Author Topic: TB is on the rise. Guess why!  (Read 426 times)

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TB is on the rise. Guess why!
« on: February 11, 2019, 02:57:15 am »
American Thinker By Carol Brown 2/7/2019

After more than two decades of steady decline in active cases of tuberculosis in America, the trend has now reversed.

It's time for fools to take a bow.  Congratulations Marxists, and complicit members of the GOP.  Your commitment to importing large numbers of people from third-world countries is really paying off.

CDC stats from 2017 show that 70% of reported cases of TB in the United States was found among non-U.S.-born individuals.  Migrants from Mexico accounted for the largest share.

On top of that, we're seeing strains of TB that are multi-drug resistant (MDR).  And as dangerous as these strains are, we're seeing even more lethal strains that are extensively drug resistant (XDR).

Then there's the issue of screening.  Per a Star Tribune report:

    Immigrants and refugees are screened for TB and treated before entering the United States.  Tourists, students and temporary workers are not screened[.] ...

    Because TB hits some ethnic and racial groups harder than others, TB patients can face discrimination and social isolation.  Public health officials worry about finding ways to target high-risk populations with TB education and treatment without stigmatizing those groups.

Why aren't we testing everyone, and especially those from regions where we know TB is endemic?  Come on, folks.  Stigma versus public health risk?  Common sense, no?

Apparently not.
