Author Topic: 'I am legally married to one, culturally to another': Omar tries to shut down bigamy allegations  (Read 1732 times)

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Offline SirLinksALot

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'I'm not legally married to two people, but I am legally married to one and culturally married to another.' That's how Ilhan Omar's campaign spokesman Ben Goldfarb summarized Omar's conjugal arrangements in an email in August 2016, when Omar was running for Congress and her advisers were trying to stifle allegations of double marriage — with a man alleged to be her brother.

An internal campaign communique sent by Omar's spokesman Ben Goldfarb revealing his issues with her marital status

Omar supplied this email to the Minnesota Campaign and Public Disclosure Board's investigation into her campaign financing. That investigation concluded on June 6 by ordering Omar to refund $3,500 in misused campaign funds, and to pay a $500 fine. It also revealed that in 2014 and 2015, Omar may have broken federal and state law by filing a joint tax return with her husband Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi — when she was married to another man.

When conservative journalists in Minnesota raised the bigamy allegations in 2016, Omar issued a statement calling the allegations 'baseless, absurd rumors' and issued a statement accusing the journalists of 'Islamophobia'. Her statement was taken verbatim from Goldfarb's email. That same email appears to admit that the allegations are not without basis. Goldfarb describes how he tried to construct a denial based on 'real background information', but found it 'impossible'


« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 04:59:44 pm by SirLinksALot »

Offline Elderberry

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Minnesota abolished common law marriage in 1941. In Minnesota a couple is legally married or just living together. Minnesota does, however, recognize common law marriages that were legally created outside of this state.

But; Adultery is against the law in Minnesota. ... "When a married woman has sexual intercourse with a man other than her husband, whether married or not, both are guilty of adultery and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both."

Offline SirLinksALot

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Well, Ilhan Omar tries to escape allegations of bigamy by redefining what she means by marriage. She distinguishes between "legal" and "cultural" marriage (whatever the latter means).

« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 05:00:05 pm by SirLinksALot »

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Well, Ilhan Omar tries to escape allegations of bigamy by redefining what she means by marriage. She distinguishes between "legal" and "cultural" marriage (whatever the latter means).
A cultural marriage is a 'legal marriage'. Jewish weddings, for example, are highly cultural and ceremonial. However, they are very, very, very, legal! As my wife's lawyer will strongly affirm. It is not a joke or 'just a party'. It is the real deal.

You can't be part of a Muslim marriage, a Jewish marriage, a Catholic marriage, and then marry an atheist at City Hall by saying that the first ones don't really count. "They were just cultural celebrations, but not legal." That would be a funny thing to come up in a court.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Bill Cipher

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Isn’t adultery a crime under Islamic rules?

Offline rustynail

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She was just a poor young refugee trying to navigate the whiteman tricky culture.

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Isn’t adultery a crime under Islamic rules?

For the woman, it's a capital offense.
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Bill Cipher

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For the woman, it's a capital offense.

That’s what I figured.  Seems to me she should be damned glad she lives in this country, where she can live “in sin” in peace, rather than being stoned to death in any of the countries that, to all appearances, she seems to think are morally superior to the US.

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She was just a poor young refugee trying to navigate the whiteman tricky culture.

Thats exactly what the hapless John Garmendi D-CA was on TV asserting this morning, with vigor. Don't believe your lying ears, he said, Omar isn't an anti-American anti-semite. She loves and is good for America and what Trump said about her last night is just turrible.

Oh how I hope the rats settle on this strategy.

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Posted on July 18, 2019 by Scott Johnson in Ilhan Omar

David Steinberg: Tying up loose threads in the curious case

In four intensely reported investigative columns — here (August 13, 2018), here (October 23, 2018), here (October 30, 2018), and here (November 5, 2018), — David Steinberg has explored the evidence suggesting that Ilhan Omar entered into a sham marriage with her brother in 2009. This is his fifth. He titles it “Meet Leila Elmi: The Missing Link Showing Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother.” Drawing on his research, interviews, and social media evidence he makes the case that Omar has engaged in a variety of fraudulent activities and willful misrepresentations related to her marital arrangements. He writes:

On October 22, 2008, the U.S. State Department stopped accepting applications for the Priority 3/Refugee Family Reunification program — the process by which refugees can apply for asylum if one family member is already a legal U.S. resident. State halted the program because DNA testing — primarily of Somalis — had concluded that perhaps 87 percent of applicants were fraudulently claiming family relationships.

Despite continuing war, Somalia of 2008 was not comparable to the open hell of the early 1990s, when an eight-year-old Ilhan and her family fled to Kenya’s Dadaab refugee camps. She lived there from 1991 until 1995, aged eight to 12. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services then helped Ilhan, her sister Sahra, and their father Nur Said receive asylum in the United States along with thousands of other Somalis.

The complicated moral question of fraud, let alone fault, among this 1990s wave of refugees escaping civil war will never be answered with accurate statistics. We will have to settle for adjectives like “widespread” and “rampant.” Yet the negative outcomes cannot be ignored. Even refugees with strong desire to assimilate with Western civic order are hampered by the possible discovery of conflicting documents. And compromising information becomes leverage in a community already difficult to police.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline jmyrlefuller

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Minnesota abolished common law marriage in 1941. In Minnesota a couple is legally married or just living together. Minnesota does, however, recognize common law marriages that were legally created outside of this state.

