawyer gave away the game. It was always the Democrats’ plan to stage a coup and impeach President Trump and all they ever needed was the right scheme. They whiffed on Mueller so now they’ve settled on the perfectly fine Ukraine phone call. This proves this was orchestrated from the beginning.'”

Yeah, it does.

You have known it’s orchestrated from the beginning.

You’ve known it from the beginning.

Now, Mark Zaid, in the midst of all this, has issued a statement, and here’s what his statement says: “Those tweets” where he suggested a “coup” is underway and “impeachment will follow” and that they’re gonna get rid of Trump… “Those tweets were reflective and repeated the sentiments of millions of people. I was referring to a completely lawful process of what President Trump would likely face as a result of stepping over the line, and that particularly whatever would happen would come about as a result of lawyers.

“The coup comment referred to those working inside the administration who were already, just a week into office, standing up to him to enforce recognized rules of law.” Wait a minute. You say that this is no big deal; this is just the result of people in the White House who one week in recognized what an abomination Trump was? Mr. Zaid, Trump had not made the phone call to Ukraine yet. That didn’t happen until 2019. That happened two years later, 2-1/2 years later. So these guys…

Even in his statement, he’s giving up the game that there were people in the Trump administration one week in — Obama holdovers — who were beginning to try to undermine the Trump presidency, and he’s writing this as though he deserves credit for it. “Why, Trump was overstepping the…” He’d been in office one week. Overstepping what? January 2017: “#coup has started” and “#impeachment will follow.” Now, Donald Trump Jr.’s gonna be here at the top of the next hour. He’s got a new book out. I’ve never interviewed Donald Trump Jr.

I know him. I’ve had a couple conversations with him recently. I chatted with him on the golf course, but he’s never been on the program before. So he’ll be here at the top of the hour. We’ll get some of your phone calls in. But man, folks, really, this has never been about anything. All of it has been made up and contrived. Now there’s evidence that the contrivers and the people running this scam have admitted it. So if you ask me, everything that happens from today forward is nothing but the continuation of a soap opera script.

It’s a play.

It’s a Washington, D.C., production.

You know that Monmouth poll that we had yesterday with the devastating news for Democrats with the impeachment data? The media’s not even using it. The media hasn’t even talked about it. They’ve taken one thing from that poll, one result to prove that Trump followers are a cult. It was the Monmouth poll that 62% of Trump voters said there’s nothing you can do to make me not support Trump. So they’ve run with. “See! See! It’s a cult.”

If Trump had a cult following, then Matt Bevin would have won the Kentucky race for governor. That same poll also showed that an even bigger number of Democrats are not gonna be change their minds and support Trump no matter what he does. The same poll makes the Democrat voter group seem an even bigger cult than Trump’s. Anyway, folks, none of this is legitimate. You realize how hard it is to talk about? None of this is legitimate.


RUSH: So there’s a little bit more to this Mark Zaid guy, who is the whistleblower lawyer who acknowledged that a coup to overturn the presidential election began one week after — actually, it began during the transition. It began with Flynn. All of this began probably even before the election, if you want to know the truth. That was Strzok Smirk and Lisa Page with their Plan B insurance policy.

Mark Zaid tweeted on January 30th, 2017, “A coup has started, first of many steps. Impeachment will follow ultimately.” He also tweeted, “Coup has started. As one falls, two more will take their place.” “As one falls, two more will take their place.” What was he talking about there? I’ll tell you what he was talking.

Mark Zaid was responding to the news that Trump had just fired Sally Yates. She was the acting attorney general. Remember, Sessions had recused himself. So Trump fired Sally Yates because Sally Yates instructed the Justice Department not to defend Trump’s executive order, the travel ban. It was a temporary ban on the admission of refugees barred travel from terrorist hotbeds. Sally Yates told the Justice Department to ignore the president. So Trump canned her, fired her.

Mark Zaid was cheering on Sally Yates, cheering on an executive branch employee for refusing to carry out a lawful presidential order. However, this guy’s call for a coup did not stop there. In May of 2017, Mark Zaid tweeted, “Johnson 1868, Nixon 1973, Clinton 1998, impeachment hearings. Next up, Trump.” And in June of 2017 he tweeted, “45 years from now we might be recalling stories regarding the impeachment of Donald Trump. I’ll be old, but it will be worth the wait.” In July 2017, Mark Zaid tweeted, “I predict CNN will play a key role in Donald Trump not finishing out his full term as president.”

And now this guy’s (impression), “Oh, no, no, there’s nothing to see here. I was simply reflecting on what millions of patriots were reacting to when we saw what an abomination Trump was.” I never heard of Mark Zaid before. This is the classic illustration of deep state, folks. I never heard of this guy. But everybody in Washington apparently knows who he is.

