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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #450 on: October 18, 2017, 06:09:15 am »
And when I say lying, I mean:

OMG.  Now I have to go back, oh, wait,  I remember.  You were referring to Trump voters in a disparaging manner, claiming that they were voting with emotion and not with reason.

I think that is a way over-reach.  Yes, some people really feel an emotional fervor for Trump, which I don't understand.  But a LOT of people voted for him.

I would have voted for him even thought I bitterly opposed him all through the primaries.  It would not have been an emotional decision but a common sense one.

We could not have afforded Hillary.  She would have completed Obama's job of ruining the nation.

I would not let Trump hate prevent me from making rational decisions.  I was for him because I wanted someone not named Hillary.
  Even if he had done nothing but been a place holder, we would have been better off.

But he has been much better than I expected.  You can nitpick that original list posted here and we certainly haven't got much of what we want but we've got a lot.  I think we can all agree that a big reason we haven't gotten some things is Congress, not the President.

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #451 on: October 18, 2017, 08:15:43 am »
What a bullshit accusation.

Look pal, you're the guy who insisted that if "we" (whomever that is supposed to be) lose the Presidency, we lose the SCOTUS.

The fact SCOTUS no longer operates within the confines of its Constitutional role and creates law by fiat and rewrites legislation to make things "legal" and both parties play the see-saw to stack the court with their own preferred ideologues to act towards their favor - and my calling you out on that score, equates my desire to have Secret Police dispensing "justice"?  SCOTUS is not empowered to dispense "justice" - that is not its role.  It was supposed to measure legal cases against the Constitution, not decide what is Constitutional based on their own ideological glasses.

But that is the role and game you and every other fear-mongering party hack throws in everyone's face to get them to support whatever party or political savior they demand we vote for.

The fact a single Justice has the balance of power in their hands as to deciding whether or not the Constitution is ignored or retained is nothing but a testament to how far off the mark we have already fallen into despotism and corruption.

You just want to keep perpetuating the shell game and circus we've been on for decades turning tighter and harder Left.

Enjoy the corruption then.  You deserve it.

I have other plans that do not entail practicing insanity.

Our Founding Fathers obviously understood the frailties of human beings, and created a document designed as best as possible to make our new country better. Yes, we've had some internal bumps in the road....slavery, Civil War, Obama leftism, etc. I agree with ya about the left going too far. But we've always found a way out of it and America eventually winds up stronger than before.

The basic flaw in some of your remarks, is that you seem to think that political discourse is unhealthy. You couldn't be more wrong about that. Political discourse is alive and well, and hopefully will be with us for a long time because that means we are living in a healthy, vibrant, dynamic, growing society.

Political discourse isn't confined to between the parties, it is of course within a party as well. My view is let's work within the Republican Party as best we can, and that way we can accomplish things. We accomplish nothing by dividing our party into two parties, except taking us a step closer to the book 1984 about a far leftist society.

I politically live by the old saying, "I don't agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." That old saying is fundamentally conservative. The problem with the today's left is they don't agree with that old saying. The left basically hates our First Amendment. They try as best they can to stifle and stop free speech, and they'd love to live in a 1984 type of society which Orwell stated the Soviet Union inspired him to write the book. There was no political discourse allowed with Big Brother.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 08:18:21 am by stephen50right »

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #452 on: October 18, 2017, 08:21:40 am »
And when I say lying, I mean:

"I think we can all agree that a big reason we haven't gotten some things is Congress, not the President."


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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #453 on: October 18, 2017, 08:34:51 am »
Helen Keller could see AND hear the difference....why is it, do you think, that the Far Left goes apoplectic at the mere mention of the name Trump?
I'll give you a hint...its not because they have any eerie similarities. Rather, they realize...quite astutely...that he is quite literally the opposite of all they advocate for and hold dear. Worse, like the countless conservatives they've cowed with their PC whip, Trump holds to his course like a mad bull after a red cape...they lose their cookies over him because they cannot stop or intimidate him.

Whatever he was in the past, he has become the antithesis of liberalism...and even they see it. Its astounding that anyone on the right could have so blinded themselves as to not see what's glaring in their face like 100 megaton flash.

