Author Topic: Dem Sinema pulls ahead of McSally in Arizona Senate race[another stolen election]  (Read 1298 times)

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Online mystery-ak

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Dem Sinema pulls ahead of McSally in Arizona Senate race
By Lisa Hagen - 11/08/18 07:35 PM EST

Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D) took the lead in Arizona’s too-close-to-call Senate race on Thursday night, holding a razor-thin lead of 2,106 votes over Rep. Martha McSally (R).

Sinema holds a 0.1-point lead with votes rolling in from Maricopa County, according to new numbers from the Arizona secretary of state's website.

The tally marks a shift from McSally’s initial 1-point lead as of earlier on Thursday, when the GOP congresswoman was up by 17,073 votes.

An Arizona source told The Hill that the latest numbers are roughly 150,000 votes from Maricopa County, with another 345,000 outstanding votes still left from that county, which includes the capital of Phoenix. The Maricopa County recorder announced that the next update will be posted on Friday at 5 p.m. local time.
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Online mystery-ak

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McSally was up by 17,073 votes....too bad they haven't found any Repub ballots........./s
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Online mystery-ak

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If we lose this seat and the Fla seat we didn't make gain any seats Tues.
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Offline TomSea

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I know, we really can't be sure we lost some of the razor-thin contests this week.

Online libertybele

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So much for the integrity of our electoral process ... and they're worried about Russian hacking and collusion?  Ya right.
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If we lose this seat and the Fla seat we didn't make gain any seats Tues.

That's the whole idea.  Gov. Scott is still in charge ... where is he on this??  Talk about a conflict of interest, but still. 
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline Frank Cannon

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If we lose this seat and the Fla seat we didn't make gain any seats Tues.

These two state should have been swarmed with GOP lawyers yesterday.......but as usual nothing. The GOP doesn't really want to win shit. They want to be the loser party. Trump is the only one left who cares about getting people elected.

Online mystery-ak

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Fox just updated the count..Sinema is up more than 8k now..
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Offline Frank Cannon

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That's the whole idea.  Gov. Scott is still in charge ... where is he on this??  Talk about a conflict of interest, but still.

I am hoping he loses now since he has decided to not bother wanting to maintain his win.

Florida easily runs the most openly corrupt elections in the country and that's saying a lot with Chicago and Philthy in the running.

Offline Frank Cannon

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Fox just updated the count..Sinema is up more than 8k now..

GOP doesn't care. Why should we?

Offline dfwgator

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I've pretty much lost all hope in the electoral process, it's all a scam.

Offline austingirl

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Devastating news.
Principles matter. Words matter.

Offline Emjay

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If we lose this seat and the Fla seat we didn't make gain any seats Tues.

I was really hoping McSally would win.
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Offline Frank Cannon

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I was really hoping McSally would win.

She did win. If you haven't noticed the Rats went radio silence for a day and now all of a sudden they found 8K votes in someones purse.

Offline dfwgator

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Voting is for suckers.

Offline goodwithagun

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Glad the GOP spent all that time and treasure going after Manchin.
I stand with Roosgirl.

Offline TomSea

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"Russian hacking and collusion" should be treated like what it is, an attempted coup. In Turkey, they are issuing strong prison sentences for that so-called attempted coup a year or two ago there. So, while I would not call for that, the laws aren't on the books to do that, it should be seen as heinous as a real coup.

Offline Frank Cannon

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Voting is for suckers.

Looks like. They are not even hiding the theft anymore. The Rats make up numbers they need because the GOP is just going to sit on their asses and say"Well the voters spoke. Better luck next time".

Online mystery-ak

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Will we even have a majority if we lose Fla and Arizona?
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Online mystery-ak

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As of 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sinema has 932,870 votes statewide, while McSally has 923,260.

345,000 votes remain uncounted in Maricopa County while a small number of ballots remain uncounted as well in smaller counties.

Officials estimate about 195,000 of those are early ballots, provisional, and out-of-precinct ballots that voters cast or dropped off on Election Day.
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Online Fishrrman

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mystery posted:
"Officials estimate about 195,000 of those are early ballots, provisional, and out-of-precinct ballots that voters cast or dropped off on Election Day."

This illustrates why THERE SHOULDN'T BE ANY "early ballots, provisional, and out-of-precinct ballots" -- at all.

Register at least 4 months in advance.
Show up on election day and cast your vote.
If you can't be bothered to do that -- too bad.

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Will we even have a majority if we lose Fla and Arizona?
There will be a Mississippi run off in a few week.  Even if the rats take AZ, FL, and MS the GOP holds 51 seats they only need 50 with the VP tie breaker.  Of course the GOP had 51 seats before the midterms and didn't pass squat...and who knows if Murkowski or Collins might quit, or worse flip?

the winning.

Online mystery-ak

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There will be a Mississippi run off in a few week.  Even if the rats take AZ, FL, and MS the GOP holds 51 seats they only need 50 with the VP tie breaker.  Of course the GOP had 51 seats before the midterms and didn't pass squat...and who knows if Murkowski or Collins might quit, or worse flip?

the winning.

..that doesn't sound right..we flipped Mo, ND and Indiana

the 51 included if we lose that we have Mo, ND, In...that's 53...add Ms..that's 54...54 without Fla or Az.....
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Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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..that doesn't sound right..we flipped Mo, ND and Indiana

the 51 included if we lose that we have Mo, ND, In...that's 53...add Ms..that's 54...54 without Fla or Az.....

rats flipped NV

Online mystery-ak

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rats flipped NV

That's right...make that
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