Author Topic: The Missing Democratic Agenda  (Read 285 times)

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The Missing Democratic Agenda
« on: January 20, 2018, 03:07:38 pm »
 The Missing Democratic Agenda
Posted By Matthew Continetti On January 12, 2018 @ 5:00 am In Columns | No Comments

Oh, to have been a fly on the wall in Elizabeth Warren's house as people went crazy over the prospect of Oprah 2020. I can only imagine Warren's reaction. Did she yell at the TV? Mutter under her breath? Immediately call her media consultant in panic?

We know the slight got to her. By midweek she was making the rounds on cable. There she was, with Mark Warner of Virginia, reminding us of her existence, talking about God knows what, and smiling uncomfortably when asked, inevitably, what she thought of the Lady O.

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