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Offline ArneFufkin

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2018, 02:11:01 am »
   I too, @ArneFufkin use to have that warm wet feeling all over but I was doing a lot of hydrocodone.   I'm amazed that you can achieve that over a politician, but I wish you the best.

Do you consider that a witty insult?  Damn ... this place has REALLY degraded.

Online libertybele

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2018, 02:12:34 am »
Hi Emjay.  I think we both occasionally do "palm face" type of stuff with Trump's Tweets and personality.   But ... what a better way to Creepy Porn Lawyer and his despicable HO client than to insult her?  They have spent forever trying to destroy him, his family and OUR Presidency.

But, he BROKE THE CODE.   No POTUS ever has been this open and communicative to Americans as he has been.

I am thrilled beyond belief.   He is going to personally - through his ridiculous energy - keep the House in GOP hands and deliver a 56 or 57 Senate Majority.   I am predicting this because Trump is out there EVERY OTHER NIGHT and the Lefties continue to be evil, destructive and violent.

Trump is a transformative force in American politics.  He's breaking the rules.  "They" don't get him. 

And, believe me;  Trump holds ALL the cards, ALL the leverage on these scumbags like Rosenstein, Ohr, Comey, McCabe, Stzok, Brennan, Comey etc.   Donald Trump maneuvered throuigh the Gambino Family and  Dinken's NYC Administraion throughout his business life.

Unlike W, he's street smart and keeping his powder dry,  For now.

It's the House majority that I think the GOP should be worried about as should Trump; impeachment proceedings start in the House.

Do you have some inside information on Rosenstein that you're privy to, to make such a statement that Trump holds all the cards and  leverage?  Just curious.
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Offline Night Hides Not

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2018, 02:18:25 am »
Do you consider that a witty insult?  Damn ... this place has REALLY degraded.

Your comment is ironic, considering your statement that TBR has become an "idiot NT site". I think you owe @mystery-ak an apology for that gaffe.

Perhaps you'll be happier at TOS.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 02:19:02 am by Night Hides Not »
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Online corbe

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #28 on: October 27, 2018, 02:22:14 am »
Do you consider that a witty insult?  Damn ... this place has REALLY degraded.

   We were doing fine till you got here with your bucket of orange paint. @ArneFufkin
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline ArneFufkin

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #29 on: October 27, 2018, 02:26:35 am »
It's the House majority that I think the GOP should be worried about as should Trump; impeachment proceedings start in the House.

Do you have some inside information on Rosenstein that you're privy to, to make such a statement that Trump holds all the cards and  leverage?  Just curious.

I see what the Dimms and media are doing.

Rosenstein is in HUGE legal trouble.  He signed the last, fraudulent FISA court document, that kept the FISA Court unaware and FBI criminals like Comey, McCabe, Strzok and others engaged in surveillance of the Trump campaign and his incipient Administation.  Fraud PAID FOR, AND DIRECTED BY, the Clinton Campaign and Obama's DOJ, FBI and State Department.

The only mission of the Mueller probe is to provide cover for Obama, Hillary and the DNC in their blatant activities to subvert an election and overturn an election through sedition.

Everyone knows EVERYTHING.  Trump knows. Rosenstein was part of it, the Pubs and RATS know.   Media is actively complicit in the sedition.

November 6 means EVERYTHING.

Bon Appetit folks.  Are we going to be a Banana Republic?   That was how that POS Obama ran the show.

Online libertybele

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2018, 02:31:30 am »
State the facts.  Give me your "numbers".

And?  Who ever knew you were the only person aware of the "caravan."?   Hey, who am I, but don't you think you should alert SOMEBODY about this 7,000 strong group of invaders coming up through Mexico?

With all respect, you need to lose your silly animus against Trump and his agenda.   

Seriously, I come here and folks like you make me think it's some kind of idiot Never Trumper site.   Which ... it kinda is.

President Trump is SERIOUS about border security.  He is SERIOUS about most everything he's promised.  And delivered, by and large.

