Author Topic: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally  (Read 36523 times)

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #150 on: August 06, 2018, 05:22:21 am »

That was quite a tour-de-force! Congrats on your cleverness.

Time will tell. I won't bother about your twists and distortions of my assertions.

I don't  know how soon the major public arrests will come. It's plausible that significant ones will come before Midterms. I understand there's some argument in the Trump admin about which would  be best.

You seem  to gloss over the fact that dealing legally and wisely with more than  45,000 sealed indictments (as  verified  by the state websites) is a complex, time consuming project.

You seem to make a lot of assumptions abut puzzle pieces that aren't  supported  by said puzzle pieces.

And I find  your disbelief that the Q-anon team is real quite mystifying  given your high IQ. Evidently the Q  team is less  than 10 people and  only 3 of  them  are  not Military Intel.

Actually,  I think it's highly plausible  that your son could  live  and  work around a lot of royals for a long  time and  not be privy to their darker  doings. I knew  a fair amount about  Mountbatten for decades  before I learned the evil pedophilia he'd  evidently been 'into'  for all  those decades.

Time will tell how soon 'things  go down' and  how horrific the evils to be disclosed.


Quix, what you don't get is, we will be HAPPY if people who broke the law, get arrested and tried in court.  We are not going to be spell bound, out of our minds, begging for your forgiveness because someone/someones get arrested, if they do.  We are not going to sell our houses, and move to Finland, or the South Pole under the ice where the outer space aliens live.  If there is child molestation occurring, and law enforcement knows it, has evidence, then they are not doing their job - they are letting it continue, instead of gathering evidence and arresting these people and trying them in a count of law.  Now, you say they are going to be taken to the military place, GITMO, and put in that prison, killed, whatever...

You say all these people, including Vice President Pence and Secretary of State Tillerson are having sex with kids, killing them and eating them; why are they not in jail?   It is terrible to name people, usually ones with big money, and accuse them of child molestation.

I have told you one reason why there is no real person with Q clearance writing on the internet and I have another reason why that is not true.  You refuse to accept my reason because you want the thrill of following Q - it is part of your exciting life.

You say Pope Francis is sacrificing children under the Vatican and in other Catholic churches around the world.  Let's say he is - that does not affect my belief in Jesus Christ nor my Catholic Church.  You see, our religion is based on belief in Jesus Christ, not the Pope.  If a Baptist minister has sex with a child, every Baptist is not going to go crazy and stop their belief in Jesus Christ.  See how that works?

You think all these arrests are going to happen just before the November election; I think you said you think it will be in September.  Fine, good, excellent.  Instead of putting on sack cloth (that was black goat hair back in Bible times) and mourning, we will be HAPPY these people were caught.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline LegalAmerican

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #151 on: August 06, 2018, 05:28:59 am »

Hey, I like you also and am frankly surprised that you are drawn into this Q world.

I know evil exists but I am far more optimistic than you are about the extent of it.

I just don't believe it.  I've read a bit of it and chose to leave it alone.  You can feel free to chide me if any of those dire predictions prove to be true.

I see you like living in DENIAL.  It is easier, but does not change anything.  THE DOC, IS CORRECT.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #152 on: August 06, 2018, 05:38:10 am »
Yeah. Quite so. When folks assault our intelligence, objectivity, sanity, reality testing etc. I treat that as opening the door to similar candor in response. If they want to speak in such terms, I can match them. I'm not necessarily proud of it as it's not turning the other cheek. However, it does serve notice that I'm not willing to play the doormat role, either. I played the doormat for most of my life. Don't think it was all that good for me.

Don't turn the other cheek. That is for Christians, who believe the same. NOT FOR THE ENEMY. Not for atheist, the LEFT, the insane, evil.

You are doing well.  Evil trys to use scripture, against Christians.  Don't buy into that.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #153 on: August 06, 2018, 05:41:28 am »

That was quite a tour-de-force! Congrats on your cleverness.

