Author Topic: NY Post: So, The Big Fish The FBI Caught In This Russian Collusion Probe Is....An Unpaid Intern?  (Read 548 times)

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NY Post: So, The Big Fish The FBI Caught In This Russian Collusion Probe Is....An Unpaid Intern?
Matt Vespa
Posted: Oct 31, 2017 1:19 PM

You can read Guy’s take here, but Paul Manafort and his business associate, Rick Gates, probably had the worst Monday you can imagine: being indicted by the FBI. Yet, this isn’t related to the Trump collusion hysteria that’s been festering within Democratic circles that are desperate to find a smoking gun linking the Trump White House to the Russians. With multiple investigations ongoing for months, we still have zero evidence that proves the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. But wait—what about this George Papadopoulos fella? Didn’t he do all this stuff supposedly with the Russians? Oh, and he’s been charged with lying to the FBI. He’s a cooperating witness, which had some wondering whether the next event will be some sort of solid evidence that Trump and the Russians formed this unholy alliance that has so permeated liberal media outlets. Well, as it turns out, the dude was a low-level, unpaid intern who was probably boasting of such ties to impress the higher-ups in the Trump campaign (via NY Post):

Offline RetBobbyMI

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Only this and (excuse the pun) trumped up charges of money laundering n Manafort and his buddy. For what? To get them to spill beans they probably don’t have? What a friggin waste of money. So far it points more at Dems, which the Special Counsel and his Dem cronies will certainly try to sweep under the proverbial rug.
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