I want him to get serious about our National Debt, which is almost equal to our GNP, but I believe he wiill

You are FINE person L-belle.  Quit being a hater!  Trump is the vulgar doorman at the Club you're feeling really safe at.  He's for us!   I trust him -  I've watched 20 of his rallies and he's a Patriot first.   What a change from that last guy.

Wow.  You classify me a hater, because I'm not a Trump kisser.  Quite amazing. That's fine.  You are entitled to your opinion. I've given him credit when credit is due but I refuse to give him a free pass on everything just because he's President and especially when the sovereignty of our country is at stake.

As for the 14,000 heading our way, that's been reported by numerous news sources and perhaps asylum being the standard resolution so far to the problem doesn't bother you, but for some of us, we've spent a good deal of time trying to combat illegal immigration so that we never got to this tipping point and on the brink of becoming another Europe.

I watched Pres. Trump's pre-innauguration event and witnessed a very patriotic Trump, so much that it brought tears to my eyes. It was so comforting to watch after living through Bammy's reign of anti-Americanism. It really doesn't matter to me how many rallies you've watched and it really doesn't matter how many rallies Trump gives.  What matters is his actions (or lack thereof).  As the old saying goes; "actions speak louder than words".

BTW, a month from now, 3 months from now, I hope that you can say to me ... see ... you were dead wrong about Trump.  I will be overjoyed!

I want him to succeed.  That would mean that he would have illegal immigration and the masses of refugees wanting asylum in our country under control as well as the threats to our sovereignty. 

I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline ArneFufkin

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #31 on: October 27, 2018, 02:34:06 am »
   We were doing fine till you got here with your bucket of orange paint. @ArneFufkin

Work on your material. 

I just checked the "" bets and  your current odds are 50,000-1 that your avatar is YOU and "off the board" that it's any woman you have ever known ... much less "been with."

So?   Hmmm.  Why would you use an attractive young woman as your avatar when it's readily apparent that you are NOT an attractive young woman or have ever had intimacy with such?

Offline ArneFufkin

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #32 on: October 27, 2018, 02:39:14 am »
Wow.  You classify me a hater, because I'm not a Trump kisser.  Quite amazing. That's fine.  You are entitled to your opinion. I've given him credit when credit is due but I refuse to give him a free pass on everything just because he's President and especially when the sovereignty of our country is at stake.

As for the 14,000 heading our way, that's been reported by numerous news sources and perhaps asylum being the standard resolution so far to the problem doesn't bother you, but for some of us, we've spent a good deal of time trying to combat illegal immigration so that we never got to this tipping point and on the brink of becoming another Europe.

I watched Pres. Trump's pre-innauguration event and witnessed a very patriotic Trump, so much that it brought tears to my eyes. It was so comforting to watch after living through Bammy's reign of anti-Americanism. It really doesn't matter to me how many rallies you've watched and it really doesn't matter how many rallies Trump gives.  What matters is his actions (or lack thereof).  As the old saying goes; "actions speak louder than words".

BTW, a month from now, 3 months from now, I hope that you can say to me ... see ... you were dead wrong about Trump.  I will be overjoyed!

I want him to succeed.  That would mean that he would have illegal immigration and the masses of refugees wanting asylum in our country under control as well as the threats to our sovereignty. 


Libertybelle ... I have every confidence you WILL NOT be betrayed or disappointed.  Trump is the REAL DEAL.   

« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 02:40:14 am by ArneFufkin »

Offline Sanguine

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #33 on: October 27, 2018, 02:42:48 am »
Work on your material. 

I just checked the "" bets and  your current odds are 50,000-1 that your avatar is YOU and "off the board" that it's any woman you have ever known ... much less "been with."

So?   Hmmm.  Why would you use an attractive young woman as your avatar when it's readily apparent that you are NOT an attractive young woman or have ever had intimacy with such?

@ArneFufkin, everyone is a little sensitive around here, which is pretty much a reflection of the times we live in.  @corbe is a good guy, and if you spent more time around here, you would understand his, and others', avatars. 

Please stick around, but dial back the insults.  Doesn't do any good at all. 

