Author Topic: HERE COMES THE CARAVAN! (not good for Dems)  (Read 274 times)

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HERE COMES THE CARAVAN! (not good for Dems)
« on: October 25, 2018, 02:22:40 am »
Power Line
John Hinderaker
Oct. 24, 2018

In an amazing coincidence, thousands of Central Americans, most, apparently, from Honduras, are making their way toward the southern U.S. border two weeks before the midterm elections. Someone has organized this “caravan,” and–evidently because it won’t otherwise arrive in time for the election–someone reportedly is paying for bus rides for many of the caravaners. Who? That question is met with the studied incuriosity we have come to expect from the liberal media.

Most assume that the “caravan” is one of the Democratic Party’s several October surprises. I suspect that is probably true. But so far, it doesn’t seem to be turning out well. We know this because some Democrats are now suggesting that the caravan was organized by Karl Rove. Whose superpowers have never abated, apparently.

One wag has dubbed the caravan the Committee to Re-Elect the President. Heh. There is evidence that this assessment is correct. Rasmussen finds: “Voters Say Government Should Stop Hondurans At the Border.”
