Author Topic: The Plan to Defeat Trumpism  (Read 1581 times)

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The Plan to Defeat Trumpism
« on: October 03, 2018, 12:51:58 pm »

The Plan to Destroy Trumpism

What would you do to stop Hitler from coming to power and imposing an authoritarian regime on your country?

This is the central question one must understand to bring into full focus the events that are taking place in America right now. For the left wing progressives in America, they are attempting to answer that question every day, and at every level of society. Everything we see, from the restaurant harassment, rampant lawsuits, assaults, uncorroborated allegations, all of it is in service to one thing: stopping what the left views as encroaching fascism, and ensuring no one like ”proto-Hitler” Donald Trump ever rises again in America. The left, unsurprisingly, acts as the collectivist Communists that they are, organizing multiple levels of resistance to ensure they are never sold into breeding slavery by the Christian right, just as the Handmaid’s Tale predicted, which they view as more of a documentary than a work of fiction. As absurd as that view is, the hard left believes with every fiber of their being that the stakes are just that high, and they act accordingly.

Brett Kavanaugh is finding out the hard way what it means to face full-scale opposition from the left. The death threats, harassment, and assault allegations all began on the day he was nominated for the Supreme Court. At that moment, the entire left wing machine sprung into action using the full weight of everything they’ve learned opposing Donald Trump for two years. Buoyed by the 11th-hour accusations that Brett Kavanaugh is a serial gang rapist and staggering drunk, a view perpetuated by nearly all of the media, Hollywood, and leftist politicians, harassment and intimidation have become the new norm. Kavanaugh will likely need round the clock security for the rest of his life, due to the existential threat that they believe he poses. Where Gorsuch was opposed, they viewed him as a one for one replacement for Antonin Scalia; thus they didn’t bring to bear the full weight of opposition. Kavanaugh, on the other hand, represents the loss of the Supreme Court for a generation; thus he is viewed as an existential threat at a far higher level than Gorsuch.

The purpose of all of this resistance is not just stopping Trump and Kavanaugh; there is a bigger plan being executed: to ensure no Trumpian (or even brashly conservative) candidate ever arises again. Besides the dozens of lawsuits targeting Trump himself, everyone who is even tangentially associated with him has frivolous lawsuits and investigations targeting them, all in an effort to not only destroy them but to set an example of what happens when you interfere with the left wing machine. That is what all of the public harassment and lawfare is all about: showing future conservatives what their life will be like if they dare to be conservative in public. For some, it even goes further, as it did when radical Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson shot up a baseball field full of Republicans. So effectively has the left and their media allies ginned up their base on the Hitler comparisons, that it is dangerous to actually be a conservative in public. Let that one sink in for just moment: It has actually become dangerous to be a Republican in public. I personally know people that will not out themselves at work or even to some friends, fearing retribution.

For once, even moderate conservatives finally realize the scale of the fight that we (the Trump base) are in and have been screaming about from the beginning. Brett Kavanaugh had a reputation as sterling as any conservative in the world, and the left has managed to taint him for life, even if he is confirmed. There are already talks on the left about impeaching him or expanding the Supreme Court to offset both him and Gorsuch since they view those as stolen seats given the 2018 election. The only thing “good” that may come from all of this character assassination of Kavanaugh is that some moderate Republicans might realize the scale of the fight they have been unwittingly dragged into, and act as if they are in an existential war. The left was perfectly fine allowing controlled opposition; but Trump has them scared because, with every day that passes, he teaches Republicans how to play hardball. Lindsey Graham, a man I reviled for a very long time, over the last year, has stepped into the crucible of combat, as evidenced by his torching of Senate Democrats. Jeff Flake, on the other hand, continues to get played, acting like a pathetic baby whenever he’s confronted.

Kavanaugh himself recognized the effort to keep “good people out of public service,” as part of his testimony, but what he meant was “keep Republicans out of public service.” After all, watching the disgusting smears, mounting legal fees, frivolous investigations, and constant harassment, who wouldn’t think twice about entering public life as a Republican? Make no mistake; they want you to see the harassment Ted Cruz, Sarah Sanders, and other Republicans are getting, to make people think twice. Not everyone is a multi-billionaire like Donald Trump, that can easily handle the myriad of lawsuits and afford security 24/7. He is an outlier that is immune on numerous levels to their shenanigans, so they have shifted targets a bit to anyone associated with his administration. You may have noticed that we virtually never hear about Russia anymore; the narrative has shifted due to the fact that very little sticks to Trump himself. He might be made of Teflon, but many are not, and can’t afford to have their lives ruined. That is why these tactics must fail, at all costs. Any hint that they work, will only encourage the hard left to continue from the same playbook in perpetuity.

I hope we haven’t already passed that point.

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Re: The Plan to Defeat Trumpism
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2018, 07:51:24 am »
Damn - your articles put mine to shame! Great Writing! ^_^
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