I talked to a friend of mine, “Oh, yeah, this guy’s well known, Rush. He’s hated Trump since before Trump ran for president. This guy’s a Never Trumper, may be the head of the club.” And he magically ends up as the lawyer for the so-called whistleblower.

July 2017: “I predict CNN will play a key role in Donald Trump not finishing out –” Imagine if we had known this back then? Just imagine how the landscape would have changed. Now, again, folks, we did know. We just didn’t have this backup. But we knew what they were doing. We knew there was no Trump-Russia collusion. There was no Russian meddling in the election. They didn’t change the outcome of anything.

There’s another tweet later in July 2017, Mark Zaid: “We will get rid of him, and this country’s strong enough to survive even him and his supporters.” Note that in this tweet Mark Zaid included you in his hatred. He hates Trump and he hates you. Us. And this is exactly the point that we have been pounding here. That we actually may be the real targets of the hatred because if it weren’t for us, Trump would not have been elected. And make no mistake, they hate us.

These radical leftist deep state Washington establishment types literally hate us. The evidence of it is all over every mainstream media outlet: New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, ABC, CBS. Zaid tweeted that the coup would occur in many steps. And it wasn’t just Mark Zaid. Another one of the whistleblower’s lawyers, Andrew Bakaj, tweeted in August of 2017 that Trump ought to be removed under the 25th Amendment.

If you want an illustration of deep state, this is it, folks. People you’ve never heard of, people that were never elected, but they are career Washington elitists. Amazing, isn’t it, how the whistleblower just happened to find this guy as a lawyer? How do you think that happened?

And to repeat Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign communications director, the whistleblower’s lawyer gave away the game. It was always the Democrats’ plan to stage a coup and to impeach President Trump, and all they ever needed was the right scheme. They whiffed on Mueller; so now they’ve settled on a phone call. This proves this was orchestrated from the beginning. It certainly does.

And, by the way, when Zaid was tweeting all of this rotgut back in 2017 the phone call between Trump and Ukraine’s president has not even happened, and it wouldn’t happen for two years. Now, stop and think of that. Then he says it’s gonna happen in stages, that CNN is gonna be instrumental in it.

This is a big deal, folks. They’re attempting to overturn a duly constituted and legal election. This is not just politics-as-usual. This is a direct assault on the Constitution. It’s a direct assault on the American voter by a bunch of people who don’t want to have to put up with what voters do or think. You elect the wrong person and they’re gonna try to take your choice away from you, and they’re gonna try to destroy the people you vote for as a means of destroying you and dispiriting you.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov. 7th
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2019, 07:40:58 pm »

Conflicting Reports on Bolton Testimony

Nov 7, 2019

RUSH: Now the Drudge headline says, “Bolton to Defy White House, Testify.” I don’t know how long that’s been up. CNN just did some breaking news. The Democrats have decided against a subpoena for Bolton, and here is the report. John King is talking to their correspondent, Manu Raju. “House investigators, we’re told, have decided against hitting John Bolton with a subpoena. Manu, does it make it less likely that he appears at all?”

RAJU: It’s possible he may not appear at all because, according to his statement that was provided by a House Intelligence Committee official, that John Bolton had informed this committee that if they issue a subpoena, that his attorneys would take this to court and fight this out in court. And according to this official, they say that we have “no interest in allowing the administration to play rope-a-dope with us in the courts for months.”

RUSH: Well, they would care about playing rope-a-dope. They don’t have anything! They don’t have anything. That’s why Bolton’s not if he’s not. I don’t know which is right now. We don’t have the timeline in front of me, but this was just moments ago that CNN said this.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov. 7th
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2019, 07:42:30 pm »

Schiff Outed Eric Ciaramella in Transcript Release

Nov 7, 2019

RUSH: We’re gonna go to Los Angeles. This is Tim. You’re up first today with us. And it’s great to have you, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Yes. Rush, Schiff accidentally out Ciaramella as the whistleblower yesterday. His staff left it in the William Taylor transcript, and it’s posted all over the mainstream media. Schiff posted it on the House website, realized that he screwed up yesterday, and pulled it down last night. But it’s still all over NBC, CNN —

RUSH: Wait. Wait. Now, I knew this. I knew that Schiff’s staff failed to redact Ciaramella’s name in one of the transcripts they released with the testimony of Bill Taylor. I had not heard they pulled it down. Last I heard was they hadn’t changed it, it was still up there. He pulled it down last night?

CALLER: He pulled it down off the House website last night. I’m not sure exactly what time. But it’s still up on all the mainstream media websites, the PDF, during Mark Meadows’ questioning. It’s still there. They all outed it. Nobody should be hiding this name anymore. They all outed him, every single one of them.