Offline ArneFufkin

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #34 on: October 27, 2018, 02:59:56 am »
Thanks Sanguine, but "Corbe" came after me ... first.  C'mon, you think I'm gonna sit by?

Look, I was one of the most virulent critics of Trump in the primaries around here.  I didn't like him destroying guys like Walker, Rubio and Cruz unnecessarily and his approach, demeanor and success.  I DID NOT LIKE HIM,  I thought he was a NYC liberal who would tank the GOP against Hillary and I wrote it here.  Ad Nauseum.

I used to post stats about how Ted Cruz could possibly win a Convention fight based upon his primary votes.

Okay ... it ENDED after the Indiana Primary when Trump won the race and when GOP doyens like Preibus and Ryan said "He's our guy and let's beat Hillary."   

I am THRILLED by Donald Trump beyond words.   He's FAR more effective as a Conservative than Ronald Reagan, much less the Bush clan.   

I was a NEVER TRUMPER who turned into an ALWAYS TRUMPER because I've seen how he GOVERNS!   He's incredible.  I am an old school conservative and I could not be more happy with him.  His commitment, his energy and charisma, I believe WILL bring the House GOP Majority over the finish line.

Folks her seem to hate Trump.  Well, how would they like Speaker Pelosi and Committee Chairs like Nadler, Waters, Cummings, Schiff and DeFazio?

Are you kidding me?

Offline Sanguine

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #35 on: October 27, 2018, 03:07:57 am »
Thanks Sanguine, but "Corbe" came after me ... first.  C'mon, you think I'm gonna sit by?

Look, I was one of the most virulent critics of Trump in the primaries around here.  I didn't like him destroying guys like Walker, Rubio and Cruz unnecessarily and his approach, demeanor and success.  I DID NOT LIKE HIM,  I thought he was a NYC liberal who would tank the GOP against Hillary and I wrote it here.  Ad Nauseum.

I used to post stats about how Ted Cruz could possibly win a Convention fight based upon his primary votes.

Okay ... it ENDED after the Indiana Primary when Trump won the race and when GOP doyens like Preibus and Ryan said "He's our guy and let's beat Hillary."   

I am THRILLED by Donald Trump beyond words.   He's FAR more effective as a Conservative than Ronald Reagan, much less the Bush clan.   

I was a NEVER TRUMPER who turned into an ALWAYS TRUMPER because I've seen how he GOVERNS!   He's incredible.  I am an old school conservative and I could not be more happy with him.  His commitment, his energy and charisma, I believe WILL bring the House GOP Majority over the finish line.

Folks her seem to hate Trump.  Well, how would they like Speaker Pelosi and Committee Chairs like Nadler, Waters, Cummings, Schiff and DeFazio?

Are you kidding me?

@ArneFufkin, just speaking for myself, I agree with much of what you said about the pre-election, and some of your post-election commentary.  I ended up voting for Trump, or more accurately, voting against Clinton.  I have not crossed over to an ET though.  I don't care for the man, but I do appreciate his fighting for mostly the right things, and some things he does I absolutely love.   

Offline ArneFufkin

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #36 on: October 27, 2018, 03:17:50 am »
@ArneFufkin, just speaking for myself, I agree with much of what you said about the pre-election, and some of your post-election commentary.  I ended up voting for Trump, or more accurately, voting against Clinton.  I have not crossed over to an ET though.  I don't care for the man, but I do appreciate his fighting for mostly the right things, and some things he does I absolutely love.

Sanguine, the thing I like about him is that the GOP "Establishment' hated him the 2016 runoff but Trump is such a ridiculously non-political, non-DC kind of character he's more than ready to go out and campaign for the House Majority.   

There are pols who dissed him ... who are now praying he'll come nearby to campaign for him.

I REALLY like Trump's Conservative governance ...  but, in a way, I like the fact he is upending every idiot and common mindset in the sewer of DC.   

November 6 is going to be key.  I don't think the polls in 16 ... really count folks like us who would NEVER submit to a 43 question survey by Ipsos or Quinnepeac.   

"How long is this gonna take?  Pffft.  I have better thing to do."   HANG UP.

