I hope ignoring the most qualified people on Earth screaming about things in their area of expertise will turn out well for us. It would really suck if it's not actually a giant conspiracy among the world's leading scientists.
How did they get to be the "most qualified"? By deciding whose papers are published and whose are discarded in the 'peer review' process. Then they quote each other's papers to support the same conclusions, derived from "adjusted" data. I must note winter lows here in ND at places I was at in the 1980s have been adjusted upwards by five degrees in some cases, from previous reported temperatures since those weather events occurred. As one who worked in -146 degree wind chills (that's right one hundred forty six degrees below zero wind chill) during those events, I resent the hell out of these scumbags masquerading as scientists and lessening the achievements of those of us who were working in those conditions in order to push their narrative.
Even more, as a scientist, I resent the absolute corruption of the entire scientific process, through discarding and 'adjusting' data to fit the conclusions, rather than looking at the evidence and seeing where that leads, and it is all the more heinous because it was done and continues to be perpetrated on the entire population of the Earth for the purpose of attaining political power and for money, be it grant money or fortunes acquired through carbon trading schemes enforced by political entities and 'justified' by the use of unsuported conclusions drawn from gimmicked data and flawed computer models.
Instead of healthy scientific debate in the journals and elsewhere, the push has been to silence opposition and sequester raw data, which is not the way of scientific inquiry, but of totalitarians trying to use science as the vehicle to justify illegitimate levels of control. Science relies on valid results being repeatable, and keeping data from other researchers, altering or editing data, not disclosing methodology, and effectively keeping dissenting voices from publication are all the tools of those who have something to hide--a sure sign of charlatanry.