RUSH: Now, when I first heard about this, and this is hours old, this is earlier this morning when I was smack-dab in the middle of show prep. The last I heard on this until your call was that the staff had outed the name and had not redacted it and still it was there. So people were speculating maybe he’s not the whistleblower if Schiff didn’t pull the name down. But you’re saying he’s pulled it down?

CALLER: Last night when this first broke, yes, they absolutely 100 percent pulled it off the House website.

RUSH: All right. So what is your take? What’s your interpretation of this?

CALLER: They screwed up, like, they are so arrogant, rushed to put the transcript out there, and they just flat-out made a mistake. If they didn’t make a mistake, why pull the transcript off the House website?

RUSH: It’s a sign. I hate to keep bringing it back to things I said ’cause I really don’t like making the program about me, but, folks, there’s a pattern here. When the Democrats have the cloak of secrecy, when nobody but them knows what’s going on, like the Mueller report, there weren’t any leaks from the Mueller report. So everybody was allowed to build up expectations. “Mueller’s got the goods. Trump’s gone. He’s gonna prove that Trump colluded and Trump stole the election.”

Of course, the report comes out, and it was dead, it was a dud. So then they immediately moved over to obstruction. And they couldn’t get anything on that. So then they brought Mueller out in public. They just couldn’t accept that Mueller found nothing. When it turned public, it was a disaster.

Mueller was a doddering old man who didn’t know what was in his own report. Because he didn’t write it. A guy named Andrew Weissmann and the rest of the staff wrote it. Mueller was a figurehead from the get-go to give it credibility and an unassailable reputation and all of that.

But the point is when they went public, it was a disaster. And that’s the trend. Now, Schiff is getting ready to go public now, and all of this is starting to implode. So what Schiff’s doing? Well, they got the whistleblower’s name out — uh-oh. And now we are learning that Schiff is not even gonna use the whistleblower, not even gonna use Vindman because quid pro quo may not have any teeth. So now they’re gonna go to bribery. It’s an exact replay of what happened with the Mueller investigation and report. And their problem is they don’t have anything.

They are lying. They are manufacturing an ongoing illusion. And they add to the illusion at every step or phase of this with a new allegation. Like the phone call just happens to fall into their lap, oh, we’re gonna impeach someone with a phone call. That’s because collusion with Russia bombed out. This is gonna implode on them. It is starting to. May even be ahead of the game on that. Tim, thanks for the call.


RUSH: Here is the transcript that Schiff released that identified the name of the whistleblower. Actually, Schiff didn’t do it. It came in the form of a question from one of the Republicans, and I don’t know who the Republican was. I think the witness here is Bill Taylor, but I’m not even sure of that. But this has since been taken down. “Question: Okay. Does a person by the name of Eric Ciaramella ring a bell for you? Answer: It doesn’t. Question: So to your knowledge, you never had any communications with somebody by that name? Answer: Correct.”

I think it was Taylor, and I think it’s Mark Meadows asking, but I’m not sure. Anyway, Schiff didn’t release it or ask it. It was a Republican questioning Taylor, and that was part of the transcript. His name, Eric Ciaramella, was released by Schiff. Now this is no longer there. It’s been pulled down.


RUSH: Bradenton, Florida. Jane, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi. What an honor to speak to you.

RUSH: Great to have you here with us.

CALLER: Thank you. My question is, is there any accountability? From the beginning, the whistleblower, there were representations that were made to the IG that allowed everything to go forward, and it just… Everything is so turned around now. Is there any accountability?

RUSH: You mean is the whistleblower gonna get in trouble for doing anything the way he’s done it?

CALLER: Exactly.


CALLER: (groans)

RUSH: This is a Democrat-media run operation. The whistleblower was told things that he did not hear — by Vindman, we think, but we’re not sure about that, either. The whistleblower then called Adam Schiff. Right there’s the violation. The whistleblower, if he’s really blowing a whistle, has to go to the inspector general. She didn’t do that. He went to Schiff. Schiff then examined — and Schiff knew this was coming. It’s all a setup. Every bit of this is a setup, and now that that’s been learned… Remember, the key to this, Jane, is that Trump released the transcript.

CALLER: You’re right.

RUSH: That is what blew this up. This was gonna be something entirely different if Trump had not released transcript. They were gonna be able to say that it was whatever it was, characterize it however they wanted to characterize it. They wanted to be able to say that Trump was obstructing; he was covering up. He releases the transcript. That made the whistleblower irrelevant because the whistleblower never heard the call. All he had was secondhand knowledge.

