Author Topic: wretchardthecat on Google  (Read 487 times)

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wretchardthecat on Google
« on: January 08, 2018, 12:31:18 am »
Tweets read from bottom to top.

Richard Fernandez is possibly not a big fan of Google. Bolding of text is mine.

 2h2 hours ago
We're all downstream from the great river of adsense life, twiddling our key words.  If we follow the revenue stream to the celestial throne we'll find it's a gigantic data center, with no windows, no doors, not even a phone number.
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 2h2 hours ago
More wretchardthecat Retweeted wretchardthecat
Google took the ad revenues from the papers.  They took the data from everybody.  They sucked the lifeblood from the classifieds.

Miller, Bannon ... that's all the media can see, because they didn't get the number of the truck.
wretchardthecat added,
 2h2 hours ago
What destroyed the NYT was Google.  Trump is just dancing on its grave.
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 2h2 hours ago
How do we get there?  Not through "more government" nor "no government" but probably through "slightly less government" that allows a degree of permissionless creativity without unleashing chaos.
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 2h2 hours ago
Sooner or later enough big economic actors will realize there's money to be made in empowering the middle; that if we leave more value with the sources rather than Google the absolute size of the economy will be much greater.

 3h3 hours ago
Maybe the next decade will be the Great Taking Back.  Taking back ownership of the data Big Silicon is scooping up for free. Taking back power increasingly concentrated in giant institutions.  Taking back income no longer normally, but asymptotically distributed.
