What the hell is wrong with this latest generation? Please someone explain.
They're spoiled, brainwashed and devoid of the foundational principles and morals the Greatest generation had running in their DNA.
They have been taught that they are responsible for nothing, that everyone else is to blame and that the nation is racist, homophobic, intolerant and bigoted. They have adopted the ideas and foundations of third world cesspools and discarded the foundational morals that established us. They are happy in wholesale ignorance and stupidity and feel good about it. They see wealth and fame and idle time in front of a screen as the ticket to the good life, wherein our generation saw hard work and busting our balls while being faithful to our family as the ticket to a house of our own and some property we could leave to our kids as the measure of a good life.
Do I need to go on?
This culture has poisoned the minds of the emerging generations and they have no use for the liberties we understand as vital, on top of the fact have little regard for life themselves.