I’m afraid the person and attitude you quoted is the reason why we only get politicians running for office and not normal, patriotic citizens. Because talented problem-solvers in business and industry are out there—Jack Welch types, who would be great in office but are scared off from running for office by the grinding, brutal campaign process and by the politics of personal destruction exhibited by your quotee.

We got lucky this time with Donald Trump.

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #454 on: October 18, 2017, 08:40:08 am »
Our Founding Fathers obviously understood the frailties of human beings, and created a document designed as best as possible to make our new country better. Yes, we've had some internal bumps in the road....slavery, Civil War, Obama leftism, etc. I agree with ya about the left going too far. But we've always found a way out of it and America eventually winds up stronger than before.

The basic flaw in some of your remarks, is that you seem to think that political discourse is unhealthy. You couldn't be more wrong about that. Political discourse is alive and well, and hopefully will be with us for a long time because that means we are living in a healthy, vibrant, dynamic, growing society.

Political discourse isn't confined to between the parties, it is of course within a party as well. My view is let's work within the Republican Party as best we can, and that way we can accomplish things. We accomplish nothing by dividing our party into two parties, except taking us a step closer to the book 1984 about a far leftist society.

I politically live by the old saying, "I don't agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." That old saying fundamentally conservative. The problem with the today's left is they don't agree with that. The left basically hates our First Amendment. They try as best they can to stifle and stop free speech, and they'd love to live in a 1984 type of society which Orwell stated the Soviet Union inspired him to write the book. There was no political discourse allowed with Big Brother.
I guess you didn't get the memo. The GOP is already divided, and has been, at least since Goldwater. That schism has been growing with the tendency of the GOP over the last several decades to assume it will get more votes by moving to the middle and dumping the desires of its Conservative base. While, so far, it has held the line on some issues, mainly because to fail invites total revolt, it often has 'compromised' with the Left. Unfortunately, that compromise has not started with the positions of Conservatives, who are repeatedly and summarily thrown under the bus within a week after the votes are counted, but begins with the 'moderate' stance and compromises to the Left. THis has been going on for decades, so much so that is is almost standard for the GOP to fail to make reversals of Leftist policy changes and enactments on the most salient issues, despite years of promising to do so. The ACA is a recent and shining example of such failure, and instead of taking the promised Conservative stance to 'repeal, root and branch', began with a 'moderate' stance to compromise from.
This model ensures that the goals of Conservatives, if even acknowledged, will not only not be met, but are almost always summarily discarded as being "unrealistic" or "the perfect standing in the way of the good", when, in fact, they are nothing more nor less than what was promised.
This rubbish has been SOP in the GOP all my adult life (I have eight great grandchildren), and I, despite my penchant for enduring and misplaced loyalty, am finally done with it. It is obvious the GOP will not change, and continuing to squander time and resources trying to fight the Leftward inertia of such an organization is a losing proposition for a Conservative. Embracing a party which will not let me be heard and which has a history of embracing questionable policy or failing to remove it, is no political voice.
While there are those who will argue that a third party will go unheard, I am already unheard within the GOP. What do I lose? By putting my energy into a Party where I can be heard now, even if only by a few, and into the growth of that Party into something which can be heard by more, while carrying the right message, I hopefully build a foundation that , if not me, others can use to promote the Originalist adherence to the Constitution of these United States, a return to a limited Federal Government, and the restoration of Liberty.
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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #455 on: October 18, 2017, 11:50:24 am »
My view is let's work within the Republican Party as best we can, and that way we can accomplish things. We accomplish nothing by dividing our party into two parties, [...].

I would invite you to enumerate the many, many Conservative positions fostered and/or pushed forward (accomplished) in the last 30 years.