The transcript of the phone call is the transcript of the phone call. It’s everything in it. It doesn’t matter what anybody says about it, and all anybody was saying about it was their opinion. So now it’s gone. So your question is, “Will the whistleblower ever be held accountable for participating in an obvious political scam?” I don’t know. But all I can tell you is, how many Democrats get in trouble for doing stuff like this? Nobody’s gotten in trouble yet for the entire Russian collusion hoax, and we hope that happens at some point down the line.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov. 7th
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2019, 07:42:45 pm »

Dreadful Impeachment Poll Numbers for Dems

Nov 6, 2019

RUSH: Now, I just saw something here. I was just given — I guess this is — yes, it is another tweet. I didn’t get it. It’s a copy-and-paste job again. I’m not on Twitter. It is from Sean Davis. Now, he is one of the co-founders of the Federalist. And this is a great example of look what happens when you do not overweight Democrats in a poll. And the title of the tweet from Mr. Davis: “Brutal Impeachment Numbers for Democrats in a New Monmouth Poll.”

Now, Monmouth is an institution of higher learning. It’s a university, college out there. And they do their own polling. And they’ve just released a poll on impeachment. This poll does not give the Democrats any weighted — w-e-i-g-h-t-e-d — any weighted advantage. You know, when any poll starts doing polls, they try to come up with the number of Democrats in the area the poll has taken place, number of Republicans, number of independents.

And in every one of these polls the Democrats are always represented by eight or nine percentage points more than Republicans. Registered voters, likely voters, wherever, it’s always the Democrats have a plus seven to plus nine advantage because the pollsters tell us (sniveling), “Well, there are just that many more Democrats than there are Republicans. So if we’re gonna get an accurate result we have to properly weight the poll.”

Well, this poll had a sample 29% Republican, 42% independent, 29% Democrat. It was 48% male and 52% female, which, to me, sounds like it is smack-dab right in the middle. Twenty-nine percent Republican, 29% Democrat, 42 independent, and 48% male, 52% female. That’s probably right. You know, there’s always gonna be more women than men in a nation’s population, in a city’s population, just gonna be that way.

Nature, nature does that, folks. To sustain itself, life is an ongoing sustainable thing, and you need females for it. So there’s always more of ’em. Don’t doubt me. That’s not even a political statement. It’s not even a cultural statement. It’s science.

Anyway, here are the numbers in the Monmouth poll with the breakdown I just gave you. Seventy-three percent have little or no trust in the process. Again, Monmouth is respected. The Drive-Bys love to report Monmouth. The candidates, parties, they use Monmouth.

Seventy-three percent of the people have little to no trust in the impeachment process. Sixty percent say the Democrats are more interested in destroying Trump than finding facts. Fifty-one percent oppose impeachment. Only 37% say that Trump’s actions are clear grounds for impeachment.

You won’t find these results in any other poll. Now, you will find polling data that shows impeachment isn’t the slam dunk the Democrats think. And the only thing the Democrats can rely on in those polls is they try to point you to the trend. “Well, yeah, it may not be a majority yet, but the trend line is that more and more people want it.” That’s the best they’ve got. This poll is what happens when you don’t oversample Democrats.

Let me give it to you again. When you don’t oversample Democrats, equal number, Democrat, Republican, and 42% independent, 73% have little to no interest in the impeachment process. Sixty percent say the Democrats are more interested in destroying Trump than finding facts. Fifty-one percent oppose impeachment, and only 37% say that Trump’s actions are clear grounds for impeachment.

Now, it’ll be real interesting to see if this poll happens to find its way into Nancy Pelosi’s group of Democrats that are paying attention to this. ‘Cause if they do, it’s gonna send shock waves. Look. Those people live and die by this stuff. I don’t, and I don’t know about you, but it’s not that I selectively choose which ones to believe and not believe. It’s that I don’t think polls, for the most part, are used anymore to reflect public opinion. I think they are tools to try to shape it. I think that’s how the media uses them.

Now, Monmouth is not a media outlet, it’s not like ABC News, Washington Post, or NBC NBC/Wall Street Journal or CBS/New York Times. This is just Monmouth University. And as I say, they’ve got a decent reputation. So we shall see.


RUSH: There’s also this Monmouth poll, a story on it from the New York Post: “New Poll Shows Trump Supporters Won’t Be Swayed — By Anything,” and I find this fascinating, ’cause the piece I just quoted from in American Greatness, talked about how the Democrats are just convinced that all Republicans are white supremacists and racists and neo-Nazis and nothing you can do will change their minds.

Yet we’re told Democrats are tolerant and open-minded and sophisticated, and yet it isn’t the case, and there is this story out there that Trump voters will not change their minds about Trump, that you cannot get them — you cannot get them to turn on Trump.  Here’s the New York Post story:  “Sixty-two percent of people who approve of the job President Trump is doing say that there would be nothing [he] could do to shake their support, according to a Monmouth University poll out” today.

It’s the same poll that talks about those dreadful-for-the-Democrats impeachment numbers.

