Author Topic: Hamas-linked CAIR sues FBI, Customs and Border Protection to stop counterterror initiatives  (Read 175 times)

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Hamas-linked CAIR sues FBI, Customs and Border Protection to stop counterterror initiatives

Aug 30, 2018 7:54 am By Robert Spencer 66 Comments

“CAIR’s challenge comes months after an annual report on the status of civil rights for Muslims in the United States, which found more Islamophobic episodes were instigated by federal agencies than either hate groups or individual bigots.”

The idea that the FBI, as cowed, clueless, and compromised as it is, is riddled with “Islamophobia” is absurd beyond measure. This lawsuit is a clear attempt to hamstring and destroy even the feeble counterterror efforts that the FBI is pursuing today, which will have the effect of clearing away still more obstacles in the way of the advancing jihad. I’ve said for years that Hamas-linked CAIR has opposed every counterterror measure that has ever been proposed or implemented, and this lawsuit is further confirmation of that fact.