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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Slimy Group Therapy for the Trump Haters
« on: April 20, 2019, 12:31:30 pm »
Slimy Group Therapy for the Trump Haters
American Spectator, Apr 20, 2019, George Parry


In any event, they report in excruciating detail the “evidence” that they say justified their withholding of exoneration. As they spell it out, Trump was very angry about being investigated and privately and publicly complained about it. Although he made it clear that he believed the investigation to be a witch hunt and that he wanted it to be curtailed, the investigation was not shut down and never obstructed. In fact, just the opposite happened. The White House completely cooperated with the investigation by not asserting executive privilege, allowing staff to speak with the special counsel’s office, and by producing over one million documents including memoranda that put the president in an unflattering light. In short, there were no steps taken to impede or interfere with Team Mueller’s efforts.

Now plug that unprecedented voluntary cooperation into the context of what was supposedly being investigated, i.e., Trump-Russia collusion. According to Team Mueller, there was no evidence of such collusion. So what was Trump supposedly obstructing? Was he obstructing an investigation into something that never happened?

So, there was no evidence of an underlying crime and no evidence of material acts taken to obstruct the investigation of that non-existent crime. But that’s not enough for Team Mueller to exonerate the president of obstruction of justice. To do that, Trump would have to achieve the logically impossible by proving a negative, i.e., that no obstruction occurred.

The Mueller report is not the work of real prosecutors. It is the work of political operatives. Indeed, some congressional Democrats are even touting the report as a roadmap for impeachment. But what high crime or misdemeanor has the president committed? We know that it wasn’t obstruction of justice. So what exactly did he do?

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: Slimy Group Therapy for the Trump Haters
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2019, 12:33:02 pm »

Consequently, as Team Mueller passes the get-Trump baton to the Democrats in Congress, it is fair to ask exactly what was Trump supposedly obstructing? To anyone willing to look at the evidence, the answer is clear. Trump’s anger and efforts were directed at the deep state’s ongoing attempted coup d’état.