“On the other hand, 70% of those who don’t approve of [Trump’s] job performance say there is nothing he could do that would win them over. Overall, 43% of the 401 respondents approve of Trump’s job, as opposed to 51% who disapprove. That is up from a September survey, where 41% approved while 53% disapproved.” This is despite impeachment.  Their impeachment numbers are probably right because none of these numbers are moving because of impeachment.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov. 7th
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2019, 08:36:44 pm »

Donald Trump, Jr. Calls the Show

Nov 7, 2019

RUSH: It’s really great to have Donald Trump Jr. with us. His new book is out. Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us. Welcome to the program, Don. As I say, it’s really great to have you here.

TRUMP JR.: It’s great to be with you, Rush. Thanks for having me.

RUSH: Now, I want to first… Before we get into the nuts and bullets of what’s happening now, I want to go back to 2015 and even prior. I want to ask you about your family and how all this has affected you. I ran into your sister, Ivanka, at the Cape Girardeau rally, and I said to her, “Y’all must be so proud.” Now, you’re right in the middle of the Russia thing. We’re coming up on election night. It’s the night before the 2018 midterms, and your father and everybody in your family are the targets of vile, vicious attacks.

But I said to her, “You must be so proud.” What I meant was that your father had been elected president. What was that like? I mean, I’m sure your father has been a dynamic figure your whole life like he is for everybody else. But he decides to run for president. I’m sure it was a family decision. What was that like, the campaign? ‘Cause I imagine… I know your dad. Your dad… I even talked to him a month after the election. He expected a month into it, that all the partisanship would die, and people would fall in line and really admire/respect what he wanted to do for the country. I told him I didn’t think that was gonna happen. But what was it like for all of you when this viciousness started and the attacks? I’ve tried to put myself in your shoes, and I’ve tried my best to understand it, but I wanted to hear from you.

TRUMP JR.: Well, listen. It was pretty brutal. I mean, I think that’s part of why I decided to write a book, right? I mean, we went through this thing — and, you know, he knew what he was gonna get into. Maybe we didn’t realize it would be as bad as it is because I can’t imagine it getting much worse especially over the last three years. I tell the story about going down in the elevator with him on June 16, 2015, and he just looked me in the eyes and the last thing he said before he then walked off to go down the escalator was, “Now we find out who our real friends are.”

So it was a great statement for me because it was so telling, Rush, in that he knew it would be vicious. He knew it would be rough. He knew people who had known him for years — and you’ve seen it all. All these people now, “Trump’s terrible!” That’s weird. We’ve had dinner 15 times. All of a sudden, he’s terrible. But more importantly, he knew all those things, and he did it anyway? And so it has been rough. I mean, listen. I’m a guy. I live in New York City. I have young kids. They go to school in New York City.

We’ve gotten exploding envelopes of white-powder substance to our house. I’m the number 2 most threatened protectee of the United States Secret Service after my father because I’m willing to be vocal and speak for him and do so without just giving up and folding. And so, you know, it really does depend. I mean, it’s amazing to go around the country and see people who have benefited so much, and they tell me the stories about their jobs and businesses expanding and wages going up, and that’s awesome.

But, you know, then you put on the sort of I’m a father of young kids who get to watch this stuff on TV and the viciousness and the brutality and the reporters and the screaming, and it’s so one sided. You know, I just did The View with Kimberly — it was sort of interesting — and they talk about the whistleblower. “You outed him!” I go, “What? I outed him? I heard about it on Rush,” I think you mentioned it last week, “and I saw it on Drudge Report a few weeks ago, and I literally quote tweeted an article.” I think it was a Breitbart article with the guy’s name in it. But I “outed” him.

I wish I would have seen the same outrage when people were doxing our family, when those exploding envelopes are showing up to our apartment. You know, they don’t care care if that happened to my family and my kids. They don’t mind attacking Barron’s Trump who’s 13 years old. Hunter Biden’s off-limits — and, obviously, a CIA operative who’s worked for Joe Biden who’s a friend of Brennan and the coup clown guys. It’s pretty sick, and that’s the environment in which we live. So it’s been both amazing and incredibly rough.

RUSH: Well, for us looking at it from our standpoint, it’s all surreal. Because, Don, none of this is real. There wasn’t any meddling with Russia, collusion. That was all done on the Democrat side. This phone call to the Ukrainian president is a nothing burger. They don’t have, they’ve never had any evidence about anything. They’re having to make it up. I’ve tried to put myself in your shoes day in and day out, and tried to imagine the frustration. It’s driving me crazy, and I’m not a Trump!

TRUMP JR.: Yeah. (chuckles) Well, it’s pretty bad, and it took me 41 years to realize it, but I’m probably a lot more like my father than I would have otherwise thought. I’m pretty vocal, I get pretty aggressive — and, you know, unlike many conservatives, if I get called out, I’m gonna push back. I’m gonna fight. So when backed in the corner like we have been… Don’t forget, I mean, a big part of the story of the book is, “Hey, I was the number 2 target of the Mueller hoax.” You know, this thing’s been going for a while.

