Author Topic: Knucklehead Jeb Calls for Republican Primary Against President Trump…  (Read 5562 times)

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Offline txradioguy

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I can pretty much guarantee you that won't happen.  Putting a poll watcher in every precinct would require large numbers of people willing to go into neighborhood where they wouldn't be caught dead, and it pretty much never happens.  Didn't happen in 2016, won't happen in 2020.

This whole voting reform act the Dems are pushing would make poll watching and any communication between election officials at a polling site illegal.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline sneakypete

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I can pretty much guarantee you that won't happen.  Putting a poll watcher in every precinct would require large numbers of people willing to go into neighborhood where they wouldn't be caught dead, and it pretty much never happens.

@Maj. Bill Martin

I would. So would a lot of others if asked.

    There are tens of millions of lefty-college students, government employees, academics, single females (especially single mothers), millienial virtue-signallers, etc., who are going to happily vote Democrat.  They did it in 2016, and they'll do it again in 2020.

I know a lot of government employees,and damn few white ones vote Dim.

And if you're so confident it's just cheating...well, then they'll cheat again in 2020.  Florida in particular is going to be much tougher because of the felons and Puerto Ricans.

Florida in particular is going to be much tougher because of the felons and Puerto Ricans. 

The biggest problem in Flori-Duh the alleged Republicans there have no stones,and are terrified of standing up to the NYC denizens who also own property and vote in Fla. They need to focus on a few of the most prominent during the mid-terms,and hammer them with maximum penalities.

Back when Trump won the first time Joy Behar was on The View the day before the election,reminding  New Yorkers that it was possible to fly to Florida the next morning,have a nice nice lunch,and fly back home in time to vote. She was CLEARLY suborning a couple of federal felonies,and not a word was said to her about it.
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Online libertybele

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This whole voting reform act the Dems are pushing would make poll watching and any communication between election officials at a polling site illegal.

I was a poll watcher for the '04 election.  You only need one or two poll watchers per precinct. 
Imagine the howls of 'voter suppression'.

If Trump waits until election day to fight voter fraud it will be much too late.

Indeed.  The RNC should be working very diligently to combat voter fraud.  Certainly what happened during the mid terms should have opened their eyes, but I don't have a whole lot of faith in them.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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I was a poll watcher for the '04 election.  You only need one or two poll watchers per precinct. 
Indeed.  The RNC should be working very diligently to combat voter fraud.  Certainly what happened during the mid terms should have opened their eyes, but I don't have a whole lot of faith in them.

Trump can't actually do very much about voter fraud other than complain about it.  Actually doing something about it is up to congress and the various state legislatures.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Offline txradioguy

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I was a poll watcher for the '04 election.  You only need one or two poll watchers per precinct. 
Indeed.  The RNC should be working very diligently to combat voter fraud.  Certainly what happened during the mid terms should have opened their eyes, but I don't have a whole lot of faith in them.

Mark Levin went into more detail on what is really behind H.R. 1 the other night.  Here's a pretty good break down.  It ties the hands of local and state election officials in so many ways that favor the Dems it's not funny.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline Smokin Joe

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And I decry that coup the same as you do.    The Democrats are profoundly un-American in refusing to accept the results of a free and fair election.   I have said so on this board time and again.   And I've defended Trump's policies time and again, as well. 

The place for "coups" is at the ballot box.    My views on Trump and 2020 have everything to do with denying the Dems their fantasy of running against Trump in order to install a socialist and race hustler in the White House.
"Fair election?"

Come on, the 'fix' was in. The media had done all the fawning anyone could muster, the dirty tricks had been played, Hillary had it bought and paid for, the dead were lined up to vote early, illegals got their $0.02 in, etc.

They thought they had it in the bag--but it just wasn't enough.

Trump wasn't my first pick, but he was well ahead of the Communists, crooks, totalitarians, and assorted pimps and hustlers of the Left.

Why do you think the Dems have had a major meltdown and an ongoing cartwheeling sh*tf*t over her loss?
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Offline jafo2010

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In 2020, when Clinton is facing Trump once more, she will know where she made all her mistakes.  She has a chance, better than any other Democommie to win.  Count on it.

TRUMP vs Clinton in 2020....and Trump gets 40 Electoral College states, defeating Clinton worse yet.

Offline sneakypete

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In 2020, when Clinton is facing Trump once more, she will know where she made all her mistakes.   


WRONG! She has no only never made a mistake in her life,she is incapable of making mistakes. Don't believe me,just ask her or her rabid supporters from the Society of Women,AKA "SOW's"
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Smokin Joe

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WRONG! She has no only never made a mistake in her life,she is incapable of making mistakes. Don't believe me,just ask her or her rabid supporters from the Society of Women,AKA "SOW's"

Those aren't errors, they're features!  :shrug:
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline sneakypete

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Those aren't errors, they're features!  :shrug:

@Smokin Joe

EXACTLY! They are OPTIONS that you would normally have to pay extra for,but with her they are a part of the package.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Smokin Joe

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@Smokin Joe

EXACTLY! They are OPTIONS that you would normally have to pay extra for,but with her they are a part of the package.
While I was just kidding, unfortunately, there are a lot of people who appear to feel that way.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Imagine the howls of 'voter suppression'.

Poll watching really isn't that big a deal.  At least in my state, you check in, and then you basically just stand there and watch them check things.  It is generally pretty collegial.  It's just that you need a lot of poll watchers.  It's easy to get them in GOP-heavy areas because that's where your potential poll-watchers live.  But try getting a bunch of GOP poll watchers willing to spend a day in the bad parts of South Chicago, or L.A., or Cleveland.  It's inconvenient as hell for many people to travel that far from their home for an entire day, to an unfamiliar and perhaps dangerous neighborhood.  Will their tires get slashed?  Windows broken?  I'm personally tried to recruit people willing to do that ain't always possible.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2019, 01:38:56 pm by Maj. Bill Martin »

Online catfish1957

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In 2020, when Clinton is facing Trump once more, she will know where she made all her mistakes.  She has a chance, better than any other Democommie to win.  Count on it.

TRUMP vs Clinton in 2020....and Trump gets 40 Electoral College states, defeating Clinton worse yet.

Last I heard Hitlerly was toting around a clostomy bag.  I don't see her health holding up that long.
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

Offline jafo2010

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I've known people with c bags, and they function fine.  With the tent pant suits she wears, no one would notice she is wearing a c bag.  However, I doubt that is true.

One more thing, today a number of the leading Dem candidates announced they will not take PAC money.  No surprise for me.  When HRC announces, she will gladly take every dime of PAC money.  Makes one think the whole clown show is choreographed.