Author Topic: The Facts Are In, And Doctors Are More Likely To Kill You Than A Gun  (Read 185 times)

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Online Elderberry

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The Daily Caller by Erich Pratt and Michael Hammond 7/19/2019

Over the years, we have become used to seeing “junk science” flowing out of the billionaire-funded anti-gun lobby.

And most of it reaches the same repetitive conclusions — based on repeating the same intellectual fallacy.

The fallacy is that gun control makes people safer, but the easy availability of firearms endangers the public.

Just this week, we saw yet another example of this fraud — this time from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

We start with the fact that the “study” took much of its source material from the Brady Campaign — a virulently anti-gun advocacy group.

Their report relied on state grades which are issued by the “Brady Bunch” to determine which gun control laws supposedly make states safer.

States which have imposed very strict gun control get higher grades from the Bradys, while states with fewer restrictions get lower grades.

But these grades have nothing to do with reality or with identifying which states are actually safer.

The authors of the publication would have us believe that the children are safer in the south side of Chicago than they are in Cheyenne, Wyoming — or in Baltimore rather than Bismarck, North Dakota.

But the “study,” and the grades it relied upon, are a farce.