I think the big outrage about me apparently dropping the name — even though it was out there in publications for days — of this supposed whistleblower is that now that the name’s out there, people are realizing, “Oh, he worked for Brennan?” You know, they had no problem with Brennan lying to Congress. They had no problem with any of this. But it was so convenient. (impression) “He’s a good… He’s a great public servant. Obviously, there’s no bias here. This is all about his disgust for what’s going on.” Oh, wait, so he’s tied to those guys? Shocking!

RUSH: This whole thing’s a setup. The guy’s the Pajama Boy. The guy… He could be the model for Obama’s Pajama Boy health care commercials.

TRUMP JR.: It was him in the picture.

RUSH: We know the guy’s tied to Biden. We know that he’s tied to Brennan. But I want to go back to something you just said. You said you were the number two target of the Russia hoax thing, that honeypot, that lawyer, Veselnitskaya, that they tried to arrange.

TRUMP JR.: Yeah.

RUSH: That was Fusion GPS!


RUSH: They set you up in that Trump Tower meeting, and they were trying to arrange for you to say or do something that they could then point to. They were trying to create the crime. They were spying on your campaign.

TRUMP JR.: A hundred percent.

RUSH: When did you first get a whiff that something about that wasn’t right?

TRUMP JR.: You know, basically through the media, ’cause, I mean, this was… Again, what people like to neglect — and it’s always interesting. I mean, don’t forget, I did 30 hours of testimony in front of the House and the Senate, in front of all of these committees about an unsolicited 20-minute meeting. But there’s been nothing about 33,000 emails deleted — under subpoena, Rush. What do you think would happen if a Trump did that? How about if a Trump paid foreign operatives to go into the Ukraine, to go into Russia, to collect the dossier dirt, to leak it to the FBI who then leaks it to the press? The press writes a story. The same the FBI that leaked the story to the press utilizes that story as a justification for the FISA warrants to start the greatest coup and the greatest farce in the history of the republic.

RUSH: I’ve got a better one than that.

TRUMP JR.: It’s two sided. If I did that, it would be over.

RUSH: What if your dad had set you up with both the Chinese and the Ukrainians to earn $2 billion a year and you didn’t know diddly-squat about what you were doing and the press found out about it?

TRUMP JR.: Oh, well, this is the one I laugh about. I say… They go, “Well, Donald Trump Jr., he’s also the son of a guy with a famous last name and he capitalized on it,” and I go, “Yeah, I know. A hundred percent.” I don’t even hide from that. But we did it at private citizens, as capitalists. We didn’t utilize… We were international businesspeople, Rush, for two decades. This is what I did. When my father won, he said, “We will not do any new international deals going forward.” Hunter Biden — who’d never done any deals in his life — magically becomes this international businessman.

You know Burisma. He knows nothing about oil and gas. He doesn’t speak Ukrainian. Minor details. But he’s willing to take $83,000 a month. You know, he had six weeks to prep for that ABC interview and he still didn’t know why the heck he got the job. I say, “What if Donald Trump Jr. did that? Would you guys have the same ‘children are off-limits’?” If I went to China on Air Force One with my father and came back with $1.5 billion from the Chinese government to invest in my fund, they would lose… We’d actually solve the fake news media problem, Rush, because their heads would explode and there would be none of them left.

RUSH: Okay. But, now, this is a reality, nevertheless, that you have to deal with. You know the game is rigged, and you know that the opposition is making it up as they go. You know that they’re trying to ruin you —

TRUMP JR.: Yeah.

RUSH: — and your father and your whole family. And you also know that they’re not going to stop.

TRUMP JR.: Right.

RUSH: They’re not gonna stop even after you win reelection. They’re gonna keep coming after you because they can’t allow outsiders like you to come in and gain control of the levers of power in government. So… I know you can’t give away specifics. How often do you meet to strategize how to deal with this? Because you know every day if they’ve got something new to make up or drop, they’re going to do it. I imagine you’d love a day or two of peace, but you know you’re not gonna get it. So how do you deal with it?

TRUMP JR.: No, we’re at war, and we’re at war for our freedoms. We’re at war for our culture. You know, this is the largest divide between the two political parties in the history of the country. You know, I write a lot in the book about socialism and communism, ’cause my mother escaped from it. You know, I grew up with grandparents that lived through that stuff. You know, I spent summers in what was then communist Czechoslovakia.

