Author Topic: There's Nothing Feminine About Lying, Hysterical Left-Wing Women  (Read 255 times)

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There's Nothing Feminine About Lying, Hysterical Left-Wing Women
Katy Grimes image

Hysterical Left-Wing Women

The #MeToo crowd, also known as “feminists,” have shown they are not rational, nor are they feminine. They are not ladylike, girlish, soft, tender, or effeminate, as is the definition of feminine.

Even more importantly, radical feminists are not on pleasant terms with the truth.

What causes these feminists to be so angry all of the time? I’ve long said their misplaced anger and deranged insanity is attributable to regrets. Every feminist I’ve ever met has had an abortion, led teen and college years full of promiscuity, alcohol and drugs. Mostly white and middle to upper class, educated and spoiled, they rebelled against decent parents, and the “boredom” of living a normal, virtuous life.

This behavior leads to regrets, very deeply held, but nonetheless regrets. And they’ve been told since the sexual revolution of the 1960s, that someone other than themselves is to blame for the shame—that it’s not their shame, and that men are to blame.