Author Topic: How to 'Christine Blasey Ford-Proof' Your Son  (Read 1090 times)

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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How to 'Christine Blasey Ford-Proof' Your Son
« on: September 23, 2018, 03:38:01 pm »
How to 'Christine Blasey Ford-Proof' Your Son
PJ Media, Sep 22, 2018, Megan Fox


It is no surprise to me that the mothers of America have had enough of this nonsense. They aren't just women. They are mothers of sons. And as any mother of a son can tell you, we love our boys at a level that is hard to put into words. It's why sitcoms have always featured invading mothers-in-law hovering over their precious sons who can do no wrong. It's a thing. We love them and we want to kill THOT who tries to hurt them. (For the uninitiated in teen speak, check the urban dictionary for THOT.)

The press has underestimated the mothers of America who are watching this process of destroying a good man with horror and anger. What can we do as mothers to make sure this doesn't happen to our sons? It begins with training them from a young age to protect themselves from unscrupulous girls. A long time ago the worst you had to worry about was a girl trapping your son by getting pregnant. Now it's much worse. Here are a few ideas with which to move forward in this terrifying #MeToo era.

1. Take him to church and make sure the lessons stick

Make sure your son knows how to treat others, what his moral obligations to himself and his family are, and to follow God's laws in regards to dating and marriage. Try to impart the importance of saving sex for marriage. What can happen to him if he fails to do that (poverty, child support, disease, death, false rape charge) isn't worth it.

2. Train him to document any unusual circumstance

If something happens to your son at school or elsewhere involving a girl that might be misconstrued or even if he just feels uncomfortable with it, teach him to email it to himself with details, dates, and witnesses. These emails are admissible in court. It will also solve the problem of not being able to remember details years later if accused.


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Re: How to 'Christine Blasey Ford-Proof' Your Son
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2018, 03:44:03 pm »
3. Teach your son to assume he will one day have a position of high importance and encourage him to live accordingly [...]

4. Don't trust women [...]

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Re: How to 'Christine Blasey Ford-Proof' Your Son
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2018, 12:39:59 pm »
Worse, if your son ever happens to end up in front of the Senate, U.S. senators may drive his wife to suicide. The Senate confirmation hearing for Miguel Estrada, a Bush choice, was so stressful that Estrada's wife had a miscarriage, developed a drinking problem, and overdosed on pills and died, according to The New Yorker.
:thud:  **nononono*

I can't begin to imagine the stress for Mrs. Kavanaugh.

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Re: How to 'Christine Blasey Ford-Proof' Your Son
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2018, 07:21:51 pm »
4. Don't trust women [...]

Sadly, this has been around in the corporate world since the early 90's (thank you, Anita).  I survived 34 years there following this piece of advice.  It's too bad that women have to be treated with such suspicions.
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