I can tell you those bread lines that Bernie talks about are not nearly so wonderful. So, I get it. I tried… Actually, I don’t communicate with them. I do these things on my own. But that was blue checkmark Twitter yesterday. “Oh, my God! Donald Trump Jr. must have coordinated with the White House!” All right. The tweet? Like, apparently they haven’t been watching my feed. One of the interesting stories in the book is my father actually calling me, and I get the call from the White House. (impression) “This is White House operator. The president would like to speak to you.”

“Hey, Dad. What’s going on?”

“Don, you’re getting a little aggressive on social media these days.”

I go, “Wait a minute, Dad. (laughing) Dad, I love you. I love you very much. I respect you dearly. I will listen to you on just about anything. This may be the one place, the one place where we may cede a little bit of the high ground here.” So I’ve had some fun with that. But, yeah, I try not to coordinate with them. But the reality is, yes, we are under the gun. They will continue to do that. We are a threat to the deep state. And, by the way, if you didn’t believe in the deep state before 2016, I can actually understand that. If you don’t believe in them wholeheartedly now, you’re a fool, and their actions have shown us that.

RUSH: Mark Zaid has confirmed the deep state. He’s proudly claimed membership in it. And he’s given up the ghost with his —

TRUMP JR.: He has.

RUSH: — with these discovered tweets. You guys were the target of an impeachment that began one week after your father was sworn in as president. Actually, it began before that.

TRUMP JR.: Well, it began on November 9th when he did the unthinkable, which was to beat the establishment. The Washington Post dropped their first headline about it 19 minutes after the inauguration, “The Case for Impeaching Trump.” Nineteen minutes, Rush, you know, that was about the amount of time that it took Obama to get nominated for the peace prize.

RUSH: (laughing).

TRUMP JR.: That’s the difference between, you know, what we think. On The View today it was funny when they said, “Your father doesn’t take that much heat from the press.” I go, “Please name someone who’s taken more.” They go, “Obama.” I go, “Give me a break.” The press took an eight year vacation. It’s why they’re so energized now. Under the Obama administration there was nothing he could do wrong, regardless of the idiocy of the some of the policies, regardless of sending $150 billion to Iran —

RUSH: They all wanted to be —

TRUMP JR.: — a state sponsor of terror. It’s insanity.

RUSH: They all wanted to be Obama’s best friend. They still do. Look. You said something, you’re cramming a lot in here. You just said something that’s kind of profound. I want to go back to it, and it’s a huge difference. When Biden got elected VP, his son started working for foreign companies, traveling with his dad —

TRUMP JR.: Yeah.

RUSH: — to arrange these deals. When your father got elected, you and the rest of his children stopped working on international deals. Correct?

TRUMP JR.: Correct. We stopped doing new deals. Now, we had deals that we started in 2010. You can’t walk away from a building halfway through, but we stopped doing new deals. In our hotels, if someone from a foreign government comes in, we literally write a check back to the U.S. Treasury for the profits associated therewith. And that’s the nuance. That’s the false equivalency that the media refuses to acknowledge, refuses to run, and they still get there and they’re still trying to make sure they got the audit and they just pretend like it’s not actually happening.

And that’s the difference. You know, we were international businesspeople for decades. We gave it up. It’s a big part of why I’m so into politics ’cause frankly I did most of our international business. I did our deals abroad, and now that I can’t find or hunt for new deals, I got another thing.

The only thing I’m not gonna be is bored, Rush. So it’s allowed me to create a platform to go help those who are willing to fight for my father in the House, in the Senate, in governors’ races and to ultimately help my father. Because for me as an American, as a patriot, as a father of five young kids, there is nothing more important than fighting for this country and making sure that we save this republic from these crazy people.

RUSH: We’re talking with Donald Trump Jr., new book, Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us. You have a couple more minutes? I gotta take a spot break here. Can you hang on for a few?

TRUMP JR.: Of course. Of course.

RUSH: All right. We’ll be right back with Donald Trump Jr., folks, so hang on. Don’t go away.


RUSH: And we’re back with Donald Trump Jr. New book hot off the press destined for the top of the New York Times best-seller list, which is gonna irritate the New York Times. Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us.

I’m looking at the blurbs on the back. Ted Cruz says: “For far too long the left hammered away at our values. We did nothing. Donald Trump Jr.’s new book is a road map on how we fight back.”

What are we gonna do? I mean, you know who your enemies are. It’s the American left. They seem to be expanding in certain demographic ways. What is the best way, do you think, to beat these people back?

TRUMP JR.: Again, you know, I think it took a personality like Trump to be able to do that. We do have to fight. We have to be vocal. We’ve had this sort of mentality, Rush, of turn the other cheek and we have our principles and, you know, everybody’s so loud about their principles on the stump speech but when they’re worried about getting a negative article written about them in a liberal publication they fold like a cheap rug.

