Author Topic: We Are Finally Getting Rid Of The Treacherous Sissies Who Used To Control The GOP  (Read 240 times)

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We Are Finally Getting Rid Of The Treacherous Sissies Who Used To Control The GOP
Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Oct 01, 2018 12:01 AM

That simpering sap Jeff Flake – he’s the kind of guy who voted for Evan McMullin and still doesn’t regret it. It’s sad to see what was once allegedly a man be utterly emasculated in public and then proceed to dance to please his new masters. He ought to be, and henceforth shall be, known as Jeff! since he’s essentially Jeb! without the pedigree or – here’s the scary part – the spine. Yeah Jeff!, you’ll get your one-shot 60 Minutes tongue bath, and there’s probably a 3:00 a.m. Sunday MSNBC program in it for you, wedged between reruns of Lockup. A hosting gig for a crappy show on a doofus network is today’s equivalent of 30 pieces of silver.