Time will tell. I won't bother about your twists and distortions of my assertions.

I don't  know how soon the major public arrests will come. It's plausible that significant ones will come before Midterms. I understand there's some argument in the Trump admin about which would  be best.

You seem  to gloss over the fact that dealing legally and wisely with more than  45,000 sealed indictments (as  verified  by the state websites) is a complex, time consuming project.

You seem to make a lot of assumptions abut puzzle pieces that aren't  supported  by said puzzle pieces.

And I find  your disbelief that the Q-anon team is real quite mystifying  given your high IQ. Evidently the Q  team is less  than 10 people and  only 3 of  them  are  not Military Intel.

Actually,  I think it's highly plausible  that your son could  live  and  work around a lot of royals for a long  time and  not be privy to their darker  doings. I knew  a fair amount about  Mountbatten for decades  before I learned the evil pedophilia he'd  evidently been 'into'  for all  those decades.

Time will tell how soon 'things  go down' and  how horrific the evils to be disclosed.


Quix, what you don't get is, we will be HAPPY if people who broke the law, get arrested and tried in court.  We are not going to be spell bound, out of our minds, begging for your forgiveness because someone/someones get arrested, if they do.  We are not going to sell our houses, and move to Finland, or the South Pole under the ice where the outer space aliens live.  If there is child molestation occurring, and law enforcement knows it, has evidence, then they are not doing their job - they are letting it continue, instead of gathering evidence and arresting these people and trying them in a count of law.  Now, you say they are going to be taken to the military place, GITMO, and put in that prison, killed, whatever...

You say all these people, including Vice President Pence and Secretary of State Tillerson are having sex with kids, killing them and eating them; why are they not in jail?   It is terrible to name people, usually ones with big money, and accuse them of child molestation.

I have told you one reason why there is no real person with Q clearance writing on the internet and I have another reason why that is not true.  You refuse to accept my reason because you want the thrill of following Q - it is part of your exciting life.

You say Pope Francis is sacrificing children under the Vatican and in other Catholic churches around the world.  Let's say he is - that does not affect my belief in Jesus Christ nor my Catholic Church.  You see, our religion is based on belief in Jesus Christ, not the Pope.  If a Baptist minister has sex with a child, every Baptist is not going to go crazy and stop their belief in Jesus Christ.  See how that works?

You think all these arrests are going to happen just before the November election; I think you said you think it will be in September.  Fine, good, excellent.  Instead of putting on sack cloth (that was black goat hair back in Bible times) and mourning, we will be HAPPY these people were caught.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Quix

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #154 on: August 06, 2018, 05:43:02 am »

Don't turn the other cheek. That is for Christians, who believe the same. NOT FOR THE ENEMY. Not for atheist, the LEFT, the insane, evil.

You are doing well.  Evil trys to use scripture, against Christians.  Don't buy into that.

THANKS BIG for your very worthy points, imho. I think that's my feeling . . . though my intellectualizations about it are not always in concert with those feelings. I was a scared rabbit wimp afraid of my own shadow for the first 1/3 or so of my life.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline LegalAmerican

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #155 on: August 06, 2018, 05:45:45 am »
You are right. I don't always take the high road in such exchanges. Guilty as charged. Sigh. I respect individuals and their rights to their opinions. I don't respect reflex arrogant personal assaults as behaviors. Thanks for your exhortations.

You are just fine, the way you are. Forget that "high road", more ways for evil to control you. See, they want to be ugly, but then fault you for responding in kind. Trust your instincts.  I've been where you are.  "Casting pearls before swine".     wink777

Offline Quix

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #156 on: August 06, 2018, 06:55:03 am »

You are just fine, the way you are. Forget that "high road", more ways for evil to control you. See, they want to be ugly, but then fault you for responding in kind. Trust your instincts.  I've been where you are.  "Casting pearls before swine".     wink777

Thanks for being a delightful encouragement and a treasure of a Christian brother. That you are similarly battle worn is a plus, imho.