No wait, I'll save you time:

« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 12:02:13 pm by roamer_1 »

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #456 on: October 18, 2017, 12:08:03 pm »
I guess you didn't get the memo. The GOP is already divided, and has been, at least since Goldwater. That schism has been growing with the tendency of the GOP over the last several decades to assume it will get more votes by moving to the middle and dumping the desires of its Conservative base. While, so far, it has held the line on some issues, mainly because to fail invites total revolt, it often has 'compromised' with the Left. Unfortunately, that compromise has not started with the positions of Conservatives, who are repeatedly and summarily thrown under the bus within a week after the votes are counted, but begins with the 'moderate' stance and compromises to the Left. THis has been going on for decades, so much so that is is almost standard for the GOP to fail to make reversals of Leftist policy changes and enactments on the most salient issues, despite years of promising to do so. The ACA is a recent and shining example of such failure, and instead of taking the promised Conservative stance to 'repeal, root and branch', began with a 'moderate' stance to compromise from.
This model ensures that the goals of Conservatives, if even acknowledged, will not only not be met, but are almost always summarily discarded as being "unrealistic" or "the perfect standing in the way of the good", when, in fact, they are nothing more nor less than what was promised.
This rubbish has been SOP in the GOP all my adult life (I have eight great grandchildren), and I, despite my penchant for enduring and misplaced loyalty, am finally done with it. It is obvious the GOP will not change, and continuing to squander time and resources trying to fight the Leftward inertia of such an organization is a losing proposition for a Conservative. Embracing a party which will not let me be heard and which has a history of embracing questionable policy or failing to remove it, is no political voice.
While there are those who will argue that a third party will go unheard, I am already unheard within the GOP. What do I lose? By putting my energy into a Party where I can be heard now, even if only by a few, and into the growth of that Party into something which can be heard by more, while carrying the right message, I hopefully build a foundation that , if not me, others can use to promote the Originalist adherence to the Constitution of these United States, a return to a limited Federal Government, and the restoration of Liberty.

This is utter foolishness, of course,  but lots of us value our egos more than the idea of working as part of a coalition that can acquire and wield political power.    Abandoning the GOP in favor of some silly third party is an exercise in vanity,  but if that's what you need,  then go for it.   Those of us who remain can refocus on getting the incremental changes that will grow our economy,  and make our citizens freer and safer.   

I think some conservatives are miffed to discover that governing is such hard work.  When it didn't matter,  conservatives signed on to a "root and branch" repeal of the ACA,  but now that we have power,  the reality that millions were helped as well as harmed by ObamaCare means that those millions that were helped form a constituency for the law's preservation that requires the making of compromises.   I supported each of the Republican attempts to reform the ACA,  while fully cognizant of their flaws, because I saw that each make substantial if incremental progress towards addressing conservative priorities - more freedom and choices for individuals, less taxes and regulation for businesses,  and the exchange of an unending mandate for block grants to the states to encourage innovation.   

The bills failed in part because conservatives were unenthusiastic they didn't go far enough.   Conservatives failed to rally and promote the reforms,  and contributed to their demise.  And now some conservatives are frustrated and want to leave the party. Politics is always easier when you're a backbencher, you can bray and pound your chest and even act irresponsible because, well, you don't have to take any responsibility. 
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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #457 on: October 18, 2017, 12:59:09 pm »
I guess you didn't get the memo. The GOP is already divided, and has been, at least since Goldwater. That schism has been growing with the tendency of the GOP over the last several decades to assume it will get more votes by moving to the middle and dumping the desires of its Conservative base. While, so far, it has held the line on some issues, mainly because to fail invites total revolt, it often has 'compromised' with the Left. Unfortunately, that compromise has not started with the positions of Conservatives, who are repeatedly and summarily thrown under the bus within a week after the votes are counted, but begins with the 'moderate' stance and compromises to the Left. THis has been going on for decades, so much so that is is almost standard for the GOP to fail to make reversals of Leftist policy changes and enactments on the most salient issues, despite years of promising to do so. The ACA is a recent and shining example of such failure, and instead of taking the promised Conservative stance to 'repeal, root and branch', began with a 'moderate' stance to compromise from.
This model ensures that the goals of Conservatives, if even acknowledged, will not only not be met, but are almost always summarily discarded as being "unrealistic" or "the perfect standing in the way of the good", when, in fact, they are nothing more nor less than what was promised.
This rubbish has been SOP in the GOP all my adult life (I have eight great grandchildren), and I, despite my penchant for enduring and misplaced loyalty, am finally done with it. It is obvious the GOP will not change, and continuing to squander time and resources trying to fight the Leftward inertia of such an organization is a losing proposition for a Conservative. Embracing a party which will not let me be heard and which has a history of embracing questionable policy or failing to remove it, is no political voice.
While there are those who will argue that a third party will go unheard, I am already unheard within the GOP. What do I lose? By putting my energy into a Party where I can be heard now, even if only by a few, and into the growth of that Party into something which can be heard by more, while carrying the right message, I hopefully build a foundation that , if not me, others can use to promote the Originalist adherence to the Constitution of these United States, a return to a limited Federal Government, and the restoration of Liberty.

