Author Topic: How Mahmoud Abbas lost his marbles  (Read 408 times)

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Offline WingNot

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How Mahmoud Abbas lost his marbles
« on: February 11, 2018, 08:44:53 pm »
Picking a fight with the United States, the government no less, may not be a smart move, as Al Capone found out.

Contact Editor Jack Engelhard, 11/02/18

What’s today – Sunday? That’s the day Mahmoud Abbas threatened to cut off all ties with Israel.

On Friday, he threatened to cut off all ties with the United States.

On Thursday, he threatened to go to the Security Council to have Israel and the United States cut off from the United Nations.

On Wednesday, he threatened to go before the ICC, International Criminal Court to have everybody cut off and arrested. 

On Tuesday, through his propaganda minister Saeb Erekat who told her to “shut up,” Abbas threatened to cut off all ties with Nikki Haley.

On Monday, he threatened to cut off all ties with President Trump.

I may have the days wrong, off a day or two, but not the facts…clearly, that the man has lost his marbles.

This terrorist in a suit can’t take it that finally one President, Trump, is not buying that PA/Fatah/Hamas Palestinian garbage anymore…and that many around the rest of the world have come around to Trump’s point of view. Abbas will try anything to get the world’s attention as the result of the abrupt cold shoulder.

That’s what’s got him going berserk… Trump’s official Declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel…followed by cuts in US funding for his PA and his UNRWA…the UN division which the Palestinian Authority owns to the brim. Ouch. That’s not the way it used to be under previous administrations that came running whenever Abbas whistled.

o now he wants to remind the world that if he and his “people” can’t make anything good (been that since they were invented June 12, 1964), he can still make trouble.

Trouble is, nobody cares. Well, the Europeans, of course they care, but not as much as they used to, for they too don’t want to get on Trump’s bad side.

Today, even the king of Jordan says that nothing can be done or settled without the United States.

On about the same day, we learn, through newly released diaries, that Abbas was directly responsible for the 1985 murder of wheelchair-bound Jewish American Leon Klinghoffer aboard the Achille Lauro cruise ship. Four PLO terrorists who intended to hijack the ship for Abbas tossed Klinghoffer overboard. Abbas, the diaries show, skipped justice at the favor of Italian authorities.
"I'm a man, but I changed, because I had to. Oh well."

Offline Frank Cannon

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Re: How Mahmoud Abbas lost his marbles
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2018, 09:18:43 pm »
I love that Abbas is now relegated to the child's table thanks to Donny. About time someone ignored this creep.

BTW now that he has been tied to the Leon Klinghoffer murder, maybe it's time to either kill him or send him in front of some world court just for fun.

Offline WingNot

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Re: How Mahmoud Abbas lost his marbles
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2018, 09:25:56 pm »
I love that Abbas is now relegated to the child's table thanks to Donny. About time someone ignored this creep.

BTW now that he has been tied to the Leon Klinghoffer murder, maybe it's time to either kill him or send him in front of some world court just for fun.

He needs to be dispatched in similar fashion as Mr. Klinghoffer.
"I'm a man, but I changed, because I had to. Oh well."