They tend to go for the personal, person-hood jugular.

I prefer to be tweaky about their ideas, statements, assertions, assumptions, lack of perceptivity or discernment etc. They still react as though I'd stabbed them in the heart personally--but I can let that largely be their problem. I still think there's a significant difference between assaulting ideas, assumptions, statements & stances vs their person-hood--whether they can grok that distinction, or not.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 06:57:04 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #157 on: August 06, 2018, 01:36:50 pm »

I see you like living in DENIAL.  It is easier, but does not change anything.  THE DOC, IS CORRECT.

There’s a surprise, lol.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #158 on: August 06, 2018, 02:05:44 pm »
Thanks for being a delightful encouragement and a treasure of a Christian brother. That you are similarly battle worn is a plus, imho.

They tend to go for the personal, person-hood jugular.

I prefer to be tweaky about their ideas, statements, assertions, assumptions, lack of perceptivity or discernment etc. They still react as though I'd stabbed them in the heart personally--but I can let that largely be their problem. I still think there's a significant difference between assaulting ideas, assumptions, statements & stances vs their person-hood--whether they can grok that distinction, or not.

Oh come on, @Quix , be real.  You can get just as personal and as bitchy as any of us here.  Again I refer you back to the post where you called us ignorant, stupid, foolish, etc.  You claim you made it in reaction to others getting personal with you, but if you look back at the posts, you see that’s not the case. 

You made a snarky remark about @heckocopter’s ego simply because he stepped in to refute some of this stuff, but you continually let everyone know you’re the authority here so you should be paid attention to.  I’m sorry but it’s give and take here. 

I don’t know why it’s so important for everyone to buy into Q anyway.  Apparently you know that Trump will succeed in crushing the evildoers.  Should be enough, IMO.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #159 on: August 06, 2018, 02:42:48 pm »
Evil trys to use scripture, against Christians.

The truly malevolent ignore the 'ie' and 'y' rules.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #160 on: August 06, 2018, 02:49:50 pm »

Because of the episode where he killed Glenn and Abraham, you mean?

That was probably the most awful thing I've seen on TV.  But I'm in it to the bitter end...which may come sooner than later, now that Andrew Lincoln is leaving.

That scene was replayed on that channel a short time ago, and I couldn't watch it.  Could not watch them being clubbed to death again.

Offline XenaLee

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #161 on: August 06, 2018, 02:54:03 pm »

Don't turn the other cheek. That is for Christians, who believe the same. NOT FOR THE ENEMY. Not for atheist, the LEFT, the insane, evil.

You are doing well.  Evil trys to use scripture, against Christians.  Don't buy into that.

Ok.  I'll play.   

Where, exactly, does the Bible say that "turn the other cheek" is meant only re: other Christians?   
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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #162 on: August 06, 2018, 02:55:34 pm »
Ok.  I'll play.   

Where, exactly, does the Bible say that "turn the other cheek" is meant only re: other Christians?

It doesn't. It is in the context of loving your enemies.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #163 on: August 06, 2018, 02:57:51 pm »

That scene was replayed on that channel a short time ago, and I couldn't watch it.  Could not watch them being clubbed to death again.

I'm not a fan of censorship of any kind...... and Lord knows, I'm not generally squeamish AT ALL....

but that episode was way over the line re: graphic brutality.... to the point of showing pure evil.   Which is a dangerous thing in this era of weak/sick minds watching that might get an epiphany after observing ... and think "hey, I could do that... wonder what it would feel like... bashing someone's brains out like that". 

I think they could have shot the scene and left out certain gory details, but have the same results (ie Glenn and Abraham dead from Lucille bashing). 

Sometimes they go too damned far.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #164 on: August 06, 2018, 02:59:52 pm »
It doesn't. It is in the context of loving your enemies.

Well.... context can be misconstrued and (lied about) used for nefarious purposes.  Not a fan of "context".  Hence the well-known term "taken out of context".

