Author Topic: Dear Trudy, Why are We Obligated to Take One More Iraqi or Afghan Refugee?  (Read 196 times)

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Dear Trudy, Why are We Obligated to Take One More Iraqi or Afghan Refugee?
09/29/2019 ~ Ann Corcoran   

The Philadelphia Inquirer’s esteemed foreign affairs columnist Trudy Rubin has penned an opinion piece dripping with venom and bias against the President (and White House aide Stephen Miller) claiming we still owe US citizenship to thousands more Iraqi and Afghan “translators” who supposedly all helped the US military.

Trudy Rubin says we must admit thousands more Afghan and Iraqi ‘interpreters’ to America! I want to know when is enough enough?

The war in Iraq ended in 2011, so first let me ask why after 8 years we still must be giving anyone from Iraq (maybe with an exception for truly persecuted Christians) a taxpayer-funded new life in America?

We spent enormous blood and treasure giving Iraqis new leadership and a fresh chance at governing themselves, why must we move tens of thousands of the newly freed Iraqis (mostly Muslims) to a town near you?