Online libertybele

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #37 on: October 27, 2018, 03:18:30 am »
Thanks Sanguine, but "Corbe" came after me ... first.  C'mon, you think I'm gonna sit by?

Look, I was one of the most virulent critics of Trump in the primaries around here.  I didn't like him destroying guys like Walker, Rubio and Cruz unnecessarily and his approach, demeanor and success.  I DID NOT LIKE HIM,  I thought he was a NYC liberal who would tank the GOP against Hillary and I wrote it here.  Ad Nauseum.

I used to post stats about how Ted Cruz could possibly win a Convention fight based upon his primary votes.

Okay ... it ENDED after the Indiana Primary when Trump won the race and when GOP doyens like Preibus and Ryan said "He's our guy and let's beat Hillary."   

I am THRILLED by Donald Trump beyond words.   He's FAR more effective as a Conservative than Ronald Reagan, much less the Bush clan.   

I was a NEVER TRUMPER who turned into an ALWAYS TRUMPER because I've seen how he GOVERNS!   He's incredible.  I am an old school conservative and I could not be more happy with him.  His commitment, his energy and charisma, I believe WILL bring the House GOP Majority over the finish line.

Folks her seem to hate Trump.  Well, how would they like Speaker Pelosi and Committee Chairs like Nadler, Waters, Cummings, Schiff and DeFazio?

Are you kidding me?

There you go with that word "hate" again.  Again, there are those of us who won't give him a free pass, just because he's Trump.  Our country is experiencing  vast political corruptness and none of our politicians should be given a free pass.  Even if Cruz had become our President, as much as I really like the guy, I wouldn't even give him a free pass.

In part, I believe this country is experiencing such corruptness because we the people have absolutely failed to hold our elected officials responsible and accountable.  We give them a free pass just because they have an 'R' after their name ... huge mistake.  Problem has been, that if they step out of line, there usually is no candidate to challenge their seat and so we vote for the lesser of two evils.  We fail to make phone calls, send e-mails or visit their office to keep them in line and some still contribute to the party in general which to me is a huge mistake.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline ArneFufkin

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #38 on: October 27, 2018, 03:28:01 am »
There you go with that word "hate" again.  Again, there are those of us who won't give him a free pass, just because he's Trump.  Our country is experiencing  vast political corruptness and none of our politicians should be given a free pass.  Even if Cruz had become our President, as much as I really like the guy, I wouldn't even give him a free pass.

In part, I believe this country is experiencing such corruptness because we the people have absolutely failed to hold our elected officials responsible and accountable.  We give them a free pass just because they have an 'R' after their name ... huge mistake.  Problem has been, that if they step out of line, there usually is no candidate to challenge their seat and so we vote for the lesser of two evils.  We fail to make phone calls, send e-mails or visit their office to keep them in line and some still contribute to the party in general which to me is a huge mistake.

I have every confidence the World will continue to spin as you disengage.

You are poking my major political ... online ... grievance:  That there exists NO discernible difference between the GOP or Democrats.

That is a REALLY vile lie.

Check out the vote on ObamaCare.  Check out the votes for Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.  Go back to Clinton's impeachement in the Senate.

You have TWO CHOICES in politics, Libertybelle.  TWO!  One is Republican, the other is Democrat.   Are the Democrats more aligned with your seemingly  Anti-Repucisan grievance?

Well, vote for them.  Okay?  Ted Cruz doensn't fit your imagination as a Conservative Prez?

Dang, this is NOT HARD.   You're voting for Conservative, small government or you are voting for the World of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.   Libertybelle, are you a Pelosi/Schumer advocate and their anti-freedom, anti-prosperity agenda?

Step up as a patriot.  Revisit your tough standards.  This is for real.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 03:43:33 am by ArneFufkin »

Offline Night Hides Not

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #39 on: October 27, 2018, 03:39:23 am »
Thanks Sanguine, but "Corbe" came after me ... first.  C'mon, you think I'm gonna sit by?

