Author Topic: America escaping our violent abuser  (Read 1745 times)

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Offline unite for individuality

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America escaping our violent abuser
« on: August 18, 2018, 09:17:24 pm »

The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when the victim decides to leave.
That's when the abuser is most likely to use deadly force.
That's exactly what we see happening in the USA right now.
The last four presidents have consistently acted against the interests of the American people,
and for the interests of a global ruling "elite."

Now that we've elected a president who is acting FOR the American people,
the Establishment "elite" are resorting to measures not seen for a long time.
The Establishment's paid propagandists, claiming to be the "news" media
are flooding the airwaves with unprecedentedly vicious lies.
Hundreds of Establishment spokespeople are openly advocating violent aggression.
Nearly ALL of the "news" media keep repeating the lies
which have already been used to "justify" the riots
in Baltimore Maryland, Ferguson Missouri, and in other places.

These riots are modern day re-creations of Krystallnacht.  They are mass acts of terrorism.
Their goal is to intimidate into silence anyone who would dissent from the left's dictatorship.
These days we see CNN openly praising Antifa, a modern day version of Hitler's Brown Shirts.
We see history clearly repeating itself.  We know very well where this kind of activity leads.

The Establishment is very clearly orchestrating
the very thing Barack Obama explicitly said at age 18 to be his life's goal:
to "bring about the inevitable revolution that will convert the USA into another Soviet Union."
(Those were Barack Obama's exact words, documented in "Meeting Young Obama" by John Drew.)

The ruling clique, the Establishment, the Congress critters' puppetmasters,
have had nearly absolute control of the government since Reagan left office.
Now that the American people have managed to start breaking free of their death grip,
these rulers have gone berserk. 
Like a brute whose woman is fleeing his abuse,
the national and global abusers are thinking just like street level abusers:
"If I can't have her, no one will!"  In their rage, they kill their victim.

Now that America is breaking free of the Establishment's mental abuse,
and rejecting their lies,
the Establishment will at some point conclude that
deceit and delusion is no longer working for them.
Since their fraud no longer works, they will resort to force.

The Establishment is clearly trying to incite a Second Civil War in America.
And just like in the first Civil War, the violent aggressors will be the Democrats.

The one thing a victim fleeing her abuser must NOT do is
give in to the fear, and return to the abuser.
The abuse will only get much worse!
The controls will be tighter, the damage will be more severe.

Now that we've started our exit, DO NOT TURN BACK!
DO NOT ELECT ANY DEMOCRATS!  Or Republicans who sell out to the Democrats!
We now have a ONCE IN A LIFETIME opportunity!  Let's not blow this!
If we let tyranny get back into a majority in Congress, we will NEVER escape them!
Certainly not in our lifetime, and maybe not for a thousand years!

We might very well be at the most crucial turning point in all of history!
The choice is ours: a bright future of civilization,
or as George Orwell put it, "a boot stomping on a face - forever!"
If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion,
mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
   -- John Stuart Mill

Here are the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach Trump on Jan. 13, 2021 - NEVER forget!
WY  Liz Cheney      SC 7  Tom Rice             WA 4  Dan Newhouse    IL 16  Adam Kinzinger    OH 16  Anthony Gonzalez
MI 6  Fred Upton    WA 3  Jaime Herrera Beutler    MI 3  Peter Meijer       NY 24  John Katko       CA 21  David Valadao

Offline To-Whose-Benefit?

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Re: America escaping our violent abuser
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2018, 02:49:12 am »
My 'Viking Hunter' High Adventure Alternate History Series is FREE, ALL 3 volumes, at most ebook retailers including Ibooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and more.

In Vol 2 the weapons come out in a winner take all war on two fronts.

Vol 3 opens with the rigged murder trial of the villain in a Viking Court under Viking law to set the stage for the hero's own murder trial.

Offline Mod1

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Re: America escaping our violent abuser
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2018, 12:26:24 pm »
As this is not a published article and seems to be the original composition of the poster, it's being moved to the appropriate category.

Offline aligncare

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Re: America escaping our violent abuser
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2018, 12:32:48 am »
@unite for individuality

Well reasoned. Fantastic in its implications.

But, I’m afraid it’s much easier for people to just turn away from an uncomfortable reality than to confront it. Which is what most people will do. Houston, we’ve got a problem.

On the plus side, though, Donald Trump’s jump into politics has done at least two important things. First, it forced a crack open that exposed corruption at the highest levels of government;  second, it showed the media as biased and dishonest and people are starting to wake up to that, which is important if we ever hope to see a change in the country’s trajectory.