But; Adultery is against the law in Minnesota. ... "When a married woman has sexual intercourse with a man other than her husband, whether married or not, both are guilty of adultery and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both."
Pretty sure Lawrence v. Texas struck down all laws against consensual sex, married or not.
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Offline jmyrlefuller

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A cultural marriage is a 'legal marriage'. Jewish weddings, for example, are highly cultural and ceremonial. However, they are very, very, very, legal! As my wife's lawyer will strongly affirm. It is not a joke or 'just a party'. It is the real deal.

You can't be part of a Muslim marriage, a Jewish marriage, a Catholic marriage, and then marry an atheist at City Hall by saying that the first ones don't really count. "They were just cultural celebrations, but not legal." That would be a funny thing to come up in a court.
Polygamists (and in Omar's case, polyandrists) would disagree.

Even religious marriages, if they are to be considered legal, have to legally be signed off and witnessed. If it's not legal (e.g. polygamy or incest), the marriage can still go on, and it may be culturally valid, but it has no legal effect.
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Offline aligncare

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Posted on July 18, 2019 by Scott Johnson in Ilhan Omar

David Steinberg: Tying up loose threads in the curious case

In four intensely reported investigative columns — here (August 13, 2018), here (October 23, 2018), here (October 30, 2018), and here (November 5, 2018), — David Steinberg has explored the evidence suggesting that Ilhan Omar entered into a sham marriage with her brother in 2009. This is his fifth. He titles it “Meet Leila Elmi: The Missing Link Showing Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother.” Drawing on his research, interviews, and social media evidence he makes the case that Omar has engaged in a variety of fraudulent activities and willful misrepresentations related to her marital arrangements. He writes:

On October 22, 2008, the U.S. State Department stopped accepting applications for the Priority 3/Refugee Family Reunification program — the process by which refugees can apply for asylum if one family member is already a legal U.S. resident. State halted the program because DNA testing — primarily of Somalis — had concluded that perhaps 87 percent of applicants were fraudulently claiming family relationships.

Despite continuing war, Somalia of 2008 was not comparable to the open hell of the early 1990s, when an eight-year-old Ilhan and her family fled to Kenya’s Dadaab refugee camps. She lived there from 1991 until 1995, aged eight to 12. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services then helped Ilhan, her sister Sahra, and their father Nur Said receive asylum in the United States along with thousands of other Somalis.

The complicated moral question of fraud, let alone fault, among this 1990s wave of refugees escaping civil war will never be answered with accurate statistics. We will have to settle for adjectives like “widespread” and “rampant.” Yet the negative outcomes cannot be ignored. Even refugees with strong desire to assimilate with Western civic order are hampered by the possible discovery of conflicting documents. And compromising information becomes leverage in a community already difficult to police.


This dangerous idiot will not be re-elected. Besides she’s eminently ripe to be challenged and lose in a primary. On second thought, given how mailable donkey voters are, she just might be shoo-in to win a primary challenge(!).
« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 08:05:48 pm by aligncare »

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With her ego...she is going to run for the Senate from New York.    :2popcorn:
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Stonewall Jackson  ‏ @1776Stonewall

The left likes to stereotype southerners as inbred hicks who marry their sisters . . . and yet they support Omar, who actually did marry her brother
9:29 AM - 18 Jul 2019

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Stonewall Jackson  ‏ @1776Stonewall

The left likes to stereotype southerners as inbred hicks who marry their sisters . . . and yet they support Omar, who actually did marry her brother
9:29 AM - 18 Jul 2019

Bigamy allegations? Add incest to that list.
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Offline thackney

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Bigamy allegations? Add incest to that list.

Most likely just immigration fraud.
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'I'm not legally married to two people, but I am legally married to one and culturally married to another.'

Interesting statement since the cultural marriage was apparently conducted by a Christian priest.

Offline jafo2010

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I doubt Omar or AOC will be going anywhere but UP!

Once again, where the hell is the corrupt FBI?  Steinberg's article is sufficient to warrant a full criminal investigation, not just into Ilhan Omar, but her entire family that came to the USA as faux members of another family that obtained refugee status.  Her entire family should be deported!

However, out government is so saturated with mussies that nothing happens against mussies in general, and in fact, every year, our country continues to gain mussies to the tune of a couple hundred thousand.  Look at the numbers for the Diversity Visa for each year and see for yourself.  I say about 80% are coming from islamic states.  We better wake up before we become the next France, which is lost to the mussies.

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How I love all the loony ladies of the Odd Squad. Their entire foundation is built on chaos and anarchy and lawlessness, the very opposite things that make for a successful political movement.

They are literally ripping the Dems apart at the seams.
The Republic is lost.

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Most likely just immigration fraud.

Steinberg, who was New York City Editor at PJ Media from 2009-2019, writes that there is now “probable cause to investigate Omar for eight instances of perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, up to eight years of state and federal tax fraud, two years of federal student loan fraud, and even bigamy.”

“To be clear: The facts describe perhaps the most extensive spree of illegal misconduct committed by a House member in American history.”,369092.msg2013814/topicseen.html#new
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Bill Cipher

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Steinberg, who was New York City Editor at PJ Media from 2009-2019, writes that there is now “probable cause to investigate Omar for eight instances of perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, up to eight years of state and federal tax fraud, two years of federal student loan fraud, and even bigamy.”

“To be clear: The facts describe perhaps the most extensive spree of illegal misconduct committed by a House member in American history.”,369092.msg2013814/topicseen.html#new

I’m sure the states will jump on investigating her state tax fraud as assiduously as NY jumped on investigating alleged state tax fraud by the Trump family. 


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They are literally ripping the Dems apart at the seams.

Pelosi is aware of this but doesn’t know how to deal with it.
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Pelosi is aware of this but doesn’t know how to deal with it.

Sucks to be her.  She lit that fire.
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