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #458 on: October 18, 2017, 01:02:38 pm »
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Offline stephen50right

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #459 on: October 18, 2017, 01:15:54 pm »
I guess you didn't get the memo. The GOP is already divided, and has been, at least since Goldwater. That schism has been growing with the tendency of the GOP over the last several decades to assume it will get more votes by moving to the middle and dumping the desires of its Conservative base. While, so far, it has held the line on some issues, mainly because to fail invites total revolt, it often has 'compromised' with the Left. Unfortunately, that compromise has not started with the positions of Conservatives, who are repeatedly and summarily thrown under the bus within a week after the votes are counted, but begins with the 'moderate' stance and compromises to the Left. THis has been going on for decades, so much so that is is almost standard for the GOP to fail to make reversals of Leftist policy changes and enactments on the most salient issues, despite years of promising to do so. The ACA is a recent and shining example of such failure, and instead of taking the promised Conservative stance to 'repeal, root and branch', began with a 'moderate' stance to compromise from.
This model ensures that the goals of Conservatives, if even acknowledged, will not only not be met, but are almost always summarily discarded as being "unrealistic" or "the perfect standing in the way of the good", when, in fact, they are nothing more nor less than what was promised.
This rubbish has been SOP in the GOP all my adult life (I have eight great grandchildren), and I, despite my penchant for enduring and misplaced loyalty, am finally done with it. It is obvious the GOP will not change, and continuing to squander time and resources trying to fight the Leftward inertia of such an organization is a losing proposition for a Conservative. Embracing a party which will not let me be heard and which has a history of embracing questionable policy or failing to remove it, is no political voice.
While there are those who will argue that a third party will go unheard, I am already unheard within the GOP. What do I lose? By putting my energy into a Party where I can be heard now, even if only by a few, and into the growth of that Party into something which can be heard by more, while carrying the right message, I hopefully build a foundation that , if not me, others can use to promote the Originalist adherence to the Constitution of these United States, a return to a limited Federal Government, and the restoration of Liberty.

I mentioned the "memo" - political discourse

Sorry, but you're living in a fantasy land...I prefer reality.

I strongly believe in all the Tea Party ideas. However, if there had been an "official" Tea Party split from the Republican Party, we'd be saying President Hillary Clinton right now.

For those who think there is no difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, you really need to better understand the Democratic Party, and smell the socialism.

But to each his own, you keep on dreaming about things that will never happen. I'll stay in the Republican Party and work to get things done.

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #460 on: October 18, 2017, 01:19:33 pm »

For those who think there is no difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, you really need to better understand the Democratic Party, and smell the socialism.

It's a shocking example of "The willing suspension of disbelief".   

Anybody making such claims is an insult to morons everywhere.
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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #461 on: October 18, 2017, 01:21:13 pm »
I mentioned the "memo" - political discourse

Sorry, but you're living in a fantasy land...I prefer reality.

I strongly believe in all the Tea Party ideas. However, if there had been an "official" Tea Party split from the Republican Party, we'd be saying President Hillary Clinton right now.

For those who think there is no difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, you really need to better understand the Democratic Party, and smell the socialism.

But to each his own, you keep on dreaming about things that will never happen. I'll stay in the Republican Party and work to get things done.

You do that friend! Hope it works out better for you than it has me over the last 40+ years!  And I mean that sincerely!

BTW:  I was STILL there right up to the moment they changed the rules at their last convention so that they can now prevent the nomination of any conservative candidate!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #462 on: October 18, 2017, 01:23:21 pm »
It's a shocking example of "The willing suspension of disbelief".   

Anybody making such claims is an insult to morons everywhere.

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline stephen50right

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #463 on: October 18, 2017, 01:24:16 pm »
Make that a double!

