Author Topic: Walls work. That's why Democrats oppose them.  (Read 239 times)

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Walls work. That's why Democrats oppose them.
« on: January 26, 2019, 01:20:37 pm »
January 26, 2019
Walls work. That's why Democrats oppose them.
By Taylor Day

Let's travel to the future, about 18 months from today, to a presidential debate between President Trump and whichever candidate the DNC finally throws its gold bricks behind.  Two alternate timelines exist: one where Trump has built the wall and an unlikely one where he has not.

In the first, Democrats will be crushed.  President Trump will remind them that they told the American people that the wall is "ineffective" and "expensive."  But crime has fallen; so have substance abuse-related deaths.  Illegal immigration is manageable for the first time in close to a century.  This Democratic nominee might argue that Trump failed to make Mexico pay for the wall.  His retort?  The U.S. has now officially negotiated lucrative trade agreements with our southern neighbor that have paid for the wall tenfold.  He may even mention the massive burden that illegal immigration costs Americans each year has been lifted.

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