In addition.... you are urged to pray for your enemies... but if one of your enemies comes up and starts smacking the hell out of you, the Bible does NOT say you just have to lay there and take it.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 03:01:53 pm by XenaLee »
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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #165 on: August 06, 2018, 03:04:07 pm »
Well.... context can be misconstrued and (lied about) used for nefarious purposes.  Not a fan of "context".  Hence the well-known term "taken out of context".

I am a textual critic. Context is everything. That is why folks 'misconstrue and lie for nefarious purposes'. Hence the spin doctors on every news channel.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #166 on: August 06, 2018, 03:05:28 pm »
In addition.... you are urged to pray for your enemies... but if one of your enemies comes up and starts smacking the hell out of you, the Bible does NOT say you just have to lay there and take it.

Just caught your edit... Yes, it does... The whole 'Turn the other cheek' thing.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #167 on: August 06, 2018, 03:06:09 pm »
I am a textual critic. Context is everything. That is why folks 'misconstrue and lie for nefarious purposes'. Hence the spin doctors on every news channel.

True.   But again, when it says "love your enemies" it means pray for them, not that you must allow your enemies to bash your brains out.  Just sayin.... happy77
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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #168 on: August 06, 2018, 03:07:46 pm »
Just caught your edit... Yes, it does... The whole 'Turn the other cheek' thing.

Then... we are at an impasse on this.... since I disagree.   :shrug:

Put it this way..... if the Bible actually said that you must allow your enemies to beat or kill you...

I'll just have to disagree with the Bible on that, then. 
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'Q' followers gain prominence at Trump rallies: 'All of us are looking for truth'

By Dave Boyer
The Washington Times
Sunday, August 5, 2018

Gary Brown of central Ohio is a follower of “Q,” the mysterious internet figure suddenly gaining prominence at President Trump’s campaign rallies.

Mr. Brown, a real estate agent and retired firefighter, began paying attention to the cryptic and frequently pro-Trump comments posted by the anonymous Q on message boards last year. He concluded that Q is better informed than the mainstream media about Washington and other topics.

“I don’t know for a fact who Q is,” Mr. Brown said. “I have strong thoughts that it certainly could be someone in the administration. All I know is, when I read what is posted on the ‘Q board,’ it seems to be more relevant and more true than what I’m reading in the papers.”

On message boards such as and, a person or group of people identified only as Q has been posting provocative questions about the government since October.

In a typical post, Q wrote last week about election security, “How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections from domestic & foreign criminal actors? How do you utilize the Russia narrative to knock out decades old election corruption? Why are D’s opposed to cleaning up voter rolls? Why are D’s opposed to imposing VOTER ID LAWS to further safeguard our elections?”

More at URL above...

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #170 on: August 06, 2018, 03:29:51 pm »
True.   But again, when it says "love your enemies" it means pray for them, not that you must allow your enemies to bash your brains out.  Just sayin.... happy77

The principle of self defense, and more importantly, defense of others is Biblical. In fact, I haven't really studied it that way, but I would suppose the defense of others to be more-or-less commanded, as is the defense of hearth and home (your child, your wife, etc).

But it gets a little gray with defense of self. I am a great big guy, and for most of my life, I translated the 'turn the other cheek' thing pretty literally - I have always been fairly peaceable, never starting violence, And it cost me little in a fight to turn the other cheek... And then I'd crush em like a bug.

As sometimes happens with men, one of my very good friends bears my mark on his face. When I rearranged it for him, we were not friends - That happened at a later time, when I jumped in to help him when several guys were giving him the boots...

I don't say it much, and I know he's forgiven it... But I cannot look at him without a twinge of regret. I really wrecked him. And that brings to mind all the others.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #171 on: August 06, 2018, 03:32:51 pm »
1. IIRC, I was  pinged to this thread. I normally consider it good manners to respond to pings.