I mean, you can’t assume that you’re gonna get a fair shake from the media today who’s made a cognizant decision to be the marketing arm of the Democrat Party. And so we have to be vocal, we have to fight, we have to be willing to stand up. And, again, I think Trump has shown that to Republicans who wouldn’t have done that. I mean, whether it be through the travails going on right now in pushing back or whether it be through things like Kavanaugh.

I mean, think of another Republican who in the same situation as my father was with Kavanaugh when all of the craziness was going on, even though everyone knew it was nonsense, how many would have actually stuck with him through that, would have taken the heat and said, “No, no, no, we’re not gonna let these guys ruin that guy’s life. We’re gonna stand by him.”

RUSH: That’s an excellent point, and we made note of that at that time. A lot of people would have folded, a lot of presidents, a lot of previous one. “Don’t even get any of that stuff near me,” they would have said.

TRUMP JR.: Correct.

RUSH: Now, Don, your life before all of this was whatever it was, but your life did not feature the kind of media mockery and hatred and disrespect. I mean, the Trump family in New York, and The Apprentice show, you guys were doing great things for the city, the city loved you. You saved the roller rink, you did a number of great things. How surprising was this total turn to outright hatred for you and your family once your father’s political career got in gear?

TRUMP JR.: Again, not entirely surprising. You know, but that’s sort of the evolution of the Democrat Party. And I say that because, again, I’m from New York City, I get it. I have plenty of friends that were Democrats. But even they and many of them today have a hard time arguing the Democrat platform and I think that’s the point I make throughout the country and in the book, which is today’s Democrat Party is not your grandfather’s Democrat Party.

You know, JFK would be like an Alt-Right neo-Nazi fascist according to them today. And I think there’s such a great tradition of, you know, some of these people in working class America, “Don, if my grandfather knew I was voting for a Republican he’d be rolling over in his grave.” I go, “How many genders would your grandfather think there are? Talk to me about what he would think about today’s Democrat Party platform,” and that’s sort of when the light goes off.

So I literally go out and speak to people. I speak to college campuses. Like I said, I just did The View with Kimberly. We will put ourselves in there to be heard. And not everyone’s gonna listen. And I can assure you there’s no one less tolerant than a leftist preaching tolerance so it wasn’t entirely surprising, Rush, but there’s also sort of a hidden — there’s a hidden vote that still exists. The example I use is Kimberly convinced me to take her to this restaurant on Valentine’s Day on the Upper East Side of New York, and this is not exactly a conservative stronghold, as you’re aware.

RUSH: Oh, yeah, yeah, been there numerous times when they wouldn’t let me in.

TRUMP JR.: Yes, exactly. And so I’m sitting there and I’m going, “Oh, no.” Everyone’s giving me side eye and I’m looking, “Who am I gonna have to take a swing at to defend my girlfriend here?” And we have this dinner and I’m sort of annoyed about the whole thing throughout the thing. And we pay our check, we get out, we leave, and this old lady comes up and she says, “You!” out loud, I mean, it’s small restaurant. I’m like, “Oh, boy, here we go.” It’s a little harder to punch an old lady, right? I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding, Rush.

I’m saying, “Oh, no here we go. This is why I didn’t even want to go out.” And she just goes, “You guys have the biggest –” you know, there’s a word, maybe not for radio, but it starts with a B and ends in an S. “And I love it. You guys fight, you don’t give in,” and she’s screaming this at this restaurant. And so everyone all of the sudden is looking, and I thought everyone was giving me side eye, and literally Rush, everyone stood up and started clapping.

They came over and started shaking hands and giving me selfies. So in this bastion of liberalism, this place where, you know, 2% of the people are conservatives and I thought everyone was hating on me, there was actually a lot of love. But they just didn’t know how to react. They were so —

RUSH: Well, everybody thought – (crosstalk)

TRUMP JR.: — by the media.

RUSH: No, everybody thought they were the only ones in the room that did and didn’t want to —

TRUMP JR.: Correct. (crosstalk)

RUSH: — so once that old lady got the gonads up and went up and do it, that cleared the way for everybody else to tell you how much they love you.

TRUMP JR.: One hundred percent.

RUSH: Look, I appreciate your time. I wish we had more but we’re down to the end, 30 seconds, and I just didn’t want to end this thing rudely. I wanted to wish you the best. Something my wife says to me, she reminds me all the time about your dad and you, is that none of you had to do this. Run for president and deal with all that, you didn’t have to do it, and yet you do. And you are. And you’re not quitting or giving it up.

And she has tremendous appreciation. A lot of people do. And I’m glad that happened to you at La Grenouille because the more that happens the more it can inspire you. I know you don’t need it but it’s great to see it nevertheless. Good luck with the book and thanks so much for your time here today.

TRUMP JR.: Thank you, sir.

RUSH: Donald Trump Jr. and Triggered is the book.

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Democrat Party...the Party of Infanticide

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34