Author Topic: Feds investigating suspicious packages sent to the Clintons and Barack Obama  (Read 5436 times)

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I’m so sorry. I would have had the poop scared out of me. I hope you and Prissy and hubby were ok.  I’m assuming your son lived on campus at the time, so he was safe. (Oh I just realized Prissy wasn’t born then )

The point I was making with that post, is, you can be living your life as usual, then suddenly your life is changed in one minute. I had not planned for a bomb that day but it took over my life for that day. 

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They don't have to be smart. They just have to be smarter than the people that vote for them.

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Except for Maxine Waters, aren't all these Democrats out of office now?  Why send them anything?  CNN people are back inside the building.

They are nationally recognizable names. But these instances with multiple targets usually there are some local politicians or less nationally known names targeted by the attacker as well.

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James Woods deletes tweet calling Clinton bomb threat a 'political stunt'
By Aris Folley - 10/24/18 04:06 PM EDT

Actor James Woods reportedly deleted a tweet that called the "potential explosive devices" the Secret Service said it found in mail sent to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in New York on Wednesday an "obvious political stunt."

In the since-deleted tweet, the 71-year-old actor, who was briefly suspended from Twitter last month, dismissed the incident as an “an obvious political stunt” and wrote that no one cares enough about the Clinton family to send them explosives.

“Who gives a rat’s ass about the #Clintons enough to do this?” Woods tweeted, according to media reports. “Obvious political stunt …”

The post featured a tweet from The Associated Press reporting on the potential explosive devices discovered at the home of Bill and Hillary Clinton in New York.

“That people would seriously suggest such an act could be a 'false flag' stunt is inappropriate,” Woods continued in a separate tweet, which remains up. “It is sad, however, that Democrat #mob behavior of late could prompt one to believe such a thing possible.”

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Dem leaders slam Trump's response to bomb threats: His 'words ring hollow'
By Jordain Carney - 10/24/18 04:35 PM EDT

Top Congressional Democrats on Wednesday slammed President Trump's response to a series of suspicious packages sent to prominent Democratic officials, saying his "words ring hollow."
"Time and time again, the President has condoned physical violence and divided Americans with his words and his actions," Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a statement.
The two Democratic leaders pointed to Trump's support for Rep. Greg Giantfore (R-Mont.) who pled guilty to assaulting a reporter, as well as "dictators around the world who murder their own citizens, and referring to the free press as the enemy of the people."
"President Trump's words ring hollow until he reverses his statements that condone acts of violence," Schumer and Pelosi said.
Their joint statement comes after Trump said that he condemned "political violence" and urged the country to unify after suspicious packages were mailed to a number of prominent Democratic officials.

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It's fun to speculate here, but if I were a blue-checked Twitter account, the prudent thing to do is to take a wait and see on this.

Regarding false flag, it doesn't have to be orchestrated by top Dems. Could be a lone loony leftist (redundant, I know) who had the idea to do this. That, IMHO, is entirely plausible.

Offline skeeter

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Shapiro criticizes conspiracy theories about bomb threats to Dems

Shapiro is confusing rational skepticism with derangement.

Surely the Smartest Guy in the Room isn't trying to buffalo us into not asking questions.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2018, 08:47:11 pm by skeeter »

Offline 240B

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With the modernization of the Post Office, it would be a simple matter to track back to where these packages were posted. If they were posted in a Post Office building, there would be CCTV footage to review. There should be fingerprints on the package and the device itself.

That's why all the 'real' bombs that happened in Austin recently were hand delivered to the porch of the people by the bomber himself. No serious bomber, who really wanted to bomb someone, would rely on the Post Office to do his job for him. This is nonsense.

I'm no bomber of course, but even as just a regular Joe I can think of a dozen different ways to do this so much better than 'mailing' a bomb. That's stupid. It is like the person who takes a full bottle of Tylenol to commit suicide. It is a halfass effort which is intended to fail, but to deliver the message.

Regardless of how easy it would be to track this down, somehow I'm sure 'the authorities' will not be able to find any clues until after the midterms. That is guaranteed. 
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.


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Shapiro is confusing rational skepticism with derangement.

Surely the Smartest Guy in the Room isn't trying to buffalo us into not asking questions.

With all due respect to Ben, who I admire greatly, his statement is hyperbolic and borders on virtue-signalling.

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The Joint Terrorism Task Force has LOTS of material to analyze. The package and the contents should yield good forensics.
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Offline NavyCanDo

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 The Right is not completely void of a few nuts, but this one is highly suspicious with the late October timing and all. I suspect Antifa.
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Offline LottieDah

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I am surprised Chuck Schumer did not get a suspicious package mailed to him.  I guess he does not rate.

Offline Frank Cannon

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Everyone seems to be missing one group that is most likely behind all of this.........The Joooz!

Offline Sanguine

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Everyone seems to be missing one group that is most likely behind all of this.........The Joooz!

I'm guessing Mad Maxine or Chunky Schumer.

Offline LadyLiberty

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It could also be another Bernie Bro who blames those people for Bernie's loss.

Offline dfwgator

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Everyone seems to be missing one group that is most likely behind all of this.........The Joooz!

Oh, wait, I thought you said "The Juice".

Offline Frank Cannon

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Oh, wait, I thought you said "The Juice".

I don't know. Farrahkan was talking so fast I might have got it wrong.

Offline 240B

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Everyone seems to be missing one group that is most likely behind all of this.........The Joooz!

The Jews!? Most American Jews are anti-religion Leftwing kooks. I have met American Jews in L.A. who are more antisemitic than David Duke could ever dream of. In fact, they are 'anti' everything. They are anti-Jew and anti nonJew. They are against the practice of Judaism and against Christianity. And they are fanatically, even rabidly and violently, pro-Democrat.

But, and this is weird but true, even though they are as antisemitic as any Ghestapo Guard ever was, they would never ever, in a million years, allow any of their children to marry a non-Jew.

This kind of Jew views Judaism as a race, not as a religion. They are all about preserving the race while destroying historic Jewish culture. To say these guys are conflicted and a little messed up in the head would be putting it mildly.

No. The Leftist Liberal Jews I know would never even pretend to try to kill their holy leaders. Even as a False Flag it would still be sacreligious to them. And if they ever did try something like this, it would be against Republicans and they would not screw it up like this person did.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

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Oh, wait, I thought you said "The Juice".
*IF* he did it.
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Shapiro criticizes conspiracy theories about bomb threats to Dems
I'm sorry, but the left has a history of staging these sorts of stunts,* and after weaponizing a sexual assault accusation failed, the concept that this could be a "false flag" is far from a deranged notion.

* Some examples (h/t @mountaineer for digging this article up):
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Offline InHeavenThereIsNoBeer

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Did Huma's husband get one?  Or would that just be redundant?

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AP just sent a news alert on my iPhone that the bombs sent to prominent Democrats and CNN  were packed with shards of glass.

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