It doesn't appear you've been thinking about it. It sounds like you're reacting emotionally to the hate the Dems have unleashed against the President and, by extension, "folks like you". It seems to me like you prefer a war ("Eff 'em") to another election.
This is what the current atmosphere has wrought - a lot of good folks convinced our fellow Americans are the enemy. What this sort of shit does do is create the conditions for radicalism, with the Dems being able to get away with running full-throated socialists whose poisonous messages are concealed by the trope that Trump's defeat is all that matters.
It's not. It's what replaces Trump that matters. We are not helpless, you know. There's an alternative to blind reaction under the banner of "Eff 'em", you know.
I'm a great grand father and I have had a
lifetime to "think about it".
I have been paying attention for over 50 years.
You do me a disservice when you act as if this isn't a well considered position.
This isn't some "blind reaction" that just popped up out of nowhere.
The current atmosphere got this way after decades of Communist/Liberal/Democrat bullsh*t.
What we are seeing is a redux of all the crap that went on in the sixties and seventies.
Protests in the streets
Campus buildings occupied,
Neighborhoods burned
smoking dope and drug use
Legalized Baby Murder
Heroin addicts, (Dear Jesus, I thought people had learned back then!)
Even the same protest songs have been recycled (now used to sell university degrees).
"The times, they are a changin'"?--only they really haven't--(If you're gonna overcome, just "Do It!" --(not to be confused with Jerry Rubin's book) because someday never comes, and so as long as the same pimps are pushing the same dialogue, you aren't going to overcome anything with their 'help'--the race pimps and other hustlers will see to that.
Ongoing troubles are their bread and butter. Just like they were for those professional grievance pimps back when.
Trump is just the new Nixon, only without a Watergate break-in.
All those wannabe Woodwards and Bernsteins 'gonna change the world' out there, are stuck plying the airwaves and media with lies, because they just don't
have anything.
Quelle dommage.
(If they had just turned around, and dug the other way, they'd be cashing in on Pulitzers now)
--or maybe not.
Maybe they'd just be on a long list full of former Clinton associates who are feeding worms.
Same playbook, same enemy, even the same streets, same towns.
Racism....redux, thanks to Obama (race relations set back 50 years).
Another year older, another trillion in debt.
A whole space program pissed away to solve the problems right here on earth...
and we have the fattest poor people on the planet who cry about it.
Progress? What damn progress?
For all the study of education, most people can't pass an eighth grade math test from the '30s
when they graduate college--if they could, they'd figure out the multitude of ways they're being had. Don't even get me started on what has been done to history or science. (When we sent men to the moon, we wanted to get the numbers right, but now that people are scamming the taxpayer, God forbid that the average schmuck knows what a percentage is or how to calculate it.)
So, here we are, again.
It's like some bunch of moldy-assed hippies are so desperate to be relevant again they are willing to burn it all down.
At least then, America was aware the Communists were the enemy.
In case you missed it:
The Dems
have been running full-throated socialists.
The Dems
have been spewing poisonous messages for as long as I have been alive, they have just become more shrill, and they've been shrieking more about less, because there is less for them to shriek about.
With Hillary, they grabbed for the brass ring and fell off their merry go round horse.
They thought they had it all!
They coulda been a ...somebody!
Wah, wah, wah! the sniveler party strikes again.
You see, It isn't so much that Trump won...
...but THAT
(I didn't vote for Trump. I voted Third Party. I really had no delusions of grandeur.)
Anyone who beat her would have faced the same vitriol, the same reaction, the same (dare I say it?) HATE.
Saying "Eff 'em" is a mild response, because I've been feeling their hate since Lyndon ran his "Daisy" ad.
So I'll spin a little vintage Jerry Rubin and just say "Tune 'em out, Turn 'em off, and drop them*!"
(*As in have NOTHING to do with them. )
These people don't want a solution, because no solution is ever enough.
Hell, half the time, their 'problem' doesn't exist, except in their perceptions.
There is no right answer with them. NOTHING.
You can't give them what they want, because they don't know.--except whatever it is, it won't be enough.
I went through that crap 50 years ago, so don't pull that sh*t on me now. That Yesterday isn't that far away.
My eyes are wide open, and I can see clearly now.
Eff 'em.