Here's a "memo" for ya about Orson Welles. You really sure that this is the guy you want clapping for your point of view? 

Welles was a self-identified “progressive” who was hounded for being a leftist and sometimes probed or followed by various Red Scare-oriented committees of the U.S. government.

He first threw his hat into the arena of politics and current events in October of 1943, speaking at the Third Free World Dinner at NYC’s Hotel Pennsylvania. Others taking the rostrum were a British Minister, a U.S. Colonel and a Chinese ambassador. He also gave two speeches in November on behalf of the American Free World Association, which was committed to the destruction of fascism.

As a companion to these appearances at conferences, Welles began publishing essays in the left-wing journal Free World, edited by Louis Dolivet, a French emigre who’d risen among the ranks of American and exile wartime politics.

Welles espoused the Free Worlders’ value of internationalism, which was positioned opposite the isolationism prevalent in America as the second Great War rumbled on. This stance garnered some accusations of communism--this time this perception of Welles at least came from some political stance of his--previously, accusations of communism had come from William Randolph Hearst as a desperate attempt to smear Welles.

To these accusations, Welles said, “communists know otherwise. I am an overpaid movie producer...I’m all for making money if it means earning it...surely my right to having more than enough is canceled if I don’t use that more to help those who have less. This sense of humanity’s interdependence antedates Karl Marx.”

In the fall of ‘44, Welles directed a smidgen of his boundless energy to campaigning for FDR’s reelection. This involved a whistle-stop tour at which he gave speeches. Barbara Leaming writes that “it was not simply the content of his speeches he labored to get absolutely right, but their spoken rhythms as well.” He would meet with local Democratic leaders in each town to receive relevant local references. At a Sept. 21, 1944 rally at Madison Square Garden, Welles got the honor of introducing Henry Wallace. Leaming writes, “Orson’s appearance before the great mass oddly recalled his impersonation of Kane delivering a similarly resounding election speech in the film.” Getting to the content, Leaming praises Welles’ use of “the word ‘they’ chanted incessantly to conjure up the Republican opposition” and “the mighty opening line, ‘These are great days’ spoken thrice to punctuate the text at strategic moments.” The speech was such a hit that, afterward, the crowd outside chanted “Wallace and Welles in the White House in 1948!”

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #464 on: October 18, 2017, 01:25:17 pm »

Here's a "memo" for ya about Orson Welles. You really sure that this is the guy you want clapping for your point of view? 

Welles was a self-identified “progressive” who was hounded for being a leftist and sometimes probed or followed by various Red Scare-oriented committees of the U.S. government.

He first threw his hat into the arena of politics and current events in October of 1943, speaking at the Third Free World Dinner at NYC’s Hotel Pennsylvania. Others taking the rostrum were a British Minister, a U.S. Colonel and a Chinese ambassador. He also gave two speeches in November on behalf of the American Free World Association, which was committed to the destruction of fascism.

As a companion to these appearances at conferences, Welles began publishing essays in the left-wing journal Free World, edited by Louis Dolivet, a French emigre who’d risen among the ranks of American and exile wartime politics.

Welles espoused the Free Worlders’ value of internationalism, which was positioned opposite the isolationism prevalent in America as the second Great War rumbled on. This stance garnered some accusations of communism--this time this perception of Welles at least came from some political stance of his--previously, accusations of communism had come from William Randolph Hearst as a desperate attempt to smear Welles.

To these accusations, Welles said, “communists know otherwise. I am an overpaid movie producer...I’m all for making money if it means earning it...surely my right to having more than enough is canceled if I don’t use that more to help those who have less. This sense of humanity’s interdependence antedates Karl Marx.”

In the fall of ‘44, Welles directed a smidgen of his boundless energy to campaigning for FDR’s reelection. This involved a whistle-stop tour at which he gave speeches. Barbara Leaming writes that “it was not simply the content of his speeches he labored to get absolutely right, but their spoken rhythms as well.” He would meet with local Democratic leaders in each town to receive relevant local references. At a Sept. 21, 1944 rally at Madison Square Garden, Welles got the honor of introducing Henry Wallace. Leaming writes, “Orson’s appearance before the great mass oddly recalled his impersonation of Kane delivering a similarly resounding election speech in the film.” Getting to the content, Leaming praises Welles’ use of “the word ‘they’ chanted incessantly to conjure up the Republican opposition” and “the mighty opening line, ‘These are great days’ spoken thrice to punctuate the text at strategic moments.” The speech was such a hit that, afterward, the crowd outside chanted “Wallace and Welles in the White House in 1948!”