2. You, in your narrow, rigid, constipated, terminally uninformed, prissy, haughty, smug, cheeky way can call the alt realities forum a rubber room, if you wish. Some of us prefer to think of it as a great egalitarian venue where atypical, fringe, unusual, paranormal, non-kosher, non-Politically-Correct, alternative, etc. postulations, hypotheses, events, sequences, topics, relationships, observations can be discussed with  mutual respect by folks with markedly above average IQ's. It's kind of understandable that you don't feel you would fit in all that well.

3. Spewing garbage seems to be in the eye and mouth of the spewer. One man's garbage  is another man's treasure. Perhaps you haven't lived long enough to realize that.

4. imho, the thoughtfulness, perceptiveness, discernment, analyses, observations, logic, wealth of background etc. commonly displayed on the Alt Realities forum is markedly above average for blog websites.

5. And, actually, our mutual caring and respect is quite above average, as well. That might be a challenging construct for you to wrap your understanding around. However, learning to grok the idea of mutual respect could be a fruitful exercise for your life.

6. On the other hand, with different fingers, given how likely it is that you'll continue on your unmerry way dispensing waves of haughty hostility to all you construe as not measuring up to your Majestic  Loftiness--you are welcome to trod such paths elsewhere as you and crew find fitting.

7. And we will exercise our powers of observation and our powers of discriminating between good vs bad to mark your displays of charity as a great example of where NOT to go. I'm not entirely sure I've translated what I wanted to communicate sufficiently into your language but I have tried to do so.


cc: @the_doc


Best post I've read in a long time. Kudos! 888high58888
Principles matter. Words matter.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #172 on: August 06, 2018, 03:37:36 pm »
The principle of self defense, and more importantly, defense of others is Biblical. In fact, I haven't really studied it that way, but I would suppose the defense of others to be more-or-less commanded, as is the defense of hearth and home (your child, your wife, etc).

But it gets a little gray with defense of self. I am a great big guy, and for most of my life, I translated the 'turn the other cheek' thing pretty literally - I have always been fairly peaceable, never starting violence, And it cost me little in a fight to turn the other cheek... And then I'd crush em like a bug.

As sometimes happens with men, one of my very good friends bears my mark on his face. When I rearranged it for him, we were not friends - That happened at a later time, when I jumped in to help him when several guys were giving him the boots...

I don't say it much, and I know he's forgiven it... But I cannot look at him without a twinge of regret. I really wrecked him. And that brings to mind all the others.

Well, defense of others is a given.  No argument there.

I'm a 5'2" female... and though I don't often feel that fierce, much less look it...lolol, I have carried some type of handgun since I was in my 20's when I leave the house.  I think that has given me an "air", if you will, of someone not to mess with.  I posit that the confidence that being armed gives you helps to ensure that you will not be made a victim... either by bullies or by criminals.   Anyway, it has worked for me.  And rest assured.... if someone seeks to make me a victim, they will regret it.

Sorry to hear about your incident with the person whose face you rearranged.  But... had you not done that, would you two be friends right now?   (mysterious ways and all

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Re: Conspiracy Theory 'QAnon' Jumps To Primetime At Trump Rally
« Reply #173 on: August 06, 2018, 03:40:15 pm »
Then... we are at an impasse on this.... since I disagree.   :shrug:

Put it this way..... if the Bible actually said that you must allow your enemies to beat or kill you...

I'll just have to disagree with the Bible on that, then.

Dennis Prager says that this is macro vs. micro.  Micro being your personal life, and macro being the life of the larger state or nation.  He says this applies to the micro community - you turn your cheek to your neighbor, spouse, children etc., but not to some guy who comes in with a gun to rob you, for instance.

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Funny how the usual suspects in the MSM all produced articles after the Florida rally calling Qanon "bizarre, fringe, dangerous," and a dozen other pejoratives. The movement has the laudable aim of researching and questioning the corruption that is rampant in the federal government. Much has already been exposed to the public Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Orr, and so many others, so the corruption should be apparent to all.

Qanon is completely non-violent despite the portrayal of the leftist media.
Principles matter. Words matter.