Author Topic: I’ve re-registered as a Democrat  (Read 3694 times)

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Offline Millee

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Re: I’ve re-registered as a Democrat
« Reply #50 on: October 29, 2018, 06:19:23 pm »
Kamala and Corey are going to attacking old white men like Bloomberg and Biden. It will be epic.

They'll attack him until his checkbook comes out.  888buttkisser 888buttkisser

Offline Timothy Dennis

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Re: I’ve re-registered as a Democrat
« Reply #51 on: October 29, 2018, 06:22:51 pm »
So now you're pro-abortion? THAT's a major shift don't you think?

Offline the_doc

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Re: I’ve re-registered as a Democrat
« Reply #52 on: October 29, 2018, 07:11:34 pm »

It would be wise to Distrust anybody with the type of power that marital law and its consequence of usurping the constitutional law.

Martial law is allowed under the Constitution--Article I, Section 8, Clause 15--under any and all circumstances that threaten the survival of the nation.  The Insurrection Act of 1807 also gives federal troops specific authority to quell insurrections.  And as Judge Kavanaugh pointed out in his interesting exchange with Lindsey Graham (who asked the judge a series of leading questions about courts martial--questions to which Graham, as a military prosecutor, judge and defense attorney in the USAF, already knew the answers), that there are Constitutional precedents for the military to arrest and prosecute American civilians.

We have to have provisions for martial law.  If we didn't have such Constitutional provisions in our incredibly evil, America-hating world, then our Constitution would eventually become a suicide pact.  That being the case, I believe that we need to leave off second-guessing our POTUS when he has revealed no inclination whatsoever to abuse Executive power to do those things that may need to be done.

Offline GrouchoTex

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Re: I’ve re-registered as a Democrat
« Reply #53 on: October 29, 2018, 07:29:46 pm »
Martial law is allowed under the Constitution--Article I, Section 8, Clause 15--under any and all circumstances that threaten the survival of the nation.  The Insurrection Act of 1807 also gives federal troops specific authority to quell insurrections.  And as Judge Kavanaugh pointed out in his interesting exchange with Lindsey Graham (who asked the judge a series of leading questions about courts martial--questions to which Graham, as a military prosecutor, judge and defense attorney in the USAF, already knew the answers), that there are Constitutional precedents for the military to arrest and prosecute American civilians.

We have to have provisions for martial law.  If we didn't have such Constitutional provisions in our incredibly evil, America-hating world, then our Constitution would eventually become a suicide pact.  That being the case, I believe that we need to leave off second-guessing our POTUS when he has revealed no inclination whatsoever to abuse Executive power to do those things that may need to be done.

That being the case, I believe that we need to leave off second-guessing our POTUS when he has revealed no inclination whatsoever to abuse Executive power to do those things that may need to be done.

I will always question any POTUS, especially when freedoms are curtailed, but hey, I just answered a question.

I didn't bring any of this up.

Yes, I know there is a provision for this in the Constitution, but I believe, if we indeed go to this, without some restraints, or at least common sense, there won't be any turning back.

So we trust Trump, that's fine.
When the Dems eventually regain power and find their own reasons, perhaps  trumped up (no pun intended) reasons to use marital law, then what?

Times have changed.

I have no problem arresting people for acts of treason, if it is truly treasonous.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2018, 07:38:54 pm by GrouchoTex »

Offline the_doc

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Re: I’ve re-registered as a Democrat
« Reply #54 on: October 29, 2018, 07:50:08 pm »
Martial law is allowed under the Constitution--Article I, Section 8, Clause 15--under any and all circumstances that threaten the survival of the nation.  The Insurrection Act of 1807 also gives federal troops specific authority to quell insurrections.  And as Judge Kavanaugh pointed out in his interesting exchange with Lindsey Graham (who asked the judge a series of leading questions about courts martial--questions to which Graham, as a military prosecutor, judge and defense attorney in the USAF, already knew the answers), that there are Constitutional precedents for the military to arrest and prosecute American civilians.

We have to have provisions for martial law.  If we didn't have such Constitutional provisions in our incredibly evil, America-hating world, then our Constitution would eventually become a suicide pact.  That being the case, I believe that we need to leave off second-guessing our POTUS when he has revealed no inclination whatsoever to abuse Executive power to do those things that may need to be done.

I should add that the ominous provision in the very first Article of the Constitution is a reminder that it was exceedingly dangerous to have a guy like Obama as POTUS, and as far as I can tell, woluld have been even more dangerous if we had elected Hillary in 2016.

Those two rascals never should have gotten even close to the White House.  They were not in the least bit patriotic.  They have both been vicious enemies of America for a very long time. 

I don't see any evidence of that anti-American animosity in Trump, flawed though he may be.  I think our POTUS really would like to have a legacy of doing only good for our Republic.  (The goal of the Communists [Alinskyte, UN-loving Socialists] has always been to destroy the United States.  There is no reason for Trump to want that--and every reason for him not to want that.)

Anyway, we'll keep an eye on Trump.  And he will be aware that his Republican supporters will be watching him most carefully of all.