Author Topic: Charlie Daniels: Folks, There Are Those Who Are Trying to Steal Your Country  (Read 229 times)

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Charlie Daniels: Folks, There Are Those Who Are Trying to Steal Your Country

There is an old saying that “it ain’t over ’till the fat lady sings.” Well, when it comes to elections, all the fat lady can do is stand in the wings and wait until the votes are counted, and that seems to depend on some pretty tenuous circumstances involving a cast of shady characters who have a tendency to balk when the vote tally doesn’t add up to suit them.

Our elections are supposed to be fair and impartial, the one place where a truly level playing really does exist, and every American who took the time and trouble to register submits a vote that is guaranteed to be counted exactly as cast.

Politics are supposed to stop at the doors of the polling places, and those charged with counting the votes are supposed to leave all personal, political convictions and party affiliations at home, counting every vote just as it is marked, while taking great care to make sure that none are misplaced or tampered with.

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