Author Topic: The Very Real Border Crisis  (Read 263 times)

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The Very Real Border Crisis
« on: April 16, 2018, 02:58:09 pm »
The Very Real Border Crisis

By Dan Cadman on April 12, 2018

Jonathan Tobin, a man with whom I sometimes agree and sometimes don't, has written an opinion piece for National Review captioned "The Nonexistent Border Crisis", with which I sharply disagree.

The gist of Tobin's piece can be summed up quickly but fairly this way: 1) it's as wrong for the right as it is for the left to portray border and immigration events histrionically when circumstances don't support the melodrama; 2) President Trump has done that in recent days with his tweet storm over the border crisis (or non-crisis in Tobin's view); and 3) doing so puts the lie to the president's achievements in securing the border.