And sometimes a .gif of someone clapping is just a .gif of someone clapping commonly used in internet forums as a sign of approval of what the person typed.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 01:26:14 pm by txradioguy »
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #465 on: October 18, 2017, 01:29:35 pm »

Here's a "memo" for ya about Orson Welles. You really sure that this is the guy you want clapping for your point of view? 

I know all about Orson Wells my friend!  He was a founding member of the Fabian Society in London and he was not alone! 

The meme is for the post I responded to and certainly NOT the person doing the clapping!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #466 on: October 18, 2017, 01:32:38 pm »


Yea, yea, yea.

You're still not getting it. If someone is a large builder in New York City and they want to get things done and get permits and such with such a heavy Democratic Party influence...yes money talks, but it helps to spout off some garbage about supporting Democratic Party views so they think you are their friend.

But even if Trump believed that back then, which i'm convinced he truly did not, it isn't what he believes now, and that's all that matters with him as president.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 01:33:33 pm by stephen50right »

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #467 on: October 18, 2017, 01:38:46 pm »
I know all about Orson Wells my friend!  He was a founding member of the Fabian Society in London and he was not alone! 

The meme is for the post I responded to and certainly NOT the person doing the clapping!

We know what you did. So why not just have Jane Fonda clapping as well if only some clapping GIF matters, not the real person.

Offline DiogenesLamp

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #468 on: October 18, 2017, 01:38:51 pm »
@Frank Cannon

You know what?  You're both right.  I'm saying this sincerely.  You're both right.  We should have gotten better than we got.

You couldn't have gotten better than we got.   There was no "better"  that would have won.   You could only have gotten a lot worse than what we got. 

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline txradioguy

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #469 on: October 18, 2017, 01:40:06 pm »
Yea, yea, yea.

You're still not getting it. If someone is a large builder in New York City and they want to get things done and get permits and such with such a heavy Democratic Party influence...yes money talks, but it helps to spout off some garbage about supporting Democratic Party views so they think you are their friend.

No I get it.  A lot of people get it.  Only we're not as willing as others to trash our values and beliefs as others are to follow someone like Trump as blindly as you do.

You're still making the same old tired excuses for the fact he's a Liberal Democrat masquerading as a Republican merely for the sake of getting elected.

But even if Trump believed that back then, which i'm convinced he truly did not, it isn't what he believes now, and that's all that matters with him as president.

So by your own line of reasoning...we shouldn't have believed Clinton when he said he "loathed" the military because all that mattered was what he said and did as Preisdent.

So we're supposed to just ignore everything he said about Sandy Hook...supporting Obama multiple donations to the Clinton Foundation and hardcore Democrat Marxists simply because he bullied his way into the White House?

No one is so blind as those that will not see.

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #470 on: October 18, 2017, 01:41:37 pm »
We know what you did. So why not just have Jane Fonda clapping as well if only some clapping GIF matters, not the real person.

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline stephen50right

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #471 on: October 18, 2017, 01:41:55 pm »
It's a shocking example of "The willing suspension of disbelief".   

Anybody making such claims is an insult to morons everywhere.

Check out the nearest mirror.

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #472 on: October 18, 2017, 01:43:17 pm »

Another good leftist - Al Gore's roommate.

Now you're piling on. LOL

Offline txradioguy

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #473 on: October 18, 2017, 01:43:44 pm »
Check out the nearest mirror.

I actually think @DCPatriot was sticking up for you.

But in your zeal to crap on every rug in the place you missed that salient point.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline txradioguy

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Re: 20 reasons to join the fight against the Far Left
« Reply #474 on: October 18, 2017, 01:44:30 pm »
Another good leftist - Al Gore's roommate.

Now you're piling on. LOL

And you're turning out to be nothing more than an annoying intend on being a pest you insult even those that stick up for you.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!