Look, I was one of the most virulent critics of Trump in the primaries around here.  I didn't like him destroying guys like Walker, Rubio and Cruz unnecessarily and his approach, demeanor and success.  I DID NOT LIKE HIM,  I thought he was a NYC liberal who would tank the GOP against Hillary and I wrote it here.  Ad Nauseum.

I used to post stats about how Ted Cruz could possibly win a Convention fight based upon his primary votes.

Okay ... it ENDED after the Indiana Primary when Trump won the race and when GOP doyens like Preibus and Ryan said "He's our guy and let's beat Hillary."   

I am THRILLED by Donald Trump beyond words.   He's FAR more effective as a Conservative than Ronald Reagan, much less the Bush clan.   

I was a NEVER TRUMPER who turned into an ALWAYS TRUMPER because I've seen how he GOVERNS!   He's incredible.  I am an old school conservative and I could not be more happy with him.  His commitment, his energy and charisma, I believe WILL bring the House GOP Majority over the finish line.

Folks her seem to hate Trump.  Well, how would they like Speaker Pelosi and Committee Chairs like Nadler, Waters, Cummings, Schiff and DeFazio?

Are you kidding me?

Rather than ridicule that absolutely asinine statement that Trump's been more effective than Reagan, I think Trump will get a chance to prove me wrong. You see, Reagan had to work with a solidly Democrat House, the Cold War was still on, and our military was far weaker than it is today. His administration had its bumps (Simpson-Mazziolli), but he won reelection while losing just Minnesota.

Let's see how Trump does when the House turns the gavel over to Pelosi in January.

You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

Offline ArneFufkin

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #40 on: October 27, 2018, 03:45:39 am »
Rather than ridicule that absolutely asinine statement that Trump's been more effective than Reagan, I think Trump will get a chance to prove me wrong. You see, Reagan had to work with a solidly Democrat House, the Cold War was still on, and our military was far weaker than it is today. His administration had its bumps (Simpson-Mazziolli), but he won reelection while losing just Minnesota.

Let's see how Trump does when the House turns the gavel over to Pelosi in January.

That's a LOT of graphics for a stupid point.

Don't throw an electoral map at me and discount my statement.  I recall that election and I ALSO recall the mistakes he made as he trusted Tip O'Neill and the virulent Democrats.

Trump has EXPONENTIALLY more control of his agenda than RWR ever did.  And,  as much or more, ballack than the Gipper.

« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 03:52:29 am by ArneFufkin »

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #41 on: October 27, 2018, 03:46:07 am » just have no idea how our government works.  In the Senate, a majority of 51 votes gets you nothing with the standing rules of the Senate.  You need 60 votes to pass legislation in the Senate, and the Republicans have I believe 51-52 seats at present.

I expect Republicans will gain a net of 4 seats in the Senate with the elections in November, and that still will not be enough to get the vote needed to pass legislation.  The Dems have been a solid block of no on almost all votes of consequence, with the exception of the Kavanaugh vote, which had 1 Dem, Sen Manchin vote to approve Kavanaugh.  And it appears he has gone from a lock to losing in West Virginia next month.

The strategy of the abdicative Democomies is biting them in the backside.  Who wants anyone representing them where they just sit there and say no, or not show up at all, as in the approval process for appointment to the Trump administration.  The Dems are a disgrace, literally have no platform other than impeach Trump, and the American people have had enough of their lackluster do nothing representation.  And last but not least, the wingnut faction of the Dems has taken over, and I am sorry, Americans just do not listen to wingnuts.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 03:48:14 am by jafo2010 »

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #42 on: October 27, 2018, 03:46:31 am »
There you go with that word "hate" again.  Again, there are those of us who won't give him a free pass, just because he's Trump.  Our country is experiencing  vast political corruptness and none of our politicians should be given a free pass.  Even if Cruz had become our President, as much as I really like the guy, I wouldn't even give him a free pass.

In part, I believe this country is experiencing such corruptness because we the people have absolutely failed to hold our elected officials responsible and accountable.  We give them a free pass just because they have an 'R' after their name ... huge mistake.  Problem has been, that if they step out of line, there usually is no candidate to challenge their seat and so we vote for the lesser of two evils.  We fail to make phone calls, send e-mails or visit their office to keep them in line and some still contribute to the party in general which to me is a huge mistake.

