Author Topic: Trump administration takes Indian Country back to termination era  (Read 1506 times)

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Re: Trump administration takes Indian Country back to termination era
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2018, 09:45:21 pm »
The land is owned privately by tribal governments. The governance is authorized by US treaty. The comment on 'basic human rights' is perplexing because they are bound by basic US law, but they can have their own courts and can set their rules regarding things like zoning or business regulations (just like a state or city can). It isn't like they can keep slaves or have child labor. (so 'basic human rights' charge is disingenuous).

I would counter and ask what authority the federal government has to take back any of that land that isn't theirs and was deeded to these tribes by treaty.

If the federal government can do this to them, they could do that to anyone. This is stripping sovereignty and we should oppose it just like stripping individual rights or state/local governance rights.

Thus proving.... white man speak with forked tongue.

But we knew that.

If Big Government wants to steal more land from the Native Americans, I may have to finally find my tribe and sign up.
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

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Re: Trump administration takes Indian Country back to termination era
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2018, 10:05:00 pm »
Between the mid 1700s and shortly after the war of 1812, the Cherokee and Powhatan nations were as westernized as any British city. They had full blown colonial cities, representatives in colonial government, schools, and even a university. Andrew Jackson basically stole all their land, that prior presidents had recognized, and stripped them of any rights they had. He sent in the army and forcibly removed them from their homes (not tee-pees but some very stately colonial homes that in some cases, later became plantation homes.)  If you see old paintings, many were as westernized as George Washington himself. My ancestry is Potawatomi, and you can see old paintings of them and they looked downright Scottish in some images (one of the chiefs in a late 1700s painting I saw, looked kind of like Patrick Stewart with hair.)

Small world... I have Cherokee and Potawatomi blood running in me.... Though long ago and far away.

Go back further than that - The Iroquois nation has a serious Celtic strain in them going way, way back. White with red or blonde hair is common there too... And both the Iroquois and Cherokee nations had systems of law and justice, language and math, money... All the hallmarks of civilization were in them long before the 'white man' ever got here.

I have long been a proponent of a very diverse trade between Europe and the Americas, and between the East and the Americas pretty much all the way along - Shoot, there are Sumerian artifacts among the Inca/Maya for Pete's sake.