Author Topic: The Takeaway: Democrats' Favorability Falls  (Read 232 times)

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The Takeaway: Democrats' Favorability Falls
« on: March 10, 2018, 02:44:29 pm »
The Takeaway: Democrats' Favorability Falls
By Tom Bevan
March 09, 2018

Intriguing tidbits from the week in election surveys and public opinion polls:

The Lesser of Two Evils: There is good news and bad news for Democrats in the newest Quinnipiac University survey. The bad: The favorable rating of the Democratic Party has hit an all-time low. Just 31 percent of Americans say they view the party favorably, while 52 percent view it unfavorably. That’s a far cry from the 55 percent favorable rating the party enjoyed when Barack Obama took office in 2009. The good? Despite the drop in favorability, Democrats still enjoy a healthy advantage over Republicans on the generic ballot question.  When asked which party they’d like to see win control of the House, 48 percent said the Democrats, 38 percent said the GOP, and 15 percent were undecided. Overall, Democrats lead the 2018 Generic Ballot by 8.9 percentage points in the RCP Average.