I don't do lesser of evils in voting anymore.  That is the problem.  They know they don't have to do their jobs because nobody is going to vote for the liberal.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #43 on: October 27, 2018, 03:48:39 am »
   I too, @ArneFufkin use to have that warm wet feeling all over but I was doing a lot of hydrocodone.   I'm amazed that you can achieve that over a politician, but I wish you the best.

@corbe   Everyone doesn't understand that you are a really nice guy, corbe, so watch yourself.

Arne is a convert and an enthusiastic one and I can't wait until you see the light too, baby
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.

Offline Night Hides Not

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #44 on: October 27, 2018, 03:52:52 am »
That's a LOT of graphics for a stupid point.


Maybe you were born after Reagan's presidency. If so, I'll chalk it up to the exuberance of youth. Me, I was stationed in Germany from 77 to 81. You should of seen the beaten down equipment we had, post Vietnam. Add to that, we were chronically 25% undermanned. Thankfully, Reagan changed all that, and brought the Soviet Union to its knees, without firing a shot.

Like I said, we'll see if Trump can accomplish as much with a Democrat HOR as Reagan did.
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Offline Sanguine

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #45 on: October 27, 2018, 03:53:40 am »
I don't do lesser of evils in voting anymore.  That is the problem.  They know they don't have to do their jobs because nobody is going to vote for the liberal.

@Chosen Daughter, with all due respect, and I mean that seriously, EVERY vote we make is one of the lesser of two evils.  That is the world we live in and that our God has given us.  The only perfect man is not running for office, as far as I know.


Offline Night Hides Not

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #46 on: October 27, 2018, 03:56:50 am »
I don't do lesser of evils in voting anymore.  That is the problem.  They know they don't have to do their jobs because nobody is going to vote for the liberal.

I'll continue to send my emails to Matt Rinaldi (my conservative Texas state rep), exhorting him to primary Kenny Marchant, who has been a faithful member for Ryan and Boehner. Fortunately for Kenny, and the Republicans, he's got the same moonbat opponent as he had in 2016.
You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

Offline ArneFufkin

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #47 on: October 27, 2018, 03:58:10 am »
@corbe   Everyone doesn't understand that you are a really nice guy, corbe, so watch yourself.

Arne is a convert and an enthusiastic one and I can't wait until you see the light too, baby

I am an enthusiastic convert emjay!

LOL.  Thank you.  It's true!

Offline RoosGirl

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #48 on: October 27, 2018, 04:00:01 am »
I have every confidence the World will continue to spin as you disengage.

You are poking my major political ... online ... grievance:  That there exists NO discernible difference between the GOP or Democrats.

That is a REALLY vile lie.

Check out the vote on ObamaCare.  Check out the votes for Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.  Go back to Clinton's impeachement in the Senate.

You have TWO CHOICES in politics, Libertybelle.  TWO!  One is Republican, the other is Democrat.   Are the Democrats more aligned with your seemingly  Anti-Repucisan grievance?

Well, vote for them.  Okay?  Ted Cruz doensn't fit your imagination as a Conservative Prez?

Dang, this is NOT HARD.   You're voting for Conservative, small government or you are voting for the World of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.   Libertybelle, are you a Pelosi/Schumer advocate and their anti-freedom, anti-prosperity agenda?

Step up as a patriot.  Revisit your tough standards.  This is for real.

Speaking of "conservative", "small government" and "Patriot", remind what party gave us the Patriot Act?  Was it the party of conservatism and small government?

Offline jafo2010

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Re: Weary migrants still far from reaching US border
« Reply #49 on: October 27, 2018, 04:02:20 am »
Night Hides Not....the gavel going to Pelosi is NOT going to happen.  The Republicans will hold the majority in both Houses.

The polls are meaningless, controlled by the media which is 99% biased against the Republican Party.  They will lose some seats, but they